dirmod 0.1.1

Automatic mod.rs definition


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Tired of writing and updating all the mod statements in mod.rs? Generate them with dirmod instead.

dirmod scans your directory and generates the corresponding mod statements automatically with a simple macro call:


(Note: dirmod is designed for Rust 2018 Edition, so macros takej simple and ambiguous names like all, os, etc. It is recommended to call the macros in fully-qualified fashion like dirmod::all!, dirmod::os!(), etc. for clarity. The old #[macro_use] extern crate dirmod; style is not recommended.)


Modules can be set to a common visibility, so all modules can be pub mod or pub(self) mod, etc. by default at your favour:


You can also make all modules private, and set the visibility for the re-exported items instead.

If there are individual modules among dozens that need special visibility configuration, it is also possible to write

Conditional compilation

But I use mod to implement conditional compilation!

No problem, dirmod generates cfg attributes for some idiomatic styles:

  • A directory where each module name is the feature name (e.g. #[cfg(feature = "foo")] mod foo;)
  • A directory where each module name is the OS/OS family name (e.g. #[cfg(target_family = "unix")] mod unix;)

File an issue if I missed any common styles!

But I am still unhappy about Xxxx corner case!

No problem, you don't have to use dirmod for every module. dirmod::all!() has an except argument that excludes certain modules. Since the macro simply generates mod statements, it is perfectly fine to add more items before/after the macro call.


Instead of writing docs in mod.rs, write them in the module directly. In addition to dirmod constraints, there are a few advantages:

  • Avoid lots of docs mixed together in a single mod.rs. Easier to navigate!
  • Writing docs inside the module itself is much more relevant than references to the parent module.

To write docs for the module, use this syntax at the top of the module (before any other items):

//! Yay, I'm now describing myself!
//! I finally have my own place!

Supported Rust versions

Since detecting the source file requires the proc_macro_span feature, Rust Nightly is required to compile this crate.

How to use

See the documentation for detailed explanation.


See the testcrate directory, which demonstrates the use of dirmod::all! and dirmod::family!.