dqcsim 0.4.1

DQCsim: Delft Quantum Classical Simulator
use super::*;
use crate::core::common::{error::Error, gates::UnitaryGateType};
use std::convert::TryFrom;

/// Type for a handle.
/// Handles are like pointers into DQCsim's internal structures: all API calls
/// use these to refer to objects. Besides the object, they contain type
/// information. This type can be retrieved using `dqcs_handle_type()`.
/// Handles are always positive integers, counting upwards from 1 upon
/// allocation, and they are not reused even after being deleted. Thus, every
/// subsequent object allocation returns a handle one greater than the
/// previous. Note however that DQCsim may allocate objects as well without
/// the user specifically requesting this, so external code should generally
/// *not* rely on this behavior unless otherwise noted. The value zero is
/// reserved for invalid references or error propagation.
/// Note that the scope for handles is thread-local. That is, data referenced
/// by a handle cannot be shared or moved between threads.
/// The value zero is reserved for invalid references or error propagation.
pub type dqcs_handle_t = c_ulonglong;

/// Type for a qubit reference.
/// Qubit references are exchanged between the frontend, operator, and backend
/// plugins to indicate which qubits a gate operates on. Note that this makes
/// them fundamentally different from handles, which are thread-local.
/// Qubit references are always positive integers, counting upwards from 1 upon
/// allocation, and they are not reused even after the qubit is deallocated.
/// Thus, every subsequent allocation returns a qubit reference one greater
/// than the previous. This is guaranteed behavior that external code can rely
/// upon. The value zero is reserved for invalid references or error
/// propagation.
pub type dqcs_qubit_t = c_ulonglong;

/// Type for a simulation cycle timestamp.
/// Timestamps count upward from zero. The type is signed to allow usage of -1
/// for errors, and to allow numerical differences to be represented.
pub type dqcs_cycle_t = c_longlong;

/// Type for a plugin state.
/// This is an opaque type that is passed along to plugin implementation
/// callback functions, which those callbacks can then use to interact with the
/// plugin instance. User code shall not create or modify values of this type,
/// and shall only use the values when calling `dqcs_plugin_*` functions.
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct dqcs_plugin_state_t(*mut c_void);

impl<'a> From<&mut PluginState<'a>> for dqcs_plugin_state_t {
    /// Convert a plugin state reference to its FFI representation.
    fn from(pc: &mut PluginState) -> dqcs_plugin_state_t {
        dqcs_plugin_state_t(pc as *mut PluginState as *mut c_void)

impl Into<&mut PluginState<'static>> for dqcs_plugin_state_t {
    /// Convert the FFI representation of a plugin state back to a Rust
    /// reference.
    fn into(self) -> &'static mut PluginState<'static> {
        unsafe { &mut *(self.0 as *mut PluginState) }

impl dqcs_plugin_state_t {
    pub fn resolve(self) -> Result<&'static mut PluginState<'static>> {
        if self.0.is_null() {
            inv_arg("plugin state pointer is null")
        } else {

/// Enumeration of types that can be associated with a handle.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_handle_type_t {
    /// Indicates that the given handle is invalid.
    /// This indicates one of the following:
    ///  - The handle value is invalid (zero or negative).
    ///  - The handle has not been used yet.
    ///  - The object associated with the handle was deleted.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to an `ArbData` object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `arb` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to an `ArbCmd` object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `arb`, and `cmd`
    /// interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a queue of `ArbCmd` object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `arb`, `cmd`, and
    /// `cq` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a set of qubit references.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `qbset`
    /// interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a quantum gate description.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `gate`, and `arb`
    /// interfaces.
    DQCS_HTYPE_GATE = 104,

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a qubit measurement result.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `meas`, and `arb`
    /// interfaces. It can also be used in place of a qubit measurement result
    /// set by functions that consume the object.
    DQCS_HTYPE_MEAS = 105,

