Trait domafic::dom_node::DomNode [] [src]

pub trait DomNode: Sized {
    type Message;
    type Children: DomNodes<Message=Self::Message>;
    type Listeners: Listeners<Message=Self::Message>;
    type WithoutListeners: DomNode<Message=Self::Message, Children=Self::Children, Listeners=EmptyListeners<Self::Message>>;
    fn key(&self) -> Option<u32>;
    fn get_attribute(&self, _index: usize) -> Option<&KeyValue>;
    fn children(&self) -> &Self::Children;
    fn listeners(&self) -> &Self::Listeners;
    fn children_and_listeners(&self) -> (&Self::Children, &Self::Listeners);
    fn split_listeners(self) -> (Self::WithoutListeners, Self::Listeners);
    fn value(&self) -> DOMValue;

    fn with_key(self, key: usize) -> WithKey<Self> { ... }
    fn displayable(&self) -> HtmlDisplayable<Self> { ... }
    fn attributes(&self) -> AttributeIter<Self> { ... }
    fn with_attributes<A: AsRef<[KeyValue]>>(self,
                                             attributes: A)
                                             -> WithAttributes<Self, A> { ... } fn with_listeners<L: Listeners<Message=Self::Message>>(self,
                                                           listeners: L)
                                                           -> WithListeners<Self::WithoutListeners, (L, Self::Listeners)> { ... } }

A DomNode specifies the HTML DOM (Document Object Model) representation of a type.

Note that there can be many different types that map to the same HTML. For example, both String and str can be used to create HTML text nodes.

Associated Types

The type of message sent by a listener. Messages of this type should be used to update application state.

The type of the set of children contained by the DomNode.

Examples: Tag<...> (Tag<...>, Tag<...>, Tag<...>) [Tag<...>; 5]

The type of the set of listeners watching this DomNode for events.

Examples: FnListener<...> (FnListener<..>, FnListener<...>) [Box<Listener<Message=()>>; 5]

The type of the DomNode with its listeners replaced by EmptyListeners.

This is useful for splitting the DomNode up into its listener and non-listener components so that they can be transformed separately.

Required Methods

If present, the key will be included in the KeyStack returned alongside a message. This should be used to differentiate messages from peer DomNodes.

Get the nth attribute for a given DomNode.

If node.get_attribute(i) returns None, node.get_attribute(j) should return None for all j >= i.

Returns a reference to the children of this DomNode

Returns a reference to the listeners listening for events on this DomNode

Returns a reference to both the children and listeners of this DomNode

Splits self into two separate components, one with and one without listeners.

This is used to perform type-level modifications to the listeners.

Returns an enum representing either the node's HTML tag or, in the case of a text node, the node's text value.

Provided Methods

Add a key to this DomNode. This method will panic if the node already has a key.

Keys are used to differentiate between large numbers of similar components. When an event occurs in a keyed component, the keys of that component and all of its parent components will be returned to the ""


use domafic::{DomNode, KeyIter, IntoNode};
use domafic::tags::div;
use domafic::listener::on;

#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
use domafic::web_render::run;

struct Clicked;
type State = ();

let _render = |_state: &State| div(
            .with_listeners(on("click", |_| Clicked))

let _update = |_state: &mut State, _msg: Clicked, mut keys: KeyIter|
   println!("div number {} was clicked",;

// If using in a browser:
#[cfg(target_os = "emscripten")]
run("body", _update, _render, ());

Returns a wrapper that can displayed as HTML

Returns an iterator over a DomNode's attributes.

Wrap the DomNode in an additional set of attributes.


 use domafic::DomNode;
 use domafic::empty::empty;
 use domafic::tags::div;
 use domafic::AttributeValue::Str;

 type MessageType = (); // Type of messages sent in response to JS events

 // Need to manually specify message type here since it can't be inferred
 let my_div = div(empty::<MessageType>());

 let my_div_with_attrs = my_div.with_attributes([("key", Str("value"))]);

 assert_eq!(my_div_with_attrs.get_attribute(0), Some(&("key", Str("value"))));

Wrap the DomNode in an additional set of liseners.


 use domafic::DomNode;
 use domafic::empty::empty;
 use domafic::listener::on;
 use domafic::tags::div;
 use domafic::AttributeValue::Str;

 struct Clicked; // Type of messages sent

 // We don't need to manually annotate the message type here since it can be inferred
 let my_div = div(());

 let _my_div_with_listener = my_div.with_listeners(on("click", |_| Clicked));
