dojang 0.1.6

Dojang, a EJS like Html Template Engine.
use crate::context::*;
use crate::eval::*;
use crate::expr::*;
use html_escape::encode_safe;
use serde_json::{json, Value};
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::sync::Mutex;

// The executer that renders the template.
pub struct Executer {
    insts: Vec<Action<Eval>>,

    // Tells where the instructor point to jump
    // - For, If, While: Tells where to jump if the condition is false.
    // - End, Break, Continue: Tells where to jump if hit.
    jump_table: HashMap<usize, usize>,

    // Mapping between index of "Break" and the corresponding For.
    break_table: HashMap<usize, usize>,

impl Executer {
    pub fn new(mut parser: Parser) -> Result<Self, String> {
        let mut insts = Vec::new();

        while !parser.parse_tree.is_empty() {
            let expr = parser.parse_tree.pop().unwrap();


        let (jump_table, break_table) = Executer::compute_jump_table(&insts)?;
        Ok(Executer {

    fn compute_jump_table(
        insts: &Vec<Action<Eval>>,
    ) -> Result<(HashMap<usize, usize>, HashMap<usize, usize>), String> {
        let mut inst_index = 0;

        let mut jump_table = HashMap::new();
        let mut break_table = HashMap::new();

        let mut if_matching_ends = BTreeMap::new();

        // Every '{'.
        let mut opened = Vec::new();

        // Every '{' for loops (for, while). This will be used by break and continue.
        let mut loop_opened = Vec::new();

        // Mapping bewteen location of break/continue to the corresponding loop.
        let mut break_and_continue_pos = HashMap::new();

        while inst_index < insts.len() {
            match insts.get(inst_index).unwrap() {
                Action::If(_) => opened.push(inst_index),
                Action::While(_) => {
                Action::For(_) => {
                Action::Else() => {
                    if let Some(Action::If(_)) = insts.get(inst_index + 1) {
                        inst_index += 1;
                    } else {
                Action::Do(eval) => {
                    if let Some(keyword) = eval.get_keyword() {
                        if keyword == Keyword::Break || keyword == Keyword::Continue {
                            if loop_opened.is_empty() {
                                return Err(
                                    "Cannot break/continue within non-loop context.".to_string()

                            break_and_continue_pos.insert(inst_index, *loop_opened.last().unwrap());
                Action::End() => {
                    if opened.is_empty() {
                        return Err(format!(
                            "Unmatched end found at {:?} for {:?}",
                            inst_index, insts

                    let open_index = opened.pop().unwrap();
                    match insts.get(open_index).unwrap() {
                        Action::If(_) => {
                            if_matching_ends.insert(open_index, inst_index + 1);
                        Action::Else() => {
                            if_matching_ends.insert(open_index, inst_index + 1);
                        Action::For(_) => {
                            jump_table.insert(open_index, inst_index + 1);
                            jump_table.insert(inst_index, open_index);
                        Action::While(_) => {
                            jump_table.insert(open_index, inst_index + 1);
                            jump_table.insert(inst_index, open_index);
                        _ => {
                            return Err(format!(
                                "Unknown action {:?} with closing parentheses",
                _ => {}

            inst_index += 1;

        if !opened.is_empty() {
            return Err(format!(
                "No closing bracket found {}",

        // Handle break and continue.
        for (keyword_index, loop_index) in break_and_continue_pos {
            if let Action::Do(eval) = insts.get(keyword_index).unwrap() {
                let keyword = eval.get_keyword().unwrap();
                if keyword == Keyword::Continue {
                    // For continue, then jump back to the start of the loop.
                    jump_table.insert(keyword_index, loop_index);
                } else if keyword == Keyword::Break {
                    // For break, then jump back to the end of the loop.
                    jump_table.insert(keyword_index, *jump_table.get(&loop_index).unwrap());
                    break_table.insert(keyword_index, loop_index);

        // Now scan again to handle if-else.
        while !if_matching_ends.is_empty() {
            let (if_start, if_block_end) = if_matching_ends.iter().next().unwrap();
            let if_start = *if_start;
            let mut if_block_end = *if_block_end;

            let mut if_else_block_starts = vec![if_start];

            // Find the index of all "if"s in same if-else block.
            loop {
                if let Some(&Action::Else()) = insts.get(if_block_end) {
                    // If this is the if-else statement
                    if let Some(&Action::If(_)) = insts.get(if_block_end + 1) {
                        if_else_block_starts.push(if_block_end + 1);
                        if_block_end = *if_matching_ends.get(&(if_block_end + 1)).unwrap();
                    } else {

                        // Otherwise this is just else statement.
                        if_block_end = *if_matching_ends.get(&if_block_end).unwrap();
                } else {

