docket 0.1.7

Simple markdown to HTML documentation rendering
# Docket

Simple markdown to HTML documentation rendering. Docket aims to be a Rust clone of [`d`](

## Key Features

* Binary which can be installed with `cargo install`
* Command line argument parsing with [Docopt]
* Markdown rendering with `pulldown-cmark`.
* Zero-configuration.

## Getting Started

Docket can be installed with cargo via `cargo install docket`. Once installed you should be able to run it form the command line as `docket`.

To begin creating your documentation create a new `docs/` folder at the root of your repository. Add a file called `` with a short markdown description of the project. Add pages by creating new markdown files in the `docs/` folder. Each page should have a level-1 heading at the beginning which is treated as the title of the page. 

To render the HTML output change to the `docs/` folder and run `docket`. This should create a new `docs/build/` folder containing the rendered site; ready to be published to a web-server or served with GitHub Pages. For more information about setup and configuration [check out the docs](