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a set of qubit measurement
    /// results.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `mset` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a matrix.
    ///> This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `mat` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a gate map.
    ///> This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `gm` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a frontend plugin process
    /// configuration object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `pcfg`, and `xcfg`
    /// interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to an operator plugin process
    /// configuration object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `pcfg`, and `xcfg`
    /// interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a backend plugin process
    /// configuration object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `pcfg`, and `xcfg`
    /// interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a frontend plugin thread
    /// configuration object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `tcfg`, and `xcfg`
    /// interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to an operator plugin thread
    /// configuration object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `tcfg`, and `xcfg`
    /// interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a backend plugin thread
    /// configuration object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle`, `tcfg`, and `xcfg`
    /// interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a simulator configuration
    /// object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `scfg` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a simulator instance.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `sim` interfaces.
    DQCS_HTYPE_SIM = 208,

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a frontend plugin
    /// definition object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `pdef` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to an operator plugin
    /// definition object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `pdef` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a backend plugin
    /// definition object.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `pdef` interfaces.

    /// Indicates that the given handle belongs to a plugin thread join handle.
    /// This means that the handle supports the `handle` and `pjoin`
    /// interfaces.

/// Enumeration of the three types of plugins.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_plugin_type_t {
    /// Invalid plugin type. Used to indicate failure of an API that returns
    /// a plugin type.

    /// Frontend plugin.

    /// Operator plugin.

    /// Backend plugin.

impl From<PluginType> for dqcs_plugin_type_t {
    fn from(x: PluginType) -> Self {
        match x {
            PluginType::Frontend => dqcs_plugin_type_t::DQCS_PTYPE_FRONT,
            PluginType::Operator => dqcs_plugin_type_t::DQCS_PTYPE_OPER,
            PluginType::Backend => dqcs_plugin_type_t::DQCS_PTYPE_BACK,

impl Into<Result<PluginType>> for dqcs_plugin_type_t {
    fn into(self) -> Result<PluginType> {
        match self {
            dqcs_plugin_type_t::DQCS_PTYPE_FRONT => Ok(PluginType::Frontend),
            dqcs_plugin_type_t::DQCS_PTYPE_OPER => Ok(PluginType::Operator),
            dqcs_plugin_type_t::DQCS_PTYPE_BACK => Ok(PluginType::Backend),
            _ => inv_arg("invalid plugin type"),

/// Enumeration of loglevels and logging modes.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_loglevel_t {
    /// Invalid loglevel. Used to indicate failure of an API that returns a
    /// loglevel.

    /// Turns logging off.
    DQCS_LOG_OFF = 0,

    /// This loglevel is to be used for reporting a fatal error, resulting from
    /// the owner of the logger getting into an illegal state from which it
    /// cannot recover. Such problems are also reported to the API caller via
    /// Result::Err if applicable.

    /// This loglevel is to be used for reporting or propagating a non-fatal
    /// error caused by the API caller doing something wrong. Such problems are
    /// also reported to the API caller via Result::Err if applicable.

    /// This loglevel is to be used for reporting that a called API/function is
    /// telling us we did something wrong (that we weren't expecting), but we
    /// can recover. For instance, for a failed connection attempt to something
    /// that really should not be failing, we can still retry (and eventually
    /// report critical or error if a retry counter overflows). Since we're
    /// still trying to rectify things at this point, such problems are NOT
    /// reported to the API/function caller via Result::Err.
    DQCS_LOG_WARN = 3,

    /// This loglevel is to be used for reporting information specifically
    /// requested by the user/API caller, such as the result of an API function
    /// requested through the command line, or an explicitly captured
    /// stdout/stderr stream.
    DQCS_LOG_NOTE = 4,

    /// This loglevel is to be used for reporting information NOT specifically
    /// requested by the user/API caller, such as a plugin starting up or
    /// shutting down.
    DQCS_LOG_INFO = 5,

    /// This loglevel is to be used for reporting debugging information useful
    /// for debugging the user of the API provided by the logged instance.

    /// This loglevel is to be used for reporting debugging information useful
    /// for debugging the internals of the logged instance. Such messages would
    /// normally only be generated by debug builds, to prevent them from
    /// impacting performance under normal circumstances.

