docsearch 0.3.2

Resolve crate items to rustdoc URLs.
//! Handling of the index data and its transformation in a more usable format as well as a mapping
//! of simple paths to rustdoc URL.

use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};

use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_repr::Deserialize_repr;

use crate::error::{Error, Result};

#[cfg(feature = "index-v1")]
mod v1;
#[cfg(feature = "index-v2")]
mod v2;

#[cfg_attr(test, derive(Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, serde::Serialize))]
enum Version {
    #[cfg(feature = "index-v1")]
    #[cfg(feature = "index-v2")]

impl Version {
    fn detect(index: &str) -> Option<Self> {
        #[cfg(feature = "index-v1")]
        if index.starts_with(r#"var N=null,E="",T="t",U="u",searchIndex={};"#) {
            return Some(Self::V1);

        #[cfg(feature = "index-v2")]
        if index.ends_with(r#"addSearchOptions(searchIndex);initSearch(searchIndex);"#) {
            return Some(Self::V2);

        if index.ends_with(r#"if (window.initSearch) {window.initSearch(searchIndex)};"#)
            || index.trim_end().ends_with(
                r#"if (typeof exports !== 'undefined') {exports.searchIndex = searchIndex};"#,
        } else {

/// Whole index data after transformation.
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize))]
struct IndexData {
    /// Mapping from crate name to data.
    crates: HashMap<String, CrateData>,

/// Crate data after transformation.
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize))]
struct CrateData {
    /// Doc string of the crate.
    doc: String,
    /// Data for each individual item of the crate.
    items: Vec<IndexItem>,
    /// Parent paths that help to construct full paths and URLs from item information.
    paths: Vec<(ItemType, String)>,
    // aliases

/// Index data for a single item after transformation.
/// Taken from: <>.
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize))]
struct IndexItem {
    /// The type of item.
    ty: ItemType,
    /// Simple name without path.
    name: String,
    /// Resolved, full path.
    path: String,
    /// Short, one line description. Can contain HTML tags and is likely truncated with the `…`
    /// character.
    desc: String,
    /// Index to the parent item, if it belongs to another item.
    parent_idx: Option<usize>,
    // search_type

/// Different item types that can appear in the rust docs to identify the kind of item.
/// Taken from: <>.
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize_repr)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize))]
enum ItemType {
    Module = 0,
    ExternCrate = 1,
    Import = 2,
    Struct = 3,
    Enum = 4,
    Function = 5,
    Typedef = 6,
    Static = 7,
    Trait = 8,
    Impl = 9,
    TyMethod = 10,
    Method = 11,
    StructField = 12,
    Variant = 13,
    Macro = 14,
    Primitive = 15,
    AssocType = 16,
    Constant = 17,
    AssocConst = 18,
    Union = 19,
    ForeignType = 20,
    Keyword = 21,
    OpaqueTy = 22,
    ProcAttribute = 23,
    ProcDerive = 24,
    TraitAlias = 25,

impl ItemType {
    const fn as_str(self) -> &'static str {
        match self {
            Self::Module => "mod",
            Self::ExternCrate => "externcrate",
            Self::Import => "import",
            Self::Struct => "struct",
            Self::Union => "union",
            Self::Enum => "enum",
            Self::Function => "fn",
            Self::Typedef => "type",
            Self::Static => "static",
            Self::Trait => "trait",
            Self::Impl => "impl",
            Self::TyMethod => "tymethod",
            Self::Method => "method",
            Self::StructField => "structfield",
            Self::Variant => "variant",
            Self::Macro => "macro",
            Self::Primitive => "primitive",
            Self::AssocType => "associatedtype",
            Self::Constant => "constant",
            Self::AssocConst => "associatedconstant",
            Self::ForeignType => "foreigntype",
            Self::Keyword => "keyword",
            Self::OpaqueTy => "opaque",
            Self::ProcAttribute => "attr",
            Self::ProcDerive => "derive",
            Self::TraitAlias => "traitalias",

/// The whole index data for a crate. It usually contains only one entry for the crate it was
/// generated for. The stdlib index is a special case where multiple crates like `std` and `alloc`
/// are included.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize))]
struct RawIndexData {
    /// Mapping from crate name to raw index data.
    crates: HashMap<String, RawCrateData>,