            // "End" of if statement should point to next of the End of the if-else block.
            // "If" of the if statement should point to next of the End.
            for if_start in if_else_block_starts {
                let if_end = *if_matching_ends.get(&if_start).unwrap();

                // This is the case when the condition is true.
                jump_table.insert(if_end - 1, if_block_end);

                // This is the case when the condition is false.
                jump_table.insert(if_start, if_end);


        Ok((jump_table, break_table))

    pub fn render(
        context: &mut Context,
        templates: &HashMap<String, (Executer, String)>,
        functions: &HashMap<String, FunctionContainer>,
        template: &str,
        includes: &mut Mutex<HashMap<String, String>>,
    ) -> Result<String, String> {
        let mut rendered = String::new();
        let mut for_index_counter = HashMap::new();

        // Contains the range value of the for-loop.
        let mut for_range_container = HashMap::new();

        let mut inst_index = 0;
        while inst_index < self.insts.len() {
            match self.insts.get(inst_index).unwrap() {
                Action::Show(show) => match show {
                    Show::Html { start, end } => {
                    Show::ExprEscaped(eval) => {
                            context, templates, functions, &eval, includes,
                    Show::ExprUnescaped(eval) => {
                            context, templates, functions, &eval, includes,
                Action::If(eval) | Action::While(eval) => {
                    // Jump only if the condition is false. Otherwise just go to next instruction.
                    if !, templates, functions, includes)?.is_true() {
                        if let Some(next) = self.jump_table.get(&inst_index) {
                            inst_index = *next;
                        } else {
                            return Err(format!(
                                "Jump of the if statement is not set: {:?} index : {}",
                                self.insts, inst_index
                Action::For(eval) => {
                    let iter_index = match for_index_counter.get(&inst_index) {
                        Some(index) => *index,
                        None => 0usize,

                    // The for loop is first encountered. Compute the "range" part.
                    if iter_index == 0 {
                            eval.run_for_range(context, templates, functions, includes)?,

                    for_index_counter.insert(inst_index, iter_index + 1);

                    let range = for_range_container.get(&inst_index).unwrap();
                    if !eval.run_for_loop(context, range, iter_index)? {
                        if let Some(next) = self.jump_table.get(&inst_index) {
                            // Reset the index counter.
                            for_index_counter.insert(inst_index, 0);

                            inst_index = *next;

                        } else {
                            return Err(format!(
                                "Jump of the if statement is not set: {:?} index : {}",
                                self.insts, inst_index
                Action::End() => {
                    if let Some(next) = self.jump_table.get(&inst_index) {
                        inst_index = *next;
                Action::Do(eval) => match eval.get_keyword() {
                    Some(Keyword::Break) => {
                        // Reset the iter counter of the loop that we escape.
                        for_index_counter.insert(*self.break_table.get(&inst_index).unwrap(), 0);

                        inst_index = *self.jump_table.get(&inst_index).unwrap();
                    Some(Keyword::Continue) => {
                        inst_index = *self.jump_table.get(&inst_index).unwrap();
                    _ => {
                        &Executer::run_eval(context, templates, functions, &eval, includes)?;
                Action::Else() => {}

            inst_index += 1;


    // Runs Eval if it is not empty.
    fn run_eval(
        context: &mut Context,
        templates: &HashMap<String, (Executer, String)>,
        functions: &HashMap<String, FunctionContainer>,
        eval: &Eval,
        includes: &mut Mutex<HashMap<String, String>>,
    ) -> Result<String, String> {
        if eval.is_empty() {
            return Ok("".to_string());

        Ok(, templates, functions, includes)?.to_str())

fn pretty_print_insts(insts: &Vec<Action<Eval>>) -> String {
    let mut result = String::new();

    let mut padding = String::new();
    for action in insts {
        match action {
            Action::If(_) | Action::While(_) | Action::For(_) => {
                result.push_str(&format!("{}{:?} \n", padding, action));
                padding.push(' ');
            Action::End() => {
                result.push_str(&format!("{}{:?} \n", padding, action));
            action => {
                result.push_str(&format!("{}{:?} \n", padding, action));


fn convert_expr_to_eval(action: Action<Tokens>) -> Result<Action<Eval>, String> {
    match action {
        Action::Show(show) => match show {
            Show::Html { start, end } => Ok(Action::Show(Show::Html { start, end })),
            Show::ExprEscaped(expr) => Ok(Action::Show(Show::ExprEscaped(Eval::new(expr)?))),
            Show::ExprUnescaped(expr) => Ok(Action::Show(Show::ExprUnescaped(Eval::new(expr)?))),
        Action::If(expr) => Ok(Action::If(Eval::new(expr)?)),
        Action::While(expr) => Ok(Action::While(Eval::new(expr)?)),
        Action::Do(expr) => Ok(Action::Do(Eval::new(expr)?)),
        Action::For(expr) => Ok(Action::For(Eval::new(expr)?)),
        Action::Else() => Ok(Action::Else()),
        Action::End() => Ok(Action::End()),

fn test_if_jump_table() {
    let executer = Executer::new(
        Parser::parse(r#"<% if var1>=var2{ "b" } else if var1==3{"a"}else{"c"}%>"#).unwrap(),

