docket 0.1.1

Simple markdown to HTML documentation rendering
docket-0.1.1 is not a library.


Simple markdown to HTML documentation rendering. Docket aims to be a Rust clone of d.

  • Binary which can be installed with cargo install
  • Command line argument parsing with Docopt
  • Markdown rendering with pulldown-cmark.
  • Zero-configuration.


The main program will just instantiate a Docket instance with parameters parsed from the command line. The Docket will scan the tree and find pages to be rendered.

When rendering a page:

  • Write out the header, which will contain styling information for the page.
  • Write out the body, transforming the H1 to be a page link, and inserting the TOC into the body.
  • Write out the global footer, if there is one.

Once all pages are rendered will will then know the 'pretty' names for each page (extracted from the H1). We can then write out the index page.


  • Properly parse the TOC tree and substitute it into the individual files.
  • Add links to the pages on the index page, with the proper slugs. E.g.: about rather than 01-about.html. These should come from the headings, but slugified.
  • Add styling to the main page. Maybe some kind of abstraction around rendering content and style that the same code can be used for pages and index?
  • Allow title file to override the project name guessed from the directory.
  • Syntax highlighting with Pygments-compatible library.