double 0.1.2

Full-featured mocking library in Rust, including rich failure messages and argument matchers
# Double

### Full-featured mocking library in Rust, including rich failure messages and argument matchers.

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Based off [**iredelmeier's**]( initial mock implementation.

Double lets you mock `Trait` implementations so that you can track function call arguments and set return values or overrides functions at test time.

Here's a quick example:

extern crate double;

// Code under test
trait BalanceSheet {
    fn profit(&self, revenue: u32, costs: u32) -> i32;

fn get_profit(revenue: u32, costs: u32, balance_sheet: &BalanceSheet) -> i32 {
    balance_sheet.profit(revenue, costs)

// Tests which uses a mock BalanceSheet
    profit(u32, u32) -> i32);
impl BalanceSheet for MockBalanceSheet {
    mock_method!(profit(&self, revenue: u32, costs: u32) -> i32);

fn test_weighting_is_applied() {
    // GIVEN:
    let sheet = MockBalanceSheet::default();
    // WHEN:
    let profit = get_profit(500, 250, &sheet);
    // THEN:
    assert_eq!(250, profit);

fn test_correct_args_passed_to_balance_sheet() {
    // GIVEN:
    let sheet = MockBalanceSheet::default();
    // WHEN:
    let _ = get_profit(500, 250, &sheet);
    // THEN:
    sheet.profit.has_calls_exactly_in_order(vec!((500, 250)));

// Executing tests
fn main() {

More examples are available in the [examples directory](./examples).

### Credits

This library is based off [**iredelmeier's**]( initial mocking implementation. Massive thanks to her implementation for inpsiring me to work on this. The repo for her library [**can be found here**](

If you're interested in testing, check out her other repositories too!