dnsimple 0.1.0

Rust DNSimple API client


:warning: Development Warning

This project targets the development of the API client for the DNSimple API v2.

This version is currently under development, therefore the methods and the implementation should he considered a work-in-progress. Changes in the method naming, method signatures, public or internal APIs may happen at any time.

The code is tested with an automated test suite connected to a continuous integration tool, therefore you should not expect :bomb: bugs to be merged into main. Regardless, use this library at your own risk. :boom:

DNSimple Rust Client

A Rust client for the DNSimple API v2.


use dnsimple_rust::dnsimple::{Client, new_client};

let client = new_client(true, String::from("AUTH_TOKEN"));
let identity_response = client.identity().whoami().unwrap().data.unwrap();


Copyright (c) 2015-2021 DNSimple Corporation. This is Free Software distributed under the MIT license.