dprint 0.34.4

Binary for dprint code formatter—a pluggable and configurable code formatting platform.
pub fn is_negated_glob(pattern: &str) -> bool {
  let mut chars = pattern.chars();
  let first_char = chars.next();
  let second_char = chars.next();

  first_char == Some('!') && second_char != Some('(')

pub fn is_absolute_pattern(pattern: &str) -> bool {
  let pattern = if is_negated_glob(pattern) { &pattern[1..] } else { pattern };
  pattern.starts_with('/') || is_windows_absolute_pattern(pattern)

fn is_windows_absolute_pattern(pattern: &str) -> bool {
  // ex. D:/
  let mut chars = pattern.chars();

  // ensure the first character is alphabetic
  let next_char = chars.next();
  if next_char.is_none() || !next_char.unwrap().is_ascii_alphabetic() {
    return false;

  // skip over the remaining alphabetic characters
  let mut next_char = chars.next();
  while next_char.is_some() && next_char.unwrap().is_ascii_alphabetic() {
    next_char = chars.next();

  // ensure colon
  if next_char != Some(':') {
    return false;

  // now check for the last slash
  let next_char = chars.next();
  matches!(next_char, Some('/'))

mod tests {
  use super::*;

  fn should_get_if_absolute_pattern() {
    assert_eq!(is_absolute_pattern("test.ts"), false);
    assert_eq!(is_absolute_pattern("!test.ts"), false);
    assert_eq!(is_absolute_pattern("/test.ts"), true);
    assert_eq!(is_absolute_pattern("!/test.ts"), true);
    assert_eq!(is_absolute_pattern("D:/test.ts"), true);
    assert_eq!(is_absolute_pattern("!D:/test.ts"), true);