double 0.1.4

Full-featured mocking library in Rust, including rich failure messages and argument matchers


Full-featured mocking library in Rust, including rich failure messages and argument matchers.

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Double lets you mock trait implementations so that you can track function call arguments and set return values or overrides functions at test time. foo

Here's a quick example:

extern crate double;

// Code under test
trait BalanceSheet {
    fn profit(&self, revenue: u32, costs: u32) -> i32;

fn double_profit(revenue: u32, costs: u32, balance_sheet: &BalanceSheet) -> i32 {
    balance_sheet.profit(revenue, costs) * 2

// Test which uses a mock BalanceSheet
    profit(u32, u32) -> i32);
impl BalanceSheet for MockBalanceSheet {
    mock_method!(profit(&self, revenue: u32, costs: u32) -> i32);

fn test_doubling_a_sheets_profit() {
    // GIVEN:
    let sheet = MockBalanceSheet::default();
    // WHEN:
    let profit = double_profit(500, 250, &sheet);
    // THEN:
    // mock returned 250, which was doubled
    assert_eq!(500, profit);
    // assert that the revenue and costs were correctly passed to the mock
    sheet.profit.has_calls_exactly_in_order(vec!((500, 250)));

// Executing test
fn main() {

More examples are available in the examples directory.

Defining a Mock

Mocking a trait requires two steps. One to generate the mock struct that will implement the mock and another to generate the bodies of the mocked trait methods.

For step one, we use the mock_trait macro. This takes the name of the mock struct to generate and a list specifying all of the trait's methods, their arguments (omitting self) and their return values (specifying -> () if the method does not return a value).

Consider the example below:

trait BalanceSheet {
    fn profit(&self, revenue: u32, costs: u32) -> i32;
    fn clear(&mut self);

    profit(u32, u32) -> i32,
    clear() -> ());

Here, we generate a struct called MockBalanceSheet. This struct contains all the necessary data to store the number of types each method is called, what arguments they are invoked with and what values each method should return when invoked. This data is stored per-method, with the struct having a double::Mock field for each method. This is why all of the trait's methods must be declared when the struct is generated.

For step 2, we generate the bodies of the mocked methods. The generated bodies contain boilerplate code for passing the method's arguments to the underlying double::Mock objects using mock_method. For example:

impl BalanceSheet for MockBalanceSheet {
    mock_method!(profit(&self, revenue: u32, costs: u32) -> i32);
    mock_method!(clear(&mut self));

Notice how both immutable and mutable methods can be specified. One just passes &self or &mut self to mock_method, depending on whether the trait being mocked specifies the method as immutable or mutable.

After both of these steps, the mock object is ready to use.

Using a Mock

Tests with mocks are typically structured like so:

  1. GIVEN: create mock objects and specify what values they return
  2. WHEN: run code under test, passing mock objects to it
  3. THEN: assert mocks were called the expected number of times, with the expected arguments

For example, suppose we wish to test some code that uses a BalanceSheet generate a HTML page showing the current profit of something:

fn generate_profit_page<T: BalanceSheet>(revenue: u32, costs: u32, sheet: &T) {
    let profit_str = sheet.profit(revenue, costs).to_string();
    return "<html><body><p>Profit is: $" + profit_str + "</p></body></html>";

We can use our generated MockBalanceSheet to test this function:

fn test_balance {
    // GIVEN:
    // create instance of mock and configure its behaviour (will return 42)
    let mock = MockBalanceSheet::default();

    // WHEN:
    // run code under test
    let page = generate_profit_page(30, 20);

    // THEN:
    // ensure mock affected output in the right away
    assert_eq!("<html><body><p>Profit is: $42</p></body></html>")
    // also assert that the mock's profit() method was called _exactly_ once,
    // with the arguments 30 (for revenue) and 20 (for costs).
        vec!((30, 20))

GIVEN: Setting Mock Behaviour

Mocks can be configured to return a single value, a sequence of values (one value for each call) or invoke a function/closure. Additionally, it is possible to make a mock return special values/invoke special functions when specific arguments are passed in.

These behaviours are configured by invoking methods on the mock objects themselves. These methods are listed in the table below.

