docopt_macros 0.6.79

Docopt macro for command line argument parsing.
#![crate_name = "docopt_macros"]
#![crate_type = "dylib"]

#![feature(plugin_registrar, quote, rustc_private)]

//! This crate defines the `docopt!` macro. It is documented in the
//! documentation of the `docopt` crate.

extern crate syntax;
extern crate rustc_plugin;
extern crate docopt;

use std::borrow::Borrow;
use std::collections::HashMap;

use rustc_plugin::Registry;
use syntax::{ast, codemap};
use syntax::errors::DiagnosticBuilder;
use syntax::ext::base::{ExtCtxt, MacResult, MacEager, DummyResult};
use syntax::ext::build::AstBuilder;
use syntax::fold::Folder;
use syntax::parse::common::SeqSep;
use syntax::parse::parser::Parser;
use syntax::parse::token;
use syntax::print::pprust;
use syntax::ptr::P;
use syntax::util::small_vector::SmallVector;

use docopt::{Docopt, ArgvMap};
use docopt::parse::{Options, Atom, Positional, Zero, One};

type PResult<'a, T> = Result<T, DiagnosticBuilder<'a>>;

pub fn plugin_registrar(reg: &mut Registry) {
    reg.register_macro("docopt", expand);

fn expand(cx: &mut ExtCtxt, span: codemap::Span, tts: &[ast::TokenTree])
         -> Box<MacResult+'static> {
    let parsed = match MacParser::new(cx, tts).parse() {
        Ok(parsed) => parsed,
        Err(_) => return DummyResult::any(span),

/// Parsed corresponds to the result of parsing a `docopt` macro call.
/// It can be used to write a corresponding struct.
struct Parsed {
    struct_info: StructInfo,
    doc: Docopt,
    /// Overrided type annotations for struct members. May be empty.
    /// When a type annotation for an atom doesn't exist, then one is
    /// inferred automatically. It is one of: `bool`, `usize`, `String` or
    /// `Vec<String>`.
    types: HashMap<Atom, P<ast::Ty>>,

impl Parsed {
    /// Returns a macro result suitable for expansion.
    /// Contains two items: one for the struct and one for the struct impls.
    fn items(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt) -> Box<MacResult+'static> {
        let mut its = vec!();

        let struct_name =;
        let full_doc = &*self.doc.parser().full_doc;
            impl $struct_name {
                fn docopt() -> docopt::Docopt {
                    // The unwrap is justified here because this code
                    // gen only happens if the Docopt usage string is valid.

    /// Returns an item for the struct definition.
    fn struct_decl(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt) -> P<ast::Item> {
        let name =;
        let vis = if self.struct_info.public { ast::Public }
                  else { ast::Inherited };
        let def = ast::VariantData::Struct(
            self.struct_fields(cx), ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID);

        let mut traits = vec!["RustcDecodable".to_string()];
        let attrs = vec![attribute(cx, "allow", vec!["non_snake_case"]),
                         attribute(cx, "derive", traits)];

        let st = cx.item_struct(codemap::DUMMY_SP, name.clone(), def);
        cx.item(codemap::DUMMY_SP, name, attrs, st.node.clone()).map(|mut it| {
            it.vis = vis;

    /// Returns a list of fields for the struct definition.
    /// Handles type annotations.
    fn struct_fields(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt) -> Vec<ast::StructField> {
        let mut fields: Vec<ast::StructField> = vec!();
        for (atom, opts) in self.doc.parser().descs.iter() {
            let name = ArgvMap::key_to_struct_field(&*atom.to_string());
            let ty = match self.types.get(atom) {
                None => self.pat_type(cx, atom, opts),
                Some(ty) => ty.clone(),
            fields.push(self.mk_struct_field(&*name, ty));

    /// Returns an inferred type for a usage pattern.
    /// This is only invoked when a type annotation is not present.
    fn pat_type(&self, cx: &ExtCtxt, atom: &Atom, opts: &Options) -> P<ast::Ty> {
        let sp = codemap::DUMMY_SP;
        match (opts.repeats, &opts.arg) {
            (false, &Zero) => {
                match atom {
                    &Positional(_) => cx.ty_ident(sp, ident("String")),
                    _ => cx.ty_ident(sp, ident("bool")),
            (true, &Zero) => {
                match atom {
                    &Positional(_) => ty_vec_string(cx),
                    _ => cx.ty_ident(sp, ident("usize")),
            (false, &One(_)) => cx.ty_ident(sp, ident("String")),
            (true, &One(_)) => ty_vec_string(cx),

    /// Creates a struct field from a member name and type.
    fn mk_struct_field(&self, name: &str, ty: P<ast::Ty>) -> ast::StructField {
        codemap::dummy_spanned(ast::StructField_ {
            kind: ast::NamedField(ident(name), ast::Public),
            id: ast::DUMMY_NODE_ID,
            ty: ty,
            attrs: vec!(),

