drill 0.4.0

Drill is a HTTP load testing application written in Rust inspired by Ansible syntax
# Benchmark syntax

We're going to go through all of the benchmark options to understand all

This is a basic benchmark with 2 requests, run concurrently in 4 threads against
`http://example.com` servers, executed 5 times. 40 requests in total.

threads: 4
base: 'http://example.com'
iterations: 5

  - name: Fetch users
      url: /api/users.json

  - name: Fetch organizations
      url: /api/organizations

### Benchmark main properties

- `threads`: Number of threads running your plan concurrently. (Optional, default: 1)
- `base`: Base url for all relative URL's in your plan. (Optional)
- `iterations`: Number of loops is going to do each thread (Optional, default: 1)
- `plan`: List of items to do in your benchmark. (Required)

#### Plan items

- `include`: Include all requests in the given file.
- `request`: Execute a HTTP request.
- `assign`: Assign a value in the thread context to be interpolated later.

All those three items can be combined with `name` property to be show in logs.

#### Request item properties

- `url`: Url to be request for this item
- `headers`: List of custom headers you want to add in the requests.
- `method`: HTTP method in the requests. Valid methods are GET, POST, PUT, PATCH or DELETE. (default: GET)
- `body`: Request body for methods like POST, PUT or PATCH.
- `with_items`: List of items to be interpolated in the given request url.
- `with_items_from_csv`: Read the given CSV values and go through all of them as items.
- `assign`: save the response in the thread context to be interpolated later.