Method What It Does
use_fn_for((args), Fn(...) -> retval) invoke given function and return the value it returns when specified (args) are passed in
use_closure_for((args), &Fn(...) -> retval) invoke given closure and return the value it returns when specified (args) are passed in
return_value_for((args), val) return val when specified (args) are passed in
use_fn(Fn(...) -> retval) invoke given function and return the value it returns by default
use_closure(&Fn(...) -> retval) invoke given closure and return the value it returns by default
return_values(vec<retval>) return values in given vector by default, return one value for each invocation of the mock method. If there are no more values in the vector, return the default value specified by return_value()
return_value(val) return val by default

If no behaviour is specified, the mock will just return the default value of the return type, as specified by the Default trait.

Example usage:

// Configure mock to return 9001 profit when given args 42 and 10. Any other
// arguments will cause the mock to return a profit of 1.
let sheet = MockBalanceSheet::default();
sheet.profit.return_value_for((42, 10), 9001);

// Configure mock to call arbitrary function. The mock will return the
// result of the function back to the caller.
fn subtract(revenue: u32, costs: u32) -> i32 {
    revenue - costs
let sheet2 = MockBalanceSheet::default();

Code examples on how to use these are available in the rustdocs.

It is possible to use many of these in conjunction. For example, one can tell a mock to return a specific value for args (42, 10) using return_value_for(), but return the default value of 1 for everything else using return_value().

When a mock method is invoked, it uses a precdence order to determine if it should return a default value, return a specific value, invoke a function and so on.

The precedence order of these methods is the same order they are specified in the above table. For example, if use_fn and return_value are invoked, then the mock will invoke the function passed to use_fn and not return a value.

If a method returns an Option<T> or a Result<T, E>, then one can use the following convenience functions for specifying default return values:

Method Returns What It Does
return_some Some(val) return Some(val) enum of Option
return_none None returs the None enum of Option
return_ok Ok(val) return Ok(val) enum of Result
return_err Err(val) return Err(val) enum of Result

THEN: Asserting Code Under Test Used Mock in Expected Way

After the test has run, we can verify the mock was called the right number of times and with the right arguments.

The table below lists the methods that can be used to verify the mock was invoked as expected.

Method Returns What It Does
calls() Vec<(Args)> return the arguments of each mock invocation, ordered by invocation time
called() bool return true if method was called at least once
num_calls() usize number of times method was called
called_with((args)) bool return true if method was called at least once with given args
has_calls(vec!((args), ...)) bool return true if method was called at least once for each of the given args tuples
has_calls_in_order(vec!((args), ...)) bool return true if method was called at least once for each of the given args collections, and called with arguments in the same order as specified in the input vec
has_calls_exactly(vec!((args), ...)) bool return true if method was called exactly once for each of the given args collections
has_calls_exactly_in_order(vec!((args), ...)) bool return true if method was called exactly once for each of the given args collections, and called with arguments in the same order as specified in the input vec

Example usage:

let sheet = MockBalanceSheet::default();

// invoke mock method
sheet.profit(42, 10);
sheet.profit(5, 0);

// assert the invocation was recorded correctly
assert!(sheet.profit.called_with((42, 10)));
assert!(sheet.profit.has_calls((42, 10)));
assert!(sheet.profit.has_calls_in_order((42, 10), (5, 0)));
assert!(sheet.profit.has_calls_exactly((5, 0), (42, 10)));
assert!(sheet.profit.has_calls_exactly_in_order((42, 10), (5, 0)));

Reusing Mocks Across Multiple Tests

Invoke reset_calls() to clear all recorded calls of a mock method.

To ensure individual tests are as isolated (thus, less likely to have bugs) as possible, it is recommended that different mock objects are constructed for different test cases.

Nevertheless, there might a some case where reusing the same mock and its return values results in easier to read and more maintainable test code. In those cases, reset_calls() can be used to clear calls from previous tests.

Other Use Cases

Mocking Methods without a Return Value

If a method does not return anything, the return value can be omitted when generating the method using double's macros:

trait Queue {
    fn enqueue(&mut self, value: i32);
    fn dequeue(&mut self) -> i32;

    enqueue(i32) -> (), // still have to specify return value here...
    dequeue() -> i32);
impl Queue for MockQueue {
    mock_method!(enqueue(&mut self, value: i32));  // ...but not here!
    mock_method!(dequeue(&mut self) -> i32);

Mocking Methods That Take &str References

&str is a common argument type. However, double does not support mocking methods with &str arguments with additional boilerplaye.