    /// This is intended to be used when configuring the stdout/stderr capture
    /// mode for a plugin process. Selecting it will prevent the stream from
    /// being captured; it will just be the same stream as DQCsim's own
    /// stdout/stderr. When used as the loglevel for a message, the message
    /// itself is sent to stderr instead of passing into DQCsim's log system.
    /// Using this for loglevel filters leads to undefined behavior.
    DQCS_LOG_PASS = 8,

impl From<StreamCaptureMode> for dqcs_loglevel_t {
    fn from(x: StreamCaptureMode) -> Self {
        match x {
            StreamCaptureMode::Pass => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_PASS,
            StreamCaptureMode::Null => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_OFF,
            StreamCaptureMode::Capture(loglevel) => loglevel.into(),

impl Into<Result<StreamCaptureMode>> for dqcs_loglevel_t {
    fn into(self) -> Result<StreamCaptureMode> {
        match self {
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_INVALID => inv_arg("invalid level"),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_OFF => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Null),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_FATAL => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Capture(Loglevel::Fatal)),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_ERROR => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Capture(Loglevel::Error)),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_WARN => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Capture(Loglevel::Warn)),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_NOTE => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Capture(Loglevel::Note)),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_INFO => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Capture(Loglevel::Info)),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_DEBUG => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Capture(Loglevel::Debug)),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_TRACE => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Capture(Loglevel::Trace)),
            dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_PASS => Ok(StreamCaptureMode::Pass),

impl From<Loglevel> for dqcs_loglevel_t {
    fn from(x: Loglevel) -> Self {
        match x {
            Loglevel::Fatal => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_FATAL,
            Loglevel::Error => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_ERROR,
            Loglevel::Warn => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_WARN,
            Loglevel::Note => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_NOTE,
            Loglevel::Info => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_INFO,
            Loglevel::Debug => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_DEBUG,
            Loglevel::Trace => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_TRACE,

impl dqcs_loglevel_t {
    pub fn into_capture_mode(self) -> Result<StreamCaptureMode> {

    pub fn into_loglevel(self) -> Result<Loglevel> {
        match self.into_capture_mode()? {
            StreamCaptureMode::Capture(level) => Ok(level),
            _ => inv_arg(format!("invalid loglevel {:?}", self)),

    pub fn into_loglevel_filter(self) -> Result<LoglevelFilter> {
        match self.into_capture_mode()? {
            StreamCaptureMode::Capture(level) => Ok(level.into()),
            StreamCaptureMode::Null => Ok(LoglevelFilter::Off),
            _ => inv_arg(format!("invalid loglevel filter {:?}", self)),

impl From<LoglevelFilter> for dqcs_loglevel_t {
    fn from(x: LoglevelFilter) -> Self {
        match x {
            LoglevelFilter::Off => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_OFF,
            LoglevelFilter::Fatal => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_FATAL,
            LoglevelFilter::Error => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_ERROR,
            LoglevelFilter::Warn => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_WARN,
            LoglevelFilter::Note => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_NOTE,
            LoglevelFilter::Info => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_INFO,
            LoglevelFilter::Debug => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_DEBUG,
            LoglevelFilter::Trace => dqcs_loglevel_t::DQCS_LOG_TRACE,

/// Default return type for functions that don't need to return anything.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_return_t {
    /// The function has failed. More information may be obtained through
    /// `dqcsim_explain()`.
    DQCS_FAILURE = -1,

    /// The function did what it was supposed to.

/// Return type for functions that normally return a boolean but can also fail.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_bool_return_t {
    /// The function has failed. More information may be obtained through
    /// `dqcsim_explain()`.

    /// The function did what it was supposed to and returned false.
    DQCS_FALSE = 0,

    /// The function did what it was supposed to and returned true.
    DQCS_TRUE = 1,

impl From<bool> for dqcs_bool_return_t {
    fn from(b: bool) -> Self {
        if b {
        } else {

/// Qubit measurement value.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_measurement_t {
    /// Error value used to indicate that something went wrong.

    /// Indicates that the qubit was measured to be zero.