/// Crate index data in its raw form. All elements are vectors and the same index over all of them
/// contain the information for a single item.
/// Taken from: <>.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, Eq, serde::Serialize))]
struct RawCrateData {
    /// Doc string for the crate. Seems to always be `github\u{2002}crates-io\u{2002}docs-rs`.
    doc: String,
    /// Type of item.
    t: Vec<ItemType>,
    /// Simple name without the path.
    n: Vec<String>,
    /// Module path of the item. This uses previous items as reference and an empty value means to
    /// use the value of the previous item. Similar to being still in the same _directory_.
    q: Vec<String>,
    /// Short, one line description of the item. Maybe contain HTML tags and is likely truncated.
    d: Vec<String>,
    /// Index of the parent item. For example if the item is a method, it references the index of
    /// the struct/enum/... it belongs to.
    /// A value of `0` means that no parent exists. Therefore, indexes start at `1` and need to be
    /// adjusted to access the right item in the other vectors.
    i: Vec<usize>,
    // f: search type
    /// Further information about the parent item that helps in constructing the full path of an
    /// item with parent.
    /// For example a method `baz` as part of the struct `Bar` in the module `foo` will only have
    /// the basic path `foo` as the [`Self::q`] value only describes module paths. This field
    /// contains the parent name `Bar` (and its item type) so that the full path `foo::Bar::baz` can
    /// be constructed.
    p: Vec<(ItemType, String)>,
    // a: aliases

/// Parse and transform a raw index file and convert it into mappings from paths to URLs that can be
/// used to generate permalinks to the items' docs page.
/// This is the combination of the internal functions [`load_raw`], [`transform`] and
/// [`generate_mapping`].
pub fn load(index: &str) -> Result<HashMap<String, BTreeMap<String, String>>> {
    let raw = match Version::detect(index) {
        Some(Version::V3) => load_raw(index)?,
        #[cfg(feature = "index-v2")]
        Some(Version::V2) => v2::load_raw(index)?,
        #[cfg(feature = "index-v1")]
        Some(Version::V1) => v1::load_raw(index)?,
        None => return Err(Error::UnsupportedIndexVersion),


/// Extract the JSON content from the index data and run it through [`serde`] to transform it into
/// usable data structures.
/// The index data looks basically as follows:
/// ```js
/// var searchIndex = JSON.parse('{\
/// "cratename":{"doc":"...","t":[1],"n":["Name"],"q":["path"],"d":[""],"i":[0],"f":[null],"p":[]}\
/// }');
/// if (window.initSearch) {window.initSearch(searchIndex)};
/// ```
/// After the initial JavaScript line, the file contains one line of JSON data for each crate
/// contained in the index. These are extracted and the surrounding `{` and `}` delimiters added
/// again to create a valid JSON object.
/// For further explanation of the individual fields of a single crate entry, looks at the docs of
/// [`RawIndexData`] and [`RawCrateData`].
fn load_raw(index: &str) -> Result<RawIndexData> {
    let json = {
        let mut json = index
            .filter_map(|l| {
                if l.starts_with('"') {
                } else {
            .fold(String::from("{"), |mut json, l| {

        // Inverse operation of:
        // <>.
        json.replace("\\\\\"", "\\\"")
            .replace(r"\'", "'")
            .replace(r"\\", r"\")


/// Convert from the index data into a more usable data structure that contains one full data set
/// for each item of the crate.
/// The raw structure contains a data driven layout (likely to reduce size of the JSON format) what
/// means that the data for a single entry is not contained in a single object but instead spread
/// over vectors of data, each one representing one field.
/// Data for a single entry can be retrieved by index and this transformation does exactly that to
/// get back a whole structure of information for each item.
/// ## Implementation
/// The separate elements of each item are combined back together with the [`Iterator::zip`] method.
/// A nice side effect is that we don't have to cope for differences in vector sizes (which should
/// not exist but can theoretically) as it stops as soon as one of the iterators returns [`None`].
/// The path field is only present if it changes compared to the previous item to reduce index size.
/// The previous path is kept around thanks to the [`Iterator::fold`] method and only updated if the
/// current path is present. Otherwise the old value is used. This increases data size but makes
/// usage much more convenient and less error prone as the path doesn't need to be searched every
/// time it is accessed.
/// Parent indexes are transformed from a `usize` into an `Option<usize>` to erase the special
/// handling of the `0` value and indexes are reduced by `1` to allow proper indexing.
fn transform(raw: RawIndexData) -> IndexData {
    IndexData {
        crates: raw
            .map(|(name, raw_data)| {
                let length = raw_data.t.len();
                let (items, _) = raw_data
                        (Vec::with_capacity(length), String::new()),
                        |(mut items, path), ((((t, n), q), d), i)| {
                            let path = if q.is_empty() { path } else { q };
                            items.push(IndexItem {
                                ty: t,
                                name: n,
                                path: path.clone(),
                                desc: d,
                                parent_idx: if i > 0 { Some(i - 1) } else { None },
                            (items, path)

