docx-rs 0.4.6

A .docx file writer with Rust/WebAssembly.
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::collections::BTreeMap;
use std::io::Read;
use xml::attribute::OwnedAttribute;
use xml::reader::{EventReader, XmlEvent};

use crate::documents::BuildXML;
use crate::reader::{FromXML, ReaderError};
use crate::xml_builder::*;

use super::*;

pub fn read_content_type(attrs: &[OwnedAttribute]) -> Option<String> {
    for a in attrs {
        let local_name = &;
        if local_name == "contentType" {
            return Some(a.value.to_owned());

pub fn read_xml(xml: &str) -> Result<Docx, ReaderError> {
    let mut parser = EventReader::new(xml.as_bytes());
    // let rels =             Rels::from_xml(&data[..])?
    for e in parser {
        let mut rels = Rels::new();
        match e {
            Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement {
                attributes, name, ..
            }) => {
                if let (Some("pkg"), "part") = (name.prefix.as_deref(), name.local_name.as_ref()) {
                    if let Some(content_type) = read_content_type(&attributes) {
                        match content_type.as_ref() {
                            RELATIONSHIPS_CONTENT_TYPE => {
                                if let Ok(r) = Rels::read(&mut parser, &attributes) {
                                    rels = r;
                            _ => {}
                    // let e = XMLElement::from_str(&name.local_name).unwrap();
                    // match e {
                    //     XMLElement::Tab => {}
                    // }
            Ok(XmlEvent::EndElement { .. }) => {}
            Err(_) => {}
            _ => {}

    //    Ok(s);
    //    todo!();
    //    // First, the content type for relationship parts and the Main Document part
    //    // (the only required part) must be defined (physically located at /[Content_Types].xml in the package)
    //    // let _content_types = {
    //    //     let data = read_zip(&mut archive, "[Content_Types].xml")?;
    //    //     ContentTypes::from_xml(&data[..])?
    //    // };
    //    // Next, the single required relationship (the package-level relationship to the Main Document part)
    //    //  must be defined (physically located at /_rels/.rels in the package)
    //    let rels = {
    //        let data = read_zip(&mut archive, "_rels/.rels")?;
    //        Rels::from_xml(&data[..])?
    //    };
    //    // Finally, the minimum content for the Main Document part must be defined
    //    // (physically located at /document.xml in the package):
    //    let main_rel = rels
    //        .find_target(DOC_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE)
    //        .ok_or(ReaderError::DocumentNotFoundError);
    //    let document_path = if let Ok(rel) = main_rel {
    //        rel.2.clone()
    //    } else {
    //        "word/document.xml".to_owned()
    //    };
    //    let rels = read_document_rels(&mut archive, &document_path)?;
    //    // Read commentsExtended
    //    let comments_extended_path = rels.find_target_path(COMMENTS_EXTENDED_TYPE);
    //    let comments_extended = if let Some(comments_extended_path) = comments_extended_path {
    //        let data = read_zip(
    //            &mut archive,
    //            comments_extended_path
    //                .to_str()
    //                .expect("should have comments extended."),
    //        );
    //        if let Ok(data) = data {
    //            CommentsExtended::from_xml(&data[..])?
    //        } else {
    //            CommentsExtended::default()
    //        }
    //    } else {
    //        CommentsExtended::default()
    //    };
    //    // Read comments
    //    let comments_path = rels.find_target_path(COMMENTS_TYPE);
    //    let comments = if let Some(comments_path) = comments_path {
    //        let data = read_zip(
    //            &mut archive,
    //            comments_path.to_str().expect("should have comments."),
    //        );
    //        if let Ok(data) = data {
    //            let mut comments = Comments::from_xml(&data[..])?.into_inner();
    //            for i in 0..comments.len() {
    //                let c = &comments[i];
    //                let extended = comments_extended.children.iter().find(|ex| {
    //                    for child in &c.children {
    //                        if let CommentChild::Paragraph(p) = child {
    //                            if ex.paragraph_id == {
    //                                return true;
    //                            }
    //                        }
    //                    }
    //                    false
    //                });
    //                if let Some(CommentExtended {
    //                    parent_paragraph_id: Some(parent_paragraph_id),
    //                    ..
    //                }) = extended
    //                {
    //                    if let Some(parent_comment) = comments.iter().find(|c| {
    //                        for child in &c.children {
    //                            if let CommentChild::Paragraph(p) = child {
    //                                if & == parent_paragraph_id {
    //                                    return true;
    //                                }
    //                            }
    //                        }
    //                        false
    //                    }) {
    //                        comments[i].parent_comment_id = Some(;
    //                    }
    //                }
    //            }
    //            Comments { comments }
    //        } else {
    //            Comments::default()
    //        }
    //    } else {
    //        Comments::default()
    //    };

        let document = {
            let data = read_zip(&mut archive, &document_path)?;
        let mut docx = Docx::new().document(document);

        // store comments to paragraphs.
        if !comments.inner().is_empty() {
            docx = docx.comments(comments);
            docx = docx.comments_extended(comments_extended);

        // Read document relationships
        // Read styles
        let style_path = rels.find_target_path(STYLE_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE);
        if let Some(style_path) = style_path {
            let data = read_zip(
                &mut archive,
                style_path.to_str().expect("should have styles"),
            let styles = Styles::from_xml(&data[..])?;
            docx = docx.styles(styles);

        // Read numberings
        let num_path = rels.find_target_path(NUMBERING_RELATIONSHIP_TYPE);
        if let Some(num_path) = num_path {
            let data = read_zip(
                &mut archive,
                num_path.to_str().expect("should have numberings"),
            let nums = Numberings::from_xml(&data[..])?;
            docx = docx.numberings(nums);

        // Read settings
        let settings_path = rels.find_target_path(SETTINGS_TYPE);
        if let Some(settings_path) = settings_path {
            let data = read_zip(
                &mut archive,
                settings_path.to_str().expect("should have settings"),
            let settings = Settings::from_xml(&data[..])?;
            docx = docx.settings(settings);

        // Read web settings
        let web_settings_path = rels.find_target_path(WEB_SETTINGS_TYPE);
        if let Some(web_settings_path) = web_settings_path {
            let data = read_zip(
                &mut archive,
                    .expect("should have web settings"),
            let web_settings = WebSettings::from_xml(&data[..])?;
            docx = docx.web_settings(web_settings);
    // Ok(docx)