displaydoc-lite 0.1.2

Implement the Display trait using your standard doc comments.

**Implement the `Display` trait using your standard doc comments.**

This crate is a lite version of the popular crate [`displaydoc`][ddoc].
It provides the same functionality but using a declarative macro instead
and not depending on `syn` or `quote`.

This crate is also usable in `no_std` environments. No additional features are required for that.

Note: `displaydoc-lite` still has a proc-macro as a dependency,
but it's very tiny and doesn't have any dependencies.

## Example

use displaydoc_lite::displaydoc;

displaydoc! {
    pub enum DataStoreError {
        /// data store disconnected: {_0}
        /// the data for key `{_0}` is not available
        /// invalid header (expected {expected}, found {found})
        InvalidHeader {
            expected: String,
            found: String,
        /// unknown data store error

Support for interpolating fields is planed, but currently not implemented.

### License

Licensed under either [Apache License][apache] or the [MIT][mit] license.

[apache]: https://github.com/Stupremee/displaydoc-lite/tree/main/LICENSE-APACHE
[mit]: https://github.com/Stupremee/displaydoc-lite/tree/main/LICENSE-MIT
[ddoc]: https://crates.io/crates/displaydoc