/// State for parsing a `docopt` macro invocation.
struct MacParser<'a, 'b:'a> {
    cx: &'a mut ExtCtxt<'b>,
    p: Parser<'b>,

impl<'a, 'b> MacParser<'a, 'b> {
    fn new(cx: &'a mut ExtCtxt<'b>, tts: &[ast::TokenTree]) -> MacParser<'a, 'b> {
        let p = cx.new_parser_from_tts(tts);
        MacParser { cx: cx, p: p }

    /// Main entry point for parsing arguments to `docopt` macro.
    /// First looks for an identifier for the struct name.
    /// Second, a string containing the docopt usage patterns.
    /// Third, an optional list of type annotations.
    fn parse(&mut self) -> PResult<'b, Parsed> {
        if self.p.token == token::Eof {
            let err =, "macro expects arguments");
            return Err(err);
        let struct_info = try!(self.parse_struct_info());
        let docstr = try!(self.parse_str());

        let sep = SeqSep {
            sep: Some(token::Comma),
            trailing_sep_allowed: true,
        let types = try!(self.p.parse_seq_to_end(
            &token::Eof, sep, |p| MacParser::parse_type_annotation(p)
          .map(|(ident, ty)| {
              let field_name = ident.to_string();
              let key = ArgvMap::struct_field_to_key(&*field_name);
              (Atom::new(&*key), ty)
          .collect::<HashMap<Atom, P<ast::Ty>>>();

        // This config does not matter because we're only asking for the
        // usage patterns in the Docopt string. The configuration does not
        // affect the retrieval of usage patterns.
        let doc = match Docopt::new(docstr) {
            Ok(doc) => doc,
            Err(err) => {
                let err =,
                                                  &format!("Invalid Docopt usage: {}", err));
                return Err(err);
        Ok(Parsed {
            struct_info: struct_info,
            doc: doc,
            types: types,

    /// Parses a single string literal. On failure, an error is logged and
    /// unit is returned.
    fn parse_str(&mut self) -> PResult<'b, String> {
        fn lit_is_str(lit: &ast::Lit) -> bool {
            match lit.node {
                ast::LitStr(_, _) => true,
                _ => false,
        fn lit_to_string(lit: &ast::Lit) -> String {
            match lit.node {
                ast::LitStr(ref s, _) => s.to_string(),
                _ => panic!("BUG: expected string literal"),
        let exp =;
        let s = match exp.node {
            ast::ExprLit(ref lit) if lit_is_str(&**lit) => {
            _ => {
                let err = format!("Expected string literal but got {}",
                let err =, &*err);
                return Err(err);

    /// Parses a type annotation in a `docopt` invocation of the form
    /// `ident: Ty`.
    /// Note that this is a static method as it is used as a HOF.
    fn parse_type_annotation(p: &mut Parser<'b>)
                             -> PResult<'b, (ast::Ident, P<ast::Ty>)> {
        let ident = try!(p.parse_ident());
        let ty = p.parse_ty().unwrap();
        Ok((ident, ty))

    /// Parses struct information, like visibility, name and deriving.
    fn parse_struct_info(&mut self) -> PResult<'b, StructInfo> {
        let public = try!(self.p.eat_keyword(token::keywords::Pub));
        let mut info = StructInfo {
            name: try!(self.p.parse_ident()),
            public: public,
            deriving: vec![],
        if try!( { return Ok(info); }
        let deriving = try!(self.p.parse_ident());
        if != "derive" {
            let err = format!("Expected 'derive' keyword but got '{}'",
            let err =, &*err);
            return Err(err);
        while !try!( {

struct StructInfo {
    name: ast::Ident,
    public: bool,
    deriving: Vec<String>,

// Convenience functions for building intermediate values.

fn ident(s: &str) -> ast::Ident {

fn attribute<S, T>(cx: &ExtCtxt, name: S, items: Vec<T>) -> ast::Attribute
            where S: Borrow<str>, T: Borrow<str> {
    let sp = codemap::DUMMY_SP;
    let its = items.into_iter().map(|s| meta_item(cx, s.borrow())).collect();
    let mi = cx.meta_list(sp, intern(name.borrow()), its);
    cx.attribute(sp, mi)

fn meta_item(cx: &ExtCtxt, s: &str) -> P<ast::MetaItem> {
    cx.meta_word(codemap::DUMMY_SP, intern(s))

fn intern(s: &str) -> token::InternedString {

fn ty_vec_string(cx: &ExtCtxt) -> P<ast::Ty> {
    let sp = codemap::DUMMY_SP;
    let tystr = ast::AngleBracketedParameterData {
        lifetimes: vec![],
        types: P::from_vec(vec![cx.ty_ident(sp, ident("String"))]),
        bindings: P::empty(),
    cx.ty_path(ast::Path {
        span: sp,
        global: false,
        segments: vec![ast::PathSegment {
            identifier: ident("Vec"),
            parameters: ast::PathParameters::AngleBracketed(tystr),