dispose 0.4.0

A simple wrapper for values that must be consumed on drop.
#![warn(missing_docs, clippy::all, clippy::pedantic, clippy::cargo)]
#![deny(broken_intra_doc_links, missing_debug_implementations)]

//! A small crate for handling resources that must be consumed at the end of
//! their lifetime.
//! Since Rust's type system is affine rather than linear, `Drop::drop` mutably
//! borrows `self`, rather than consuming it.  For the most part, this is fine,
//! but for some cases (such as working with the crate `gfx_hal`) resources must
//! be consumed on drop.  This crate and the `dispose_derive` crate serve to
//! cover the typical boilerplate for such cases by managing the `ManuallyDrop`
//! wrapper for you. (See the [`Dispose`] derive macro for more info on that)
//! As a bonus, this crate makes it easy to defer the execution of an `FnOnce`
//! closure to the end of a scope, which can be done using the [`defer`]
//! function.
//! **NOTE:** The `Dispose` trait does _not_ provide a `Drop` impl by itself.
//! For that, a value implementing `Dispose` must be wrapped in a [`Disposable`]
//! struct.
//! # Examples
//! ```
//! use dispose::{Dispose, Disposable};
//! struct MyStruct;
//! impl Dispose for MyStruct {
//!     fn dispose(self) { println!("Goodbye, world!"); }
//! }
//! {
//!     let _my_struct = Disposable::new(MyStruct);
//! } // prints "Goodbye, world!"
//! ```
//! As a design consideration, values implementing `Dispose` should _always_ be
//! returned wrapped in `Disposable` or any other wrapper properly implementing
//! `Drop`.  `Disposable` is recommended as it contains an unsafe [`leak`]
//! function to retrieve the inner value, if necessary.
//! ```
//! use dispose::{Dispose, Disposable};
//! mod secrets {
//! #   use dispose::{Dispose, Disposable};
//!     pub struct Secrets {
//!         launch_codes: u32,
//!     }
//!     impl Secrets {
//!         pub fn new(launch_codes: u32) -> Disposable<Self> {
//!             Self { launch_codes }.into()
//!         }
//!     }
//!     impl Dispose for Secrets {
//!         fn dispose(mut self) { self.launch_codes = 0x0; } // Nice try, hackers!
//!     }
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     let secret = secrets::Secrets::new(0xDEADBEEF);
//! } // secret is properly disposed at the end of the scope
//! fn BAD() {
//!     let secret = secrets::Secrets::new(0o1337);
//!     let mwahaha = unsafe { Disposable::leak(secret) };
//! } // .dispose() was not called - data has been leaked!
//! ```
//! (My lawyers have advised me to note that the above example is not
//! cryptographically secure. Please do not clean up secure memory by simply
//! setting it to zero.)
//! [`defer`]: ./fn.defer.html
//! [`Disposable`]: ./struct.Disposable.html
//! [`leak`]: ./struct.Disposable.html#method.leak
//! [`Dispose`]: ./derive.Dispose.html

mod abort;
mod defer;
mod disposable;
mod dispose;
mod dispose_with;

pub use dispose_derive::*;

pub use crate::{abort::*, defer::*, disposable::*, dispose::*, dispose_with::*};

/// Contains all the basic traits and derive macros exported by this crate.
pub mod prelude {
    pub use dispose_derive::*;

    pub use super::{Dispose, DisposeWith};