driftwood 0.0.7

a log on the tide
use crate::LogMiddlewareHasBeenRun;
use colored::*;
use size::{Base, Size};
use tide::{Request, Result};
/// Development logger
/// This logger colors the status code based on the status range
/// Example:
/// `GET http://localhost:8080/some/path 200 3.289292ms 227bytes`

#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct DevLogger;
impl<T: Clone + Send + Sync + 'static> tide::Middleware<T> for DevLogger {
    async fn handle(&self, mut req: Request<T>, next: tide::Next<'_, T>) -> Result {
        if req.ext::<LogMiddlewareHasBeenRun>().is_some() {
            return Ok(next.run(req).await);

        let url = req.url().to_owned();
        let method = req.method().to_string();
        let start = std::time::Instant::now();
        let response = next.run(req).await;
        let status = response.status();
            r#"{method} {url} {status} {response_time:?} {len}"#,
            response_time = std::time::Instant::now() - start,
            method = method,
            url = url,
            status = status.to_string().color(match status.into() {
                200..=299 => "green",
                300..=399 => "cyan",
                400..=499 => "yellow",
                500..=599 => "red",
                _ => "white",
            len = response
                .map(|l| Size::from_bytes(l)
                    .replace(' ', ""))
                .unwrap_or_else(|| String::from("-")),