dmntk-feel-grammar 0.2.0

DMNTK | FEEL grammar

DMNTK | Decision Model and Notation Toolkit


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FEEL grammar and parsing tables generator used in DMNTK project.

This crate implements:

  • The grammar for FEEL language in the format acceptable by Bison parser generator.
  • The generator of LALR parsing tables for Rust language.

Excerpt from Decision Model and Notation™ specification, ver. 1.3, pp. 105-179:

"DMN 1.3 defines the friendly enough expression language (FEEL) for the purpose of giving standard executable semantics to many kinds of expressions in decision model. [...] FEEL syntax is defined as a grammar here [...]".

dmntk-feel-grammar crate defines the Bison version of the full FEEL grammar as defined in clause 10.3 of cited above Decision Model and Notation™ specification.

In addition, dmntk-feel-grammar crate provides functionality for generating LALR parsing tables and reduce actions, ready to be used by LALR parser written in Rust. Such parser that uses the output from dmntk-feel-grammar crate is implemented in dmntk-feel-parser.

How it works

Inputs and outputs of dmntk-feel-grammar crate are depicted in the following diagram:


dmntk-feel-grammar takes Yacc/Bison compatible grammar file as an input. Grammar file for FEEL language is defined as a source file named feel.y and compiled with this crate.

The output from dmntk-feel-grammar create is a file named This file is a Rust source code that contains definitions of parsing tables and reduce actions.

dmntk-feel-grammar crate uses Bison parser generator to process the input grammar file and to generate the parser source for C language. Command that generates the parser for C language using Bison may look like this:

$ LANG=C bison -l -r states -L C feel.y

Bison generates C source file that contains the generated parsing tables. dmntk-feel-grammar extracts those tables, adds reduce action definitions and saves the result code in file as Rust source code.


dmntk-feel-grammar requires:

  • installed the newest Rust nightly version,
  • installed the newest Bison version.


dmntk-feel-grammar may be used as a library.

Add dmntk-feel-grammar to your Cargo.toml:

dmntk-feel-grammar = "0.0.40"

To generate LALR parsing tables, call lalr_rust_tables function:

use dmntk_feel_grammar::lalr_rust_tables;

fn main() {

Implemented grammar rules

The following grammar rules are taken from Decision Model and Notation™ ver. 1.3

  1. expression =

    • a. boxed_expression |
    • b. textual_expression ;
  2. textual_expression =

    • a. for_expression | if_expression | quantified_expression |
    • b. disjunction |
    • c. conjunction |
    • d. comparison |
    • e. arithmetic_expression |
    • f. instance_of |
    • g. path_expression | filter_expression | function_invocation |
    • h. literal | simple_positive_unary_test | name | ( , expression , ) ;
  3. textual_expressions = textual expression , { , , textual_expression } ;

  4. arithmetic_expression =

    • a. addition | subtraction |
    • b. multiplication | division |
    • c. exponentiation |
    • d. arithmetic_negation ;
  5. simple_expression = arithmetic_expression | simple_value ;

  6. simple_expressions = simple_expression , { , , simple_expression } ;

  7. simple_positive_unary_test =

    • a. [ < | <= | > | >= ] , endpoint |
    • b. interval ;
  8. interval = ( open_interval_start | closed_interval_start ) , endpoint , .. , endpoint , ( open_interval_end | closed_interval_end ) ;

  9. open_interval_start = ( | ] ;

  10. closed_interval_start = [ ;

  11. open_interval_end = ) | [ ;

  12. closed_interval_end = ] ;

  13. positive_unary_test = expression ;

  14. positive_unary_tests = positive_unary_test , { , , positive_unary_test } ;

  15. unary_tests =

    • a. positive_unary_tests |
    • b. not, (, positive_unary_tests, ) |
    • c. - ;
  16. endpoint = simple_value ;

  17. simple_value = qualified_name | simple_literal ;

  18. qualified_name = name , { . , name } ;

  19. addition = expression , + , expression ;

  20. subtraction = expression , - , expression ;

  21. multiplication = expression , * , expression ;

  22. division = expression , / , expression ;

  23. exponentiation = expression, **, expression ;

  24. arithmetic_negation = - , expression ;

  25. name = name_start , { name_part | additional_name_symbols } ;

  26. name_start = name_start_char, { name_part_char } ;

  27. name_part = name_part_char , { name_part_char } ;

  28. name_start_char = ? | [A-Z] | _ | [a-z] | [\uC0-\uD6] | [\uD8-\uF6] | [\uF8-\u2FF] | [\u370-\u37D] | [\u37F-\u1FFF] | [\u200C-\u200D] | [\u2070-\u218F] | [\u2C00-\u2FEF] | [\u3001-\uD7FF] | [\uF900-\uFDCF] | [\uFDF0-\uFFFD] | [\u10000-\uEFFFF] ;

  29. name_part_char = name_start_char | digit | \uB7 | [\u0300-\u036F] | [\u203F-\u2040] ;

  30. additional_name_symbols = . | / | - | | + | * ;

  31. literal = simple_literal | null ;

  32. simple_literal = numeric_literal | string_literal | boolean_literal | date_time_literal ;

  33. string_literal = ", { character – (" | vertical_space) | string_escape_sequence}, " ;

  34. boolean_literal = true | false ;

  35. numeric_literal = [ - ] , ( digits , [ ., digits ] | . , digits ) ;

  36. digit = [0-9] ;

  37. digits = digit , { digit } ;

  38. function_invocation = expression , parameters ;

  39. parameters = ( , ( named_parameters | positional_parameters ) , ) ;

  40. named_parameters = parameter_name , : , expression , { , , parameter name , : , expression } ;

  41. parameter_name = name ;

  42. positional_parameters = [ expression , { , , expression } ] ;

  43. path_expression = expression , . , name ;

  44. for_expression = for , name , in , iteration context { , , name , in , iteration context } , return , expression ;

  45. if_expression = if , expression , then , expression , else expression ;

  46. quantified_expression = (some | every) , name , in , expression , { , , name , in , expression } , satisfies , expression ;

  47. disjunction = expression , or , expression ;

  48. conjunction = expression , and , expression ;

  49. comparison =

    • a. expression , ( = | != | < | <= | > | >= ) , expression |
    • b. expression , between , expression , and , expression |
    • c. expression , in , positive_unary_test |
    • d. expression , in , (, positive unary tests, ) ;
  50. filter_expression = expression , [ , expression , ] ;

  51. instance_of = expression , instance , of , type ;

  52. type =

    • a. qualified_name |
    • b. list < type > |
    • c. context < name : type { , name : type } > |
    • d. function < [ type { , type } ] > -> type ;
  53. boxed_expression = list | function_definition | context ;

  54. list = [ , [ expression , { , , expression } ] , ] ;

  55. function_definition = function , ( , [ formal_parameter { , , formal parameter } ] , ) , [ external ] , expression ;

  56. formal_parameter = parameter_name [: type ] ;

  57. context = { , [context_entry , { , , context_entry } ] , } ;

  58. context_entry = key , : , expression ;

  59. key = name | string_literal ;

  60. date_time_literal = at_literal | function_invocation ;

  61. white_space = vertical_space | \u0009 | \u0020 | \u0085 | \u00A0 | \u1680 | \u180E | [\u2000-\u200B] | \u2028 | \u2029 | \u202F | \u205F | \u3000 | \uFEFF ;

  62. vertical_space = [\u000A-\u000D] ;

  63. iteration_context = expression, [ .., expression ] ;

  64. string_escape_sequence = \' | \" | \\ | \n | \r | \t | code_point;

  65. at_literal = @, string_literal


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