    /// Indicates that the qubit was measured to be one.
    DQCS_MEAS_ONE = 1,

    /// Indicates that the measurement value is unknown for whatever reason.

impl Into<Option<QubitMeasurementValue>> for dqcs_measurement_t {
    fn into(self) -> Option<QubitMeasurementValue> {
        match self {
            dqcs_measurement_t::DQCS_MEAS_INVALID => None,
            dqcs_measurement_t::DQCS_MEAS_ZERO => Some(QubitMeasurementValue::Zero),
            dqcs_measurement_t::DQCS_MEAS_ONE => Some(QubitMeasurementValue::One),
            dqcs_measurement_t::DQCS_MEAS_UNDEFINED => Some(QubitMeasurementValue::Undefined),

impl From<QubitMeasurementValue> for dqcs_measurement_t {
    fn from(x: QubitMeasurementValue) -> dqcs_measurement_t {
        match x {
            QubitMeasurementValue::Undefined => dqcs_measurement_t::DQCS_MEAS_UNDEFINED,
            QubitMeasurementValue::Zero => dqcs_measurement_t::DQCS_MEAS_ZERO,
            QubitMeasurementValue::One => dqcs_measurement_t::DQCS_MEAS_ONE,

/// Reproduction file path style.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_path_style_t {
    /// Error value used to indicate that something went wrong.

    /// Specifies that paths should be saved the same way they were specified
    /// on the command line.

    /// Specifies that all paths should be saved relative to DQCsim's working
    /// directory.

    /// Specifies that all paths should be saved canonically, i.e. relative to
    /// the root directory.

impl Into<Option<ReproductionPathStyle>> for dqcs_path_style_t {
    fn into(self) -> Option<ReproductionPathStyle> {
        match self {
            dqcs_path_style_t::DQCS_PATH_STYLE_INVALID => None,
            dqcs_path_style_t::DQCS_PATH_STYLE_KEEP => Some(ReproductionPathStyle::Keep),
            dqcs_path_style_t::DQCS_PATH_STYLE_RELATIVE => Some(ReproductionPathStyle::Relative),
            dqcs_path_style_t::DQCS_PATH_STYLE_ABSOLUTE => Some(ReproductionPathStyle::Absolute),

impl From<ReproductionPathStyle> for dqcs_path_style_t {
    fn from(x: ReproductionPathStyle) -> dqcs_path_style_t {
        match x {
            ReproductionPathStyle::Keep => dqcs_path_style_t::DQCS_PATH_STYLE_KEEP,
            ReproductionPathStyle::Relative => dqcs_path_style_t::DQCS_PATH_STYLE_RELATIVE,
            ReproductionPathStyle::Absolute => dqcs_path_style_t::DQCS_PATH_STYLE_ABSOLUTE,

/// Enumeration of gates defined by DQCsim.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_predefined_gate_t {
    /// Invalid gate. Used as an error return value.

    /// The identity gate for a single qubit.
    /// \f[
    /// I = \sigma_0 = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_PAULI_I = 100,

    /// The Pauli X matrix.
    /// \f[
    /// X = \sigma_1 = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 0 & 1 \\
    /// 1 & 0
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_PAULI_X = 101,

    /// The Pauli Y matrix.
    /// \f[
    /// Y = \sigma_2 = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 0 & -i \\
    /// i & 0
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_PAULI_Y = 102,

    /// The Pauli Z matrix.
    /// \f[
    /// Z = \sigma_3 = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & -1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_PAULI_Z = 103,

    /// The hadamard gate matrix. That is, a 180-degree Y rotation, followed by
    /// a 90-degree X rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// H = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 1 \\
    /// 1 & -1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_H = 104,

    /// The S matrix, also known as a 90 degree Z rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// S = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & i
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_S = 105,

    /// The S-dagger matrix, also known as a negative 90 degree Z rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// S^\dagger = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & -i
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_S_DAG = 106,

    /// The T matrix, also known as a 45 degree Z rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// T = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & e^{i\frac{\pi}{4}}
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_T = 107,

