discv5 0.1.0

Implementation of the p2p discv5 discovery protocol
use super::*;
use crate::Enr;
use enr::{CombinedPublicKey, NodeId};
use std::net::SocketAddr;

#[cfg(feature = "libp2p")]
use libp2p_core::{identity::PublicKey, multiaddr::Protocol, multihash, Multiaddr};

/// This type relaxes the requirement of having an ENR to connect to a node, to allow for unsigned
/// connection types, such as multiaddrs.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct NodeContact {
    /// Key to use for communications with this node.
    public_key: CombinedPublicKey,
    /// Address to use to contact the node.
    socket_addr: SocketAddr,
    /// The ENR of the node if known.
    enr: Option<Enr>,

#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct NonContactable {
    pub enr: Enr,

impl NodeContact {
    pub fn node_id(&self) -> NodeId {

    pub fn seq_no(&self) -> Option<u64> {
        self.enr.as_ref().map(|enr| enr.seq())

    pub fn public_key(&self) -> CombinedPublicKey {

    pub fn enr(&self) -> Option<Enr> {

    pub fn socket_addr(&self) -> SocketAddr {

    pub fn node_address(&self) -> NodeAddress {
        NodeAddress {
            socket_addr: self.socket_addr,
            node_id: self.node_id(),

    pub fn to_address_and_enr(self) -> (NodeAddress, Option<Enr>) {
        let NodeContact {
        } = self;
            NodeAddress {
                node_id: public_key.into(),

    pub fn try_from_enr(enr: Enr, ip_mode: IpMode) -> Result<Self, NonContactable> {
        let socket_addr = match ip_mode.get_contactable_addr(&enr) {
            Some(socket_addr) => socket_addr,
            None => return Err(NonContactable { enr }),

        Ok(NodeContact {
            public_key: enr.public_key(),
            enr: Some(enr),

    #[cfg(feature = "libp2p")]
    pub fn try_from_multiaddr(multiaddr: Multiaddr) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
        // The multiaddr must contain either the ip4 or ip6 protocols, the UDP protocol and the P2P
        // protocol with either secp256k1 or ed25519 keys.

        // perform a single pass and try to fill all required protocols from the multiaddr
        let mut ip_addr = None;
        let mut udp_port = None;
        let mut p2p = None;

        for protocol in multiaddr.into_iter() {
            match protocol {
                Protocol::Udp(port) => udp_port = Some(port),
                Protocol::Ip4(addr) => ip_addr = Some(addr.into()),
                Protocol::Ip6(addr) => ip_addr = Some(addr.into()),
                Protocol::P2p(multihash) => p2p = Some(multihash),
                _ => {}

        let udp_port = udp_port.ok_or("A UDP port must be specified in the multiaddr")?;
        let ip_addr = ip_addr.ok_or("An IP address must be specified in the multiaddr")?;
        let multihash = p2p.ok_or("The p2p protocol must be specified in the multiaddr")?;

        // verify the correct key type
        if multihash.code() != u64::from(multihash::Code::Identity) {
            return Err("The key type is unsupported");

        let public_key: CombinedPublicKey =
            match PublicKey::from_protobuf_encoding(&multihash.to_bytes()[2..])
                .map_err(|_| "Invalid public key")?
                PublicKey::Secp256k1(pk) => {
                        .expect("Libp2p key conversion, always valid")
                PublicKey::Ed25519(pk) => enr::ed25519_dalek::PublicKey::from_bytes(&pk.encode())
                    .expect("Libp2p key conversion, always valid")
                _ => return Err("The key type is not supported"),

        Ok(NodeContact {
            socket_addr: SocketAddr::new(ip_addr, udp_port),
            enr: None,

impl From<Enr> for NodeContact {
    fn from(enr: Enr) -> Self {
        NodeContact::try_from_enr(enr, IpMode::default()).unwrap()

impl std::fmt::Display for NodeContact {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Node: {}, addr: {:?}", self.node_id(), self.socket_addr)

/// A representation of an unsigned contactable node.
#[derive(PartialEq, Hash, Eq, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct NodeAddress {
    /// The destination socket address.
    pub socket_addr: SocketAddr,
    /// The destination Node Id.
    pub node_id: NodeId,

impl Ord for NodeAddress {
    fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> std::cmp::Ordering {
        let ord = self.node_id.raw().cmp(&other.node_id.raw());
        if ord != std::cmp::Ordering::Equal {
            return ord;
        let ord = self.socket_addr.ip().cmp(&other.socket_addr.ip());
        if ord != std::cmp::Ordering::Equal {
            return ord;

impl PartialOrd for NodeAddress {
    fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<std::cmp::Ordering> {

impl NodeAddress {
    pub fn new(socket_addr: SocketAddr, node_id: NodeId) -> Self {
        Self {

impl std::fmt::Display for NodeAddress {
    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
        write!(f, "Node: {}, addr: {:?}", self.node_id, self.socket_addr)