downcast-rs 1.0.0

Trait object downcasting support using safe code and supporting type parameters, associated types, and type constraints.


Rust enums are great for types where all variations are known beforehand. But in the case where you want to implement a container of user-defined types, an open-ended type like a trait object is needed. In some cases, it is useful to cast the trait object back into its original concrete type to access additional functionality and performant inlined implementations.

downcast-rs adds basic downcasting support to trait objects, supporting type parameters, associated types, and constraints.

To make a trait downcastable, make it extend the downcast::Downcast trait and invoke impl_downcast! on it as follows:

trait Trait: Downcast {}

// With type parameters.
trait TraitGeneric1<T>: Downcast {}

// With associated types.
trait TraitGeneric2: Downcast { type G; type H; }
impl_downcast!(TraitGeneric2 assoc G, H);

// With constraints on types.
trait TraitGeneric3<T: Copy>: Downcast {
    type H: Clone;
impl_downcast!(TraitGeneric3<T> assoc H where T: Copy, H: Clone);

// With concrete types.
trait TraitConcrete1<T: Copy>: Downcast {}
impl_downcast!(concrete TraitConcrete1<u32>);

trait TraitConcrete2<T: Copy>: Downcast { type H; }
impl_downcast!(concrete TraitConcrete2<u32> assoc H=f64);

Example without generics

extern crate downcast_rs;
use downcast_rs::Downcast;

// To create a trait with downcasting methods, extend `Downcast` and run
// impl_downcast!() on the trait.
trait Base: Downcast {}

// Concrete types implementing Base.
struct Foo(u32);
impl Base for Foo {}
struct Bar(f64);
impl Base for Bar {}

fn main() {
    // Create a trait object.
    let mut base: Box<Base> = Box::new(Foo(42));

    // Try sequential downcasts.
    if let Some(foo) = base.downcast_ref::<Foo>() {
        assert_eq!(foo.0, 42);
    } else if let Some(bar) = base.downcast_ref::<Bar>() {
        assert_eq!(bar.0, 42.0);


Example with a generic trait with associated types and constraints

extern crate downcast_rs;
use downcast_rs::Downcast;

// To create a trait with downcasting methods, extend `Downcast` and run
// impl_downcast!() on the trait.
trait Base<T: Clone>: Downcast { type H: Copy; }
impl_downcast!(Base<T> assoc H where T: Clone, H: Copy);
// or: impl_downcast!(concrete Base<u32> assoc H=f32)

// Concrete types implementing Base.
struct Foo(u32);
impl Base<u32> for Foo { type H = f32; }
struct Bar(f64);
impl Base<u32> for Bar { type H = f32; }

fn main() {
    // Create a trait object.
    let mut base: Box<Base<u32, H=f32>> = Box::new(Bar(42.0));

    // Try sequential downcasts.
    if let Some(foo) = base.downcast_ref::<Foo>() {
        assert_eq!(foo.0, 42);
    } else if let Some(bar) = base.downcast_ref::<Bar>() {
        assert_eq!(bar.0, 42.0);



Copyright 2015, Ashish Myles. This software is dual-licensed under the MIT and Apache 2.0 licenses.