dot_vox 2.0.0

A Rust library for loading MagicaVoxel .vox files.
# dot_vox


Rust parser for [MagicaVoxel]( .vox files, using

## Current status

I'm not currently using MagicaVoxel, so am not keeping up with developments in the file format. If there are any
missing features, or problems loading more recent files, please don't hesitate to open an issue. I'll try to get back
to you within a day or two!

## RustDoc

Kindly hosted over at

## Thanks

As a maintainer, its always nice to get bug reports and (even better) pull requests. Thanks go to all of the following
for doing just that!

- @jice-nospam (first crack at palette parsing)
- @expenses (bug report on palette indexing)
- @xMAC94x (bug report on material parsing)