dmenv 0.2.1

The stupid virtualenv manager

dmenv: the stupid virtualenv manager

Basic usage

dmenv only needs one config file: the .dmenv.toml.

The config must contain a default config, like this:

python = /path/to/python

Note: do not put the .dmenv.toml under version control, you never know what people install where :)

Then, make sure to have file looking like this:

    # Your deps here
    "baz >= 2.0",
  extras_require = {
    # Your dev deps here
    "dev": [
     "console_scripts": [
        "foo = foo:main"

Run dmenv freeze: it will

  • Create a virtualenv for you with python -m venv
  • Run pip intall --editable .[dev] so that your dev deps are installed, and the scripts listed in entry_points are created
  • Run pip freeze to generate a requirements.lock file.

Now you can add requirements.lock to your git repo, and then anyone can run dmenv install to install all the deps and get exactly the same versions you got when you ran dmenv freeze. Hooray reproducible builds!

As a convenience, you can use:

  • dmenv run to run any binary from the virtualenv
  • something like source $(dmenv show) to activate the virtualenv for your current shell

Using an other python version

To use a different Python, version add a new section in .dmenv with the name and the path to the binary, like this:

python = "/path/to/python3.8"

Then you can use all the dmenv commands by prefixing them with dmenv --env 3.8.

Cool, no?


Q: How do I add dependencies to build the documentation? A: Stick them in the dev section.

Q: What if I don't want to install the dev dependencies? A: Don't use dmenv. Run pip install without [dev] extras.

Q: How do I upgrade a dependency? A: Just run dmenv freeze again. If something breaks, either fix your code or use more precise version specifiers

Q: How do I depend on a git specific repo/branch? A: Edit the requirements.lock by hand like this:


Q: But that sucks and it will disappear when I re-run dmenv freeze! A: Yes that sucks. Feel free to:

  • Open a pull request if you've forked an upstream project
  • Use a local pipy mirror and a little bit of CI to publish your sources there


  • Because pipenv, poetry and the like are too big and too complex
  • Because virtualenv + requirements.txt has worked for 10 years and will continue to work for 10 years
  • Because it will continue to work if / when pip supports pipfile
  • Because dependency management is very hard, and pip already does a good enough job

Why Python3 only?

  • Because it's 2018

Why not use virtualenv?

  • Because python3 -m venv works since Python3.3, except on debian where you have to run apt install python3-venv. But that's Debian's problem, not mine

But I don't want to maintain a!

Too bad. Don't use dmenv, then. poetry is cool.

Why Rust?

  • Because I want to make to never depend on pip, setuptools or any other internals of pip and virtualenv
  • Because it has excellent support for what we need: manipuate paths and run commands in a cross-platform way
  • Because it's my second favorite language
  • Because distribution is really easy