doryen-rs 1.0.1

Pure rust OpenGL accelerated roguelike console API with native/wasm support
# doryen-rs

[![Build Status](](

Ascii roguelike library in rust with native and wasm support.
Uses the uni-gl and uni-app crates from the [unrust]( game engine.

Demos :
* [Basic real-time walking @]


* [Performance test]


* [Fonts demo]


* [Unicode demo]


* [Console blitting demo]


* [Image blitting demo]


* [Subcell resolution demo]


# status

+ [x] GLSL renderer: stable
+ [x] RGBA, RGB and greyscale fonts : stable
+ [x] mouse input : stable
+ [x] subcell resolution : stable
+ [x] PNG image blitting : stable
- [x] unicode support : beta
- [x] keyboard input : alpha

# usage
* add dependency to Cargo.toml :


Check the examples and [documentation]( for more information.

# compilation

* native compilation
rustup default nightly
cargo run --example basic

* web compilation
rustup default nightly
rustup target install wasm32-unknown-unknown
cargo install cargo-web
cargo web start --example basic

# contributions

You can contribute to this library through pull requests. If you do so, please update the and files. If you provide a new feature, consider adding an example as a tutorial/showcase.