displaythis 1.0.23


This library provides a convenient derive macro for the standard library's
[`std::fmt::Display`] trait. displaythis is a fork of
[thiserror](https://crates.io/crates/thiserror), modified for types that are
not errors.

[`std::fmt::Display`]: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/fmt/trait.Display.html


# Example

# use std::io;
use displaythis::Display;

#[derive(Display, Debug)]
pub enum DataStoreError {
    #[display("data store disconnected")]
    #[display("the data for key `{0}` is not available")]
    #[display("invalid header (expected {expected:?}, found {found:?})")]
    InvalidHeader {
        expected: String,
        found: String,
    #[display("unknown data store error")]


# Details

- displaythis deliberately does not appear in your public API. You get the
  same thing as if you had written an implementation of `std::fmt::Display`
  by hand, and switching from handwritten impls to displaythis or vice versa
  is not a breaking change.

- Types may be enums, structs with named fields, tuple structs, or unit

- You should provide
  `#[display("...")]` messages on the struct or each variant of your enum, as
  shown above in the example.

  The messages support a shorthand for interpolating fields from the error.

    - `#[display("{var}")]`&ensp;&ensp;`write!("{}", self.var)`
    - `#[display("{0}")]`&ensp;&ensp;`write!("{}", self.0)`
    - `#[display("{var:?}")]`&ensp;&ensp;`write!("{:?}", self.var)`
    - `#[display("{0:?}")]`&ensp;&ensp;`write!("{:?}", self.0)`

  These shorthands can be used together with any additional format args,
  which may be arbitrary expressions. For example:

  #[derive(Display, Debug)]
  pub enum Error {
      #[display("invalid rdo_lookahead_frames {0} (expected < {})", i32::MAX)]

  If one of the additional expression arguments needs to refer to a field of
  the struct or enum, then refer to named fields as `.var` and tuple fields
  as `.0`.

  #[derive(Display, Debug)]
  pub enum Error {
      #[display("first letter must be lowercase but was {:?}", first_char(.0))]
      #[display("invalid index {idx}, expected at least {} and at most {}", .limits.lo, .limits.hi)]
      OutOfBounds { idx: usize, limits: Limits },


#### License

Licensed under either of <a href="LICENSE-APACHE">Apache License, Version
2.0</a> or <a href="LICENSE-MIT">MIT license</a> at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted
for inclusion in this crate by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall
be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.