        [(1, 4), (3, 11), (5, 8), (7, 11), (8, 11), (10, 11)]

fn test_multiple_ifs() {
    let executer = Executer::new(
        Parser::parse(r#"<% if a >= b {} else if c >= a {} if a > b {} %>"#).unwrap(),

        [(1, 4), (3, 8), (5, 8), (7, 8), (8, 11), (10, 11)]

fn test_nested_ifs() {
    let executer = Executer::new(
            r#"<% if a { if a {} else if b { if a {}} else {} if a {} } else { if a {}} %>"#,

            (1, 20),
            (3, 6),
            (5, 16),
            (7, 13),
            (9, 12),
            (11, 12),
            (12, 16),
            (13, 16),
            (15, 16),
            (16, 19),
            (18, 19),
            (19, 26),
            (20, 26),
            (22, 25),
            (24, 25),
            (25, 26)

fn test_while_and_if() {
    let executer =
        Executer::new(Parser::parse(r#"<% while a < 3 { if a < 2 {} else {} } %>"#).unwrap())

        [(1, 10), (3, 6), (5, 9), (6, 9), (8, 9), (9, 1)]

fn test_for_and_if() {
    let executer =
        Executer::new(Parser::parse(r#"<% for a in v { if a < 2 {} else {} } %>"#).unwrap())

        [(1, 10), (3, 6), (5, 9), (6, 9), (8, 9), (9, 1)]

fn test_break_and_continue_jump_table() {
    let executer = Executer::new(
        Parser::parse(r#"<% for a in v { if a < 2 { break; } else { continue; } } %>"#).unwrap(),

            (1, 12),
            (3, 7),
            (4, 12),
            (6, 11),
            (7, 11),
            (8, 1),
            (10, 11),
            (11, 1)

fn test_nested_continue_jump_table() {
    let template = r#"<% for a in v { for b in v { if a == b { continue; } %><%= b %><% } if a == 2 { continue } } %>"#;
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

            (1, 16),
            (3, 12),
            (5, 9),
            (6, 3),
            (8, 9),
            (11, 3),
            (12, 15),
            (13, 1),
            (14, 15),
            (15, 1)
fn test_arithmetic_exec() {
    let context_json = r#"{"a": 1, "b":2, "c": 3, "d" : 2, "e" : 6, "f" : 2}"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());

        let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
        let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

        // b = a = (1 + 2 * 3 - 6 / 2) * 2  == 8
        let template = r"<% b = a = (a + b * c - e / d) * f;e=a+b; if e == 16 { g = 5; h = 6} %>g=<%= g %> h=<%= h %>";
        let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();
        let result = executer
                &mut context,
                &mut includes,

        assert_eq!(result, "g=5 h=6".to_string());

fn test_while_exec() {
    let template = r#"<% a = 0; while a < 3 { if a == 1 { %>One <% } else { %>a = <%= a %> <% } a = a + 1 } %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let mut context = Context::new(Value::from(""));
    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,

    assert_eq!(result, "a = 0 One a = 2 ".to_string());

fn test_for_in_statement() {
    let template = r#"<% for x in arr { %><%= x %> <% } %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"arr" : [1,2,3,4,5]}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,

    assert_eq!(result, "1 2 3 4 5 ".to_string());

fn test_nested_for_in_statement() {
    let template =
        r#"<% for x in arr { for y in arr2 { %><%= x %>*<%= y %>=<%= x * y %>,<% } } %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"arr" : [1,2,3,4,5], "arr2" : [1,2]}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,

fn test_break() {
    let template = r#"<% for a in v { if a > b { break; } %><%= a %> <% } %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"b" : 3, "v" : [1,2,3,4,5]}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "1 2 3 ".to_string());

fn test_nested_break() {
    let template =
        r#"<% for a in v { for b in v { if a * b > 10 { break; } %><%= a * b %> <% } } %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"v" : [1,2,3,4,5]}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "1 2 3 4 5 2 4 6 8 10 3 6 9 4 8 5 10 ".to_string());

fn test_continue() {
    let template = r#"<% for a in v { if a == b { continue; } %><%= a %> <% } %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"b" : 3, "v" : [1,2,3,4,5]}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "1 2 4 5 ".to_string());

fn test_nested_continue() {
    let template = r#"<% for a in v { for b in v { if a == b { continue; } %><%= b %><% } if a == 2 { continue } } %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"v" : [1,2,3,4,5]}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "23451345124512351234".to_string());

fn test_function() {
    let template = r#"<%= func(a, b) %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"a" : 10, "b" : 20}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let mut functions = HashMap::new();
        FunctionContainer::F2(Box::new(|a: Operand, b: Operand| -> Operand {
            let a = match a {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            let b = match b {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            Operand::Value(Value::from(a + b))