This is because a mock cannot store received &str arguments. The mock needs to the own the given arguments and &str is a non-owning reference. Therefore, the mock trait has to be specified like so:

trait TextStreamWriter {
    fn write(&mut self, text: &str);

    // have to use `String`, not `&str` here, since `&str` is a reference
    write(String) -> ()

impl TextStreamWriter for MockTextStreamWriter {
    mock_method!(write(&mut self, text: &str), self, {
        // manually convert the reference to an owned `String` before passing
        // it to the underlying mock object

The method_method variant used above allows you to specify the body of the generated function manually. The custom body simply converts the &str argument to an owned string and passes it into the underlying write Mock object manually. (normally auto-generated bodies do this for you).

NOTE: The name of the underlying mock object is always the same as the mocked method's name. So in the custom write body, you should pass the arguments down to self.write.

&str parameters are common. We understand that it is inconvenient to manually specify the body each time they appear. There are plans to add a macro to generate a body that calls to_owned() automatically. This section will be updated when that has been released.

Mocking Methods with Generic Type Parameter

Mocking methods with generic type parameters require extra effort. For example, suppose one had a Comparator trait that was responsible for comparing any two values in the program. It might look something like this:

trait Comparator {
   fn is_equal<T: Eq>(&self, a: &T, b: &T) -> bool;

T can be multiple types. Currently, we cannot store call arguments that have generic types in the underlying Mock objects. Therefore, one has to convert the generic types to a different, common representation. One way to get around this limitation is converting each generic type to a String. e.g. for the Comparator trait:

# #[macro_use] extern crate double;

use std::string::ToString;

trait Comparator {
   fn is_equal<T: Eq + ToString>(&self, a: &T, b: &T) -> bool;

    // store all passed in call args as strings
    is_equal((String, String)) -> bool

impl Comparator for MockComparator {
    mock_method!(is_equal<(T: Eq + ToString)>(&self, a: &T, b: &T) -> bool, self, {
        // Convert both arguments to strings and manually pass to underlying
        // mock object.
        // Notice how the both arguments as passed as a single tuple. The
        // underlying mock object always expects a single tuple., b.to_string()))

If the to_string conversions for all T are not lossy, then our mock expectations can be exact. If the to_string conversions are lossy, then this mechanism can still be used, providing all the properties of the passed in objects are captured in the resultant Strings.

This approach requires the writer to ensure the code under test adds the ToString trait to the trait's type argument constraints. This limitation forces test writers to modify production code to use double for mocking.

Despite this, there is still value in using double for mocking generic methods with type arguments. Despite adding boilerplate to production code and manually implementing mock method bodies being cumbersome, the value add is that all argument matching, expectations, calling test functions, etc. are all still handled by double.

The authors of double argue that reimplenting the aforementined features is more cumbersome than the small amount of boilerplate required to mock methods with type arguments.

Using double Mocks for Free Functions

double::Mock objects can also be used for free functions. Consider the following function:

fn calculate_factor(value: i32, weighting_fn: &Fn(i32) -> i32) -> i32 {
    weighting_fn(value * 2)

This doubles some input value and applies a weighting to it. Suppose the weighting function can vary. For example, let's say the weighting function to use depends on user provided config. This means we need to pass a generic weighting function as a parameter.

Rather than generate your own mock weighting function boilerplate when testing calculate_factor, one can directly use double::Mock:

fn calculate_factor(value: i32, weighting_fn: &Fn(i32) -> i32) -> i32 {
    weighting_fn(value * 2)

fn main() {
    let mock_weighting_fn = Mock::<i32, i32>::default();

    // Wrap mock in a closure that is passed to the function under test. Note
    // how the closure is passed as a _reference_ for this
    // (e.g. &|x: i32| ...)
    let result = calculate_factor(42, &|x: i32|;

    assert_eq!(100, result);
        vec!(84)  // input arg should be doubled by calculate_factor()