    /// The T-dagger matrix, also known as a negative 45 degree Z rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// T^\dagger = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & e^{-i\frac{\pi}{4}}
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_T_DAG = 108,

    /// Rx(90°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_x\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & -i \\
    /// -i & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_RX_90 = 109,

    /// Rx(-90°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_x\left(-\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & i \\
    /// i & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_RX_M90 = 110,

    /// Rx(180°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_x(\pi) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 0 & -i \\
    /// -i & 0
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// This matrix is equivalent to the Pauli X gate, but differs in global
    /// phase. Note that this difference is significant when it is used as a
    /// submatrix for a controlled gate.
    DQCS_GATE_RX_180 = 111,

    /// Ry(90°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_y\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & -1 \\
    /// 1 & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_RY_90 = 112,

    /// Ry(-90°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_y\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 1 \\
    /// -1 & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_RY_M90 = 113,

    /// Ry(180°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_y(\pi) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 0 & -1 \\
    /// 1 & 0
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// This matrix is equivalent to the Pauli Y gate, but differs in global
    /// phase. Note that this difference is significant when it is used as a
    /// submatrix for a controlled gate.
    DQCS_GATE_RY_180 = 114,

    /// Rz(90°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_z\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1-i & 0 \\
    /// 0 & 1+i
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// This matrix is equivalent to the S gate, but differs in global phase.
    /// Note that this difference is significant when it is used as a submatrix
    /// for a controlled gate.
    DQCS_GATE_RZ_90 = 115,

    /// Rz(-90°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_z\left(-\frac{\pi}{2}\right) = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1+i & 0 \\
    /// 0 & 1-i
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// This matrix is equivalent to the S-dagger gate, but differs in global
    /// phase. Note that this difference is significant when it is used as a
    /// submatrix for a controlled gate.
    DQCS_GATE_RZ_M90 = 116,

    /// Rz(180°) gate.
    /// \f[
    /// R_z(\pi) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// -i & 0 \\
    /// 0 & i
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// This matrix is equivalent to the Pauli Z gate, but differs in global
    /// phase. Note that this difference is significant when it is used as a
    /// submatrix for a controlled gate.
    DQCS_GATE_RZ_180 = 117,

    /// The matrix for an arbitrary X rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// R_x(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}} & -i\sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} \\
    /// -i\sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} & \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}}
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// θ is specified or returned through the first binary string argument
    /// of the parameterization ArbData object. It is represented as a
    /// little-endian double floating point value, specified in radians.
    DQCS_GATE_RX = 150,

    /// The matrix for an arbitrary Y rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// R_y(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}} & -\sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} \\
    /// \sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} & \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}}
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// θ is specified or returned through the first binary string argument
    /// of the parameterization ArbData object. It is represented as a
    /// little-endian double floating point value, specified in radians.
    DQCS_GATE_RY = 151,

    /// The matrix for an arbitrary Z rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// R_z(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// e^{-i\frac{\theta}{2}} & 0 \\
    /// 0 & e^{i\frac{\theta}{2}}
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// θ is specified or returned through the first binary string argument
    /// of the parameterization ArbData object. It is represented as a
    /// little-endian double floating point value, specified in radians.
    DQCS_GATE_RZ = 152,

    /// The matrix for a Z rotation with angle π/2^k.
    /// \f[
    /// \textit{PhaseK}(k) = \textit{Phase}\left(\frac{\pi}{2^k}\right) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & e^{i\pi / 2^k}
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// k is specified or returned through the first binary string argument
    /// of the parameterization ArbData object. It is represented as a
    /// little-endian unsigned 64-bit integer.
    DQCS_GATE_PHASE_K = 153,

    /// The matrix for an arbitrary Z rotation.
    /// \f[
    /// \textit{Phase}(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & e^{i\theta}
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// θ is specified or returned through the first binary string argument
    /// of the parameterization ArbData object. It is represented as a
    /// little-endian double floating point value, specified in radians.
    /// This matrix is equivalent to the Rz gate, but differs in global phase.
    /// Note that this difference is significant when it is used as a submatrix
    /// for a controlled gate. Specifically, controlled phase gates use the
    /// phase as specified by this gate, whereas Rz follows the usual algebraic
    /// notation.
    DQCS_GATE_PHASE = 154,

