divans 0.0.1

DivANS is a new way of structuring compression programs to make them more open to innovation in the wider community, by separating compression into multiple stages that can each be improved independently
name = "divans"
version = "0.0.1"
authors = [
    "Daniel Reiter Horn <danielrh@dropbox.com>",
    "Jongmin Baek <jongmin@dropbox.com>",
    "Anatoly Yakovenko <anatoly@dropbox.com>"
license = "Apache-2.0"
description = "DivANS is a new way of structuring compression programs to make them more open to innovation in the wider community, by separating compression into multiple stages that can each be improved independently"
documentation = "https://blogs.dropbox.com/tech/2018/06/building-better-compression-together-with-divans/"
keywords = ["brotli", "decompression", "lz77", "huffman", "nostd"]
readme = "README.md"
build = "build.rs"
autobins = false

crate-type=["cdylib", "rlib", "staticlib"]

doc = false
name = "divans"

vergen = "0.1"

"alloc-no-stdlib" = "~1.3"
"brotli" = {version = "~2.5"}


# allow use of SIMD to update probability and compute crc32c
simd = []

# use avx2-specific instructions

# avoid inlining some key functions (for profiling). Significant perf hit

# do not compile any unsafe code (this disables C-FFI)

# use 65536-sized table to do 16 bit integer divides: similar speed, but strains memory subsystem

#use dynamic CDF blending depending on samples
findspeed = []

# print breakdown of which parts of the file cost
billing = []

# use divisionless CDF: averages with other CDFs rather than counting samples like FrequentistCDF
blend = []

# print trace of probability
debug_entropy = []

# only use portable SIMD instructions for probability updates
portable-simd = []

no-stdlib = ["alloc-no-stdlib/no-stdlib", "brotli/no-stdlib"]

# bind to rust with nostdlib
no-stdlib-rust-binding = []

# turn on benchmark tests and --bench commands (requires nigtly)
benchmark = ["brotli/benchmark"]

# allow specification of a external probability array, to test new prediction schemes
external-literal-probability = ["brotli/external-literal-probability"]

uncached_frequentist = []

threadlog = []