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "30".to_string());

fn test_function_complex() {
    // (12 + 10 * 20 - 2 + 1 + 3) * 2
    let template = r#"<%= func(func(2, a), func(1+func2(a, b, 2), 3)) * 2 %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"a" : 10, "b" : 20}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let mut functions = HashMap::new();
        FunctionContainer::F2(Box::new(|a: Operand, b: Operand| -> Operand {
            let a = match a {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            let b = match b {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            Operand::Value(Value::from(a + b))

        FunctionContainer::F3(Box::new(|a: Operand, b: Operand, c: Operand| -> Operand {
            let a = match a {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            let b = match b {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            let c = match c {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            Operand::Value(Value::from(a * b - c))

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "428".to_string());

fn test_function_with_statements() {
    let template =
        r#"<%= while func(a, b) < 10 { a = a + 1; %>(<%= a %>, <%= b %>) <% b = b + 1 } %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"a" : 1, "b" : 2}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let mut functions = HashMap::new();
        FunctionContainer::F2(Box::new(|a: Operand, b: Operand| -> Operand {
            let a = match a {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            let b = match b {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            Operand::Value(Value::from(a + b))

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "(2, 2) (3, 3) (4, 4) (5, 5) ".to_string());

fn test_function_taking_object() {
    let template = r#"<%- func(a) %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_value: Value = json!({"a" : {"b" : 1, "c" : 2}});
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let mut functions = HashMap::new();
        FunctionContainer::F1(Box::new(|a: Operand| -> Operand {
            let a = match a {
                Operand::Value(v) => v,
                _ => panic!(""),


    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,

    assert_eq!(result, r#"{"b":1,"c":2}"#.to_string());

fn test_predefined_include_function() {
    let template = r#"<%- include(a) %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"a" : "./tests/test_include.html"}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let functions = HashMap::new();
    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,

    assert_eq!(result, "<html>test include</html>\n".to_string());

fn test_predefined_include_template_function() {
    let template = r#"<%- include_template(a) %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json = r#"{"a" : "some_template", "title" : "TITLE"}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let functions = HashMap::new();
    let mut templates = HashMap::new();

    // Register "some_template". This will be loaded from include_template function.
    let some_template = "<html><%= title %></html>".to_string();

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,

    assert_eq!(result, "<html>TITLE</html>".to_string());

fn test_accessor() {
    let template = r#"<%= 10000 + a[x][y + "c"][z] - 3%>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();
    let context_json = r#"{"a" : { "b" : { "cc" : { "1" : 1234}}}, "x" : "b", "y" : "c", "z" : 1}"#;

    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "11231".to_string());

fn test_accessor_and_function() {
    let template = r#"<%= a[x][func2(y, "c")+"d"][func(z)] %>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();

    let context_json =
        r#"{"a" : { "b" : { "ccd" : { "2" : 1234}}}, "x" : "b", "y" : "c", "z" : 1}"#;
    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let mut functions = HashMap::new();
        FunctionContainer::F2(Box::new(|a: Operand, b: Operand| -> Operand {
            let mut a = match a {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_str().unwrap().to_string(),
                _ => "".to_string(),

            let b = match b {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_str().unwrap().to_string(),
                _ => "".to_string(),


        FunctionContainer::F1(Box::new(|a: Operand| -> Operand {
            let a = match a {
                Operand::Value(v) => v.as_i64().unwrap(),
                _ => 0,

            Operand::Value(Value::from(a + 1))

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "1234".to_string());

fn test_accessor_with_dot() {
    let template = r#"<%= 10000 + a[x].cc[z] - 3%>"#;
    let mut includes = Mutex::new(HashMap::new());
    let executer = Executer::new(Parser::parse(template).unwrap()).unwrap();
    let context_json = r#"{"a" : { "b" : { "cc" : { "1" : 1234}}}, "x" : "b", "y" : "c", "z" : 1}"#;

    let context_value: Value = serde_json::from_str(context_json).unwrap();
    let mut context = Context::new(context_value);

    let result = executer
            &mut context,
            &mut includes,
    assert_eq!(result, "11231".to_string());