    /// Any single-qubit unitary gate, parameterized as a full unitary matrix.
    /// The full matrix is specified or returned through the first binary string
    /// argument of the parameterization ArbData object. It is represented as an
    /// array of little-endian double floating point values, structured as
    /// real/imag pairs, with the pairs in row-major order.
    DQCS_GATE_U1 = 190,

    /// Arbitrary rotation matrix.
    /// \f[
    /// R(\theta, \phi, \lambda) = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}} & -\sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} e^{i\lambda} \\
    /// \sin{\frac{\theta}{2}} e^{i\phi} & \cos{\frac{\theta}{2}} e^{i\phi + i\lambda}
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    /// This is equivalent to the following:
    /// \f[
    /// R(\theta, \phi, \lambda) = \textit{Phase}(\phi) \cdot R_y(\theta) \cdot \textit{Phase}(\lambda)
    /// \f]
    /// The rotation order and phase is taken from Qiskit's U3 gate. Ignoring
    /// global phase, any unitary single-qubit gate can be represented with this
    /// notation.
    /// θ, φ, and λ are specified or returned through the first three binary
    /// string arguments of the parameterization ArbData object. They are
    /// represented as little-endian double floating point values, specified in
    /// radians.
    DQCS_GATE_R = 191,

    /// The swap gate matrix.
    /// \f[
    /// \textit{SWAP} = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & 0 & 0 & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_GATE_SWAP = 200,

    /// The square-root of a swap gate matrix.
    /// \f[
    /// \sqrt{\textit{SWAP}} = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & \frac{i+1}{2} & \frac{i-1}{2} & 0 \\
    /// 0 & \frac{i-1}{2} & \frac{i+1}{2} & 0 \\
    /// 0 & 0 & 0 & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]

    /// Any two-qubit unitary gate, parameterized as a full unitary matrix.
    /// The full matrix is specified or returned through the first binary string
    /// argument of the parameterization ArbData object. It is represented as an
    /// array of little-endian double floating point values, structured as
    /// real/imag pairs, with the pairs in row-major order.
    DQCS_GATE_U2 = 290,

    /// Any three-qubit unitary gate, parameterized as a full unitary matrix.
    /// The full matrix is specified or returned through the first binary string
    /// argument of the parameterization ArbData object. It is represented as an
    /// array of little-endian double floating point values, structured as
    /// real/imag pairs, with the pairs in row-major order.
    DQCS_GATE_U3 = 390,

impl TryFrom<dqcs_predefined_gate_t> for UnitaryGateType {
    type Error = Error;
    fn try_from(gate_type: dqcs_predefined_gate_t) -> Result<Self> {
        match gate_type {
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_PAULI_I => Ok(UnitaryGateType::I),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_PAULI_X => Ok(UnitaryGateType::X),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_PAULI_Y => Ok(UnitaryGateType::Y),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_PAULI_Z => Ok(UnitaryGateType::Z),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_H => Ok(UnitaryGateType::H),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_S => Ok(UnitaryGateType::S),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_S_DAG => Ok(UnitaryGateType::SDAG),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_T => Ok(UnitaryGateType::T),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_T_DAG => Ok(UnitaryGateType::TDAG),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RX_90 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RX90),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RX_M90 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RXM90),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RX_180 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RX180),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RY_90 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RY90),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RY_M90 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RYM90),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RY_180 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RY180),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RZ_90 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RZ90),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RZ_M90 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RZM90),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RZ_180 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RZ180),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RX => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RX),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RY => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RY),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_PHASE => Ok(UnitaryGateType::Phase),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_PHASE_K => Ok(UnitaryGateType::PhaseK),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_RZ => Ok(UnitaryGateType::RZ),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_U1 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::U(1)),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_R => Ok(UnitaryGateType::R),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_SWAP => Ok(UnitaryGateType::SWAP),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_SQRT_SWAP => Ok(UnitaryGateType::SQSWAP),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_U2 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::U(2)),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_U3 => Ok(UnitaryGateType::U(3)),
            dqcs_predefined_gate_t::DQCS_GATE_INVALID => inv_arg("invalid gate"),

/// Enumeration of Pauli bases.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_basis_t {
    /// Invalid basis. Used as an error return value.

