dot-writer 0.1.3

A library for writing the Graphviz DOT graph language
//! # Graphviz Writer
//! This library is an ergonomic library for plotting graphs. It outputs the [Graphviz](
//! language [DOT]( Graphs written in DOT can then be easily
//! converted to SVG or other image formats using the Graphviz [dot executable](
//! The structs in this library leverage the Rust type system and lifetimes to ensure that it's hard
//! to use them to construct an invalid DOT graph. It's important to note that this means you need
//! to make sure that child structs go out of scope before using their parents again. This is to make sure that
//! the [`Drop`] writes the closing brackets correctly. The compiler will tell you if you forget to do this though.
//! ## Non Goals
//! This library only writes DOT in a strongly typed way. It doesn't read DOT or render DOT into image files.
//! ## Usage
//! The first part of the library is the [`DotWriter`] struct, which is constructed from a mutable reference to any struct
//! that implements [`std::io::Write`] (for example [`std::io::stdout()`] or even just a [`Vec<u8>`]).
//! This [`DotWriter`] can then be used to construct a graph:
//! ```
//! use dot_writer::{Color, DotWriter};
//! let mut output_bytes = Vec::new();
//! {
//!     let mut writer = DotWriter::from(&mut output_bytes);
//!     writer.set_pretty_print(false);
//!     writer
//!         .digraph()
//!         .edge("Hello", "World"); // digraph goes out of scope here, writing closing bracket
//!     // writer goes out of scope here, freeing up output_bytes for reading
//! }
//! assert_eq!(
//!     String::from_utf8(output_bytes).unwrap(),
//!     "digraph{Hello->World;}"
//! );
//! ```
//! If instead you used [`std::io::stdout()`] or wrote to a file using
//! [File or BufReader](,
//! you could then use the [dot executable]( to create an image file:
//! ```bash
//! $ echo "digraph {Hello->World;}" | dot -Tsvg > mygraph.svg
//! ```
//! This generate the following image (you can open in firefox or chrome, or switch the image type to `png`
//! and use an image viewer of your choice):
//! ![Hello World example graph](
//! Heres a more complex example, demonstrating clustering, colors, labeling and shapes:
//! ```
//! use dot_writer::{Color, DotWriter, Attributes, Shape, Style};
//! let mut output_bytes = Vec::new();
//! {
//!     let mut writer = DotWriter::from(&mut output_bytes);
//!     writer.set_pretty_print(false);
//!     let mut digraph = writer.digraph();
//!     {
//!         let mut cluster = digraph.cluster();
//!         cluster.set_style(Style::Filled);
//!         cluster.set_color(Color::LightGrey);
//!         cluster.node_attributes()
//!             .set_style(Style::Filled)
//!             .set_color(Color::White);
//!         cluster.edge("a0", "a1").edge("a2").edge("a3");
//!         cluster.set_label("process #1");
//!         // cluster goes out of scope here to write closing bracket
//!     }
//!     {
//!         let mut cluster = digraph.cluster();
//!         cluster.node_attributes()
//!             .set_style(Style::Filled);
//!         cluster.edge("b0", "b1").edge("b2").edge("b3");
//!         cluster.set_label("process #2");
//!         cluster.set_color(Color::Blue);
//!         // cluster goes out of scope here to write closing bracket
//!     }
//!     digraph.edge("start", "a0");
//!     digraph.edge("start", "b0");
//!     digraph.edge("a1", "b3");
//!     digraph.edge("b2", "a3");
//!     digraph.edge("a3", "a0");
//!     digraph.edge("a3", "end");
//!     digraph.edge("b3", "end");
//!     digraph.node_named("start")
//!         .set_shape(Shape::Mdiamond);
//!     digraph.node_named("end")
//!         .set_shape(Shape::Msquare);
//!     // digraph goes out of scope here to write closing bracket
//!     // then writer goes out of scope here to free up output_bytes for reading
//! }
//! assert_eq!(
//!     String::from_utf8(output_bytes).unwrap(),
//!     "digraph{subgraph cluster_0{style=\"filled\";color=lightgray;node[style=\"filled\",color=white];a0->a1->a2->a3;label=\"process #1\";}subgraph cluster_1{node[style=\"filled\"];b0->b1->b2->b3;label=\"process #2\";color=blue;}start->a0;start->b0;a1->b3;b2->a3;a3->a0;a3->end;b3->end;start[shape=Mdiamond];end[shape=Msquare];}"
//! );
//! ```
//! This produces (after render with dot) the following lovely graph:
//! ![More complex example graph](

#[allow(clippy::cargo, clippy::pedantic, clippy::nursery)]
mod attribute;
mod scope;
mod writer;

pub use attribute::{
    ArrowType, Attributes, AttributesList, Color, Rank, RankDirection, Shape, Style,
pub use scope::{EdgeList, Node, NodeId, PortId, PortPosId, PortPosition, Scope};
pub use writer::DotWriter;