doors 0.1.0

Access the illumos Doors API from Rust
doors-0.1.0 is not a library.
Visit the last successful build: doors-0.8.1

Rusty Doors

Rust is great. Doors are great. Putting them together is not yet great.

What we have currently:

/* Server process */

doorfn!(Server() {
	/* Do some great server stuff */

fn main() {
	let path = "server.door";
	match Server::attach_to("server.door") {
		None => panic!("Could not prepare a door on the filesystem"),
		Some(_d) => {
			let x = time::Duration::from_millis(1000 * 360);

What we want:

fn Server(data: vec<MyType>, descriptors: vec<Descriptor>, cookie: i32) {
	/* Do some great server stuf */

fn main() {

and in the client:

fn main() {
	let server = File::open("server.door")?.into_door();;