    /// The X basis.
    /// \f[
    /// \psi_X = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & -1 \\
    /// 1 & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_BASIS_X = 1,

    /// The Y basis.
    /// \f[
    /// \psi_Y = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & i \\
    /// i & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_BASIS_Y = 2,

    /// The Z basis.
    /// \f[
    /// \psi_Z = \begin{bmatrix}
    /// 1 & 0 \\
    /// 0 & 1
    /// \end{bmatrix}
    /// \f]
    DQCS_BASIS_Z = 3,

impl TryFrom<dqcs_basis_t> for Basis {
    type Error = Error;
    fn try_from(basis: dqcs_basis_t) -> Result<Self> {
        match basis {
            dqcs_basis_t::DQCS_BASIS_X => Ok(Basis::X),
            dqcs_basis_t::DQCS_BASIS_Y => Ok(Basis::Y),
            dqcs_basis_t::DQCS_BASIS_Z => Ok(Basis::Z),
            dqcs_basis_t::DQCS_BASIS_INVALID => inv_arg("invalid basis"),

/// Types of DQCsim gates.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum dqcs_gate_type_t {
    /// Invalid gate type. Used as an error return value.

    /// Unitary gates have one or more target qubits, zero or more control
    /// qubits, and a unitary matrix, sized for the number of target qubits.
    /// The semantics are that the unitary matrix expanded by the number of
    /// control qubits is applied to the qubits.
    /// The data field may add pragma-like hints to the gate, for instance to
    /// represent the line number in the source file that generated the gate,
    /// error modelling information, and so on. This data may be silently
    /// ignored.

    /// Measurement gates have one or more measured qubits and a 2x2 unitary
    /// matrix representing the basis.
    /// The semantics are:
    ///  - the hermetian of the matrix is applied to each individual qubit;
    ///  - each individual qubit is measured in the Z basis;
    ///  - the matrix is applied to each individual qubit;
    ///  - the results of the measurement are propagated upstream.
    /// This allows any measurement basis to be used.
    /// The data field may add pragma-like hints to the gate, for instance to
    /// represent the line number in the source file that generated the gate,
    /// error modelling information, and so on. This data may be silently
    /// ignored.

    /// Prep gates have one or more target qubits and a 2x2 unitary matrix
    /// representing the basis.
    /// The semantics are:
    ///  - each qubit is initialized to |0>;
    ///  - the matrix is applied to each individual qubit.
    /// This allows any initial state to be used.
    /// The data field may add pragma-like hints to the gate, for instance to
    /// represent the line number in the source file that generated the gate,
    /// error modelling information, and so on. This data may be silently
    /// ignored.

    /// Custom gates perform a user-defined mixed quantum-classical operation,
    /// identified by a name. They can have zero or more target, control, and
    /// measured qubits, of which only the target and control sets must be
    /// mutually exclusive. They also have an optional matrix of arbitrary
    /// size.
    /// The semantics are:
    ///  - if the name is not recognized, an error is reported;
    ///  - a user-defined operation is performed based on the name, qubits,
    ///    matrix, and data arguments;
    ///  - exactly one measurement result is reported upstream for exactly the
    ///    qubits in the measures set.

impl From<&GateType> for dqcs_gate_type_t {
    fn from(gate_type: &GateType) -> dqcs_gate_type_t {
        match gate_type {
            GateType::Unitary => dqcs_gate_type_t::DQCS_GATE_TYPE_UNITARY,
            GateType::Measurement => dqcs_gate_type_t::DQCS_GATE_TYPE_MEASUREMENT,
            GateType::Prep => dqcs_gate_type_t::DQCS_GATE_TYPE_PREP,
            GateType::Custom(_) => dqcs_gate_type_t::DQCS_GATE_TYPE_CUSTOM,