dittolive-ditto-sys 4.0.0-beta1

Native bindings to Ditto library
name = "dittolive-ditto-sys"
version = "4.0.0-beta1"  # SDK VERSION
authors = ["Ditto Engineering Team <engineering@ditto.live>"]
edition = "2021"
links = "dittoffi"
build = "build.rs"
description = "Native bindings to Ditto library"
license-file = "LICENSE.md"
homepage = "https://www.ditto.live"
documentation = "https://ditto.live/docs"
publish = true

path = "lib.rs"

default = [
    # "defaulted"
download = []

fs-storage = [
in-memory-storage = [

macro_rules_attribute = "0.0.2"
paste = "1.0.7"
tokio = { version = "1.21.2", features = ["full"] }

features = ["out-refs"]
version = "0.0.5"
# Daniel: update this once the new `safer-ffi` is released to crates.io
# path = "../../subrepos/safer-ffi"

# This is a released-to-crates.io crate that is completely empty on purpose.
# This makes it so depending on it can't affect public crates.io publication
# in any way.
package = "cratesio-placeholder-package"
version = "=0.0.0"

# now, for the interesting part: as we depend on the Rust SDK by path (which
# all of the monorepo dependents, such as Hydra, do), this `path =` entry takes
# over and overrides the dependency on the dummy crates.io crate.
# Now head over implicit-dittoffi-dependency-hack/Cargo.toml for the rest…
path = "implicit-dittoffi-dependency-hack"