                    CrateData {
                        doc: raw_data.doc,
                        paths: raw_data.p,

/// Generate a mapping from the transformed index data. This simply calls [`generate_crate_mapping`]
/// for each crate in the index to do the actual transformation of item data.
fn generate_mapping(data: IndexData) -> HashMap<String, BTreeMap<String, String>> {
        .map(|(name, data)| (name, generate_crate_mapping(data)))

/// Generate the simple path for each item in the crate data and its URL variant as used by
/// `rustdoc`. This allows to get a direct mapping from simple path to URL path, which can further
/// be used to create a permalink to the rustdoc page.
/// ## Implementation
/// The path is usually in the form of `<module>::<item>` where the module path can contain further
/// `::`. If the item has a parent its form is `<module::<parent_item>::<item>`.
/// The URL path is slightly different, with additional information about the type. The basic form
/// is `<module>/<type>.<item>.html` where the module can contain further slashes `/` and the type
/// defines the item type like `Struct`, `Enum` and others.
/// If the item has a parent its form is `<module>/<parent_type>.<parent_item>.html#<type>.<item>`.
/// The original type/item combination is replaced with the parent information and the actual item
/// part is moved into a path fragment to become an anchor. That is, because an item with parent
/// doesn't have its own page but is a part of the parents page.
fn generate_crate_mapping(data: CrateData) -> BTreeMap<String, String> {
    let paths = data.paths;

        .map(|item| {
            let full_path = if let Some(idx) = item.parent_idx {
                format!("{}::{}::{}", item.path, paths[idx].1,
            } else {
                format!("{}::{}", item.path,

            let url = if let Some(parent) =|i| &paths[i]) {
                    item.path.replace("::", "/"),
            } else {
                    item.path.replace("::", "/"),

            (full_path, url)

mod tests {
    use std::fs;

    use insta::glob;

    use super::*;

    fn test_version_detect() {
        glob!("fixtures/*.js", |path| {
            let input = fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap();
            let data = Version::detect(&input);

    fn test_load_raw() {
        glob!("fixtures/*.js", |path| {
            let input = fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap();
            let data = Version::detect(&input).and_then(|v| match v {
                #[cfg(feature = "index-v1")]
                Version::V1 => Some(v1::load_raw(&input).unwrap()),
                #[cfg(feature = "index-v2")]
                Version::V2 => Some(v2::load_raw(&input).unwrap()),
                Version::V3 => Some(load_raw(&input).unwrap()),

    fn test_transform() {
        glob!("fixtures/*.js", |path| {
            let input = fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap();
            let data = Version::detect(&input)
                .and_then(|v| match v {
                    #[cfg(feature = "index-v1")]
                    Version::V1 => Some(v1::load_raw(&input).unwrap()),
                    #[cfg(feature = "index-v2")]
                    Version::V2 => Some(v2::load_raw(&input).unwrap()),
                    Version::V3 => Some(load_raw(&input).unwrap()),

    fn test_generate_mapping() {
        glob!("fixtures/*.js", |path| {
            let input = fs::read_to_string(path).unwrap();
            let data = Version::detect(&input)
                .and_then(|v| match v {
                    #[cfg(feature = "index-v1")]
                    Version::V1 => Some(v1::load_raw(&input).unwrap()),
                    #[cfg(feature = "index-v2")]
                    Version::V2 => Some(v2::load_raw(&input).unwrap()),
                    Version::V3 => Some(load_raw(&input).unwrap()),