directories 0.3.1

A tiny library that provides platform-specific locations of config, cache, ... directories on Linux, Windows and macOS by leveraging the mechanisms defined by the XDG base directory and the XDG user directory specifications on Linux, the Known Folder system on Windows, and the Standard Directory rules on macOS.
Documentation version actively developed TravisCI status AppVeyor status



  • A tiny library with a minimal API (2 structs, 4 factory functions, getters)
  • that provides the platform-specific, user-accessible locations
  • for storing configuration, cache and other data
  • on Linux, Windows (≥ Vista) and macOS.

The library provides the location of these directories by leveraging the mechanisms defined by



Add the library as a dependency to your project by inserting

directories = "0.3.1"

into the [dependencies] section of your Cargo.toml file.


Library run by a user with user name "my_user_name" on Linux:

extern crate directories;
use directories::ProjectDirectories;

let my_proj_dirs = ProjectDirectories.from_project_name("My Project");
my_proj_dirs.project_config_dir; // "/home/my_user_name/.config/my-project/"



The intended use-case for BaseDirectories is to query the paths of standard directories that have been defined according to the conventions of operating system the library is running on.

If you want to compute the location of cache, config or data directories for your own application or project, use ProjectDirectories instead.

Function name Value on Linux Value on Windows Value on macOS
home_dir $HOME {FOLDERID_Profile} $HOME
cache_dir $XDG_CACHE_DIR or ~/.cache/ {FOLDERID_LocalAppData}/cache/ $HOME/Library/Caches/
config_dir $XDG_CONFIG_DIR or ~/.config/ {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData} $HOME/Library/Preferences/
data_dir $XDG_DATA_DIR or ~/.local/share/ {FOLDERID_LocalAppData} $HOME/Library/Application Support/
data_roaming_dir $XDG_DATA_DIR or ~/.local/share/ {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData} $HOME/Library/Application Support/
executable_dir Some($XDG_DATA_HOME/../bin/) or Some($HOME/.local/bin/) None Some($HOME/Applications/)
runtime_dir Some($XDG_RUNTIME_DIR) None None
audio_dir XDG_MUSIC_DIR {FOLDERID_Music} $HOME/Music/
desktop_dir XDG_DESKTOP_DIR {FOLDERID_Desktop} $HOME/Desktop/
document_dir XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR {FOLDERID_Documents} $HOME/Documents/
download_dir XDG_DOWNLOAD_DIR {FOLDERID_Downloads} $HOME/Downloads/
font_dir Some($XDG_DATA_HOME/fonts/) or Some($HOME/.local/share/fonts/) None Some($HOME/Library/Fonts/)
picture_dir XDG_PICTURES_DIR {FOLDERID_Pictures} $HOME/Pictures/
public_dir XDG_PUBLICSHARE_DIR {FOLDERID_Public} $HOME/Public/
template_dir XDG_TEMPLATES_DIR {FOLDERID_Templates} None
video_dir XDG_VIDEOS_DIR {FOLDERID_Videos} $HOME/Movies/


The intended use-case for ProjectDirectories is to compute the location of cache, config or data directories for your own application or project, which are derived from the standard directories.

Function name Value on Linux Value on Windows Value on macOS
project_cache_dir $XDG_CACHE_DIR/_yourprojectname_ or $HOME/.cache/_yourprojectname_/ {FOLDERID_LocalAppData}/_yourprojectname_/cache/ $HOME/Library/Caches/_yourprojectname_/
project_config_dir $XDG_CONFIG_DIR/_yourprojectname_ or $HOME/.config/_yourprojectname_/ {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}/_yourprojectname_/ $HOME/Library/Preferences/_yourprojectname_/
project_data_dir $XDG_DATA_DIR/_yourprojectname_ or $HOME/.local/share/_yourprojectname_/ {FOLDERID_LocalAppData}/_yourprojectname_/ $HOME/Library/Application Support/_yourprojectname_/
project_data_roaming_dir $XDG_DATA_DIR/_yourprojectname_ or $HOME/.local/share/_yourprojectname_/ {FOLDERID_RoamingAppData}/_yourprojectname_/ $HOME/Library/Application Support/_yourprojectname_/
project_runtime_dir Some($XDG_RUNTIME_DIR/_yourprojectname_) or Some($HOME/.local/share/_yourprojectname_/) None None

The specific value of _yourprojectname_ depends on the function used to create the ProjectDirectories struct:

Function name Example project name Value on Linux Value on Windows Value on macOS
from_unprocessed_string "FooBar-App" "FooBar-App" "FooBar-App" "FooBar-App"
from_project_name "FooBar App" "foobar-app" "FooBar App" "FooBar App"
from_qualified_project_name "org.foobar-corp.FooBar-App" "foobar-app" "FooBar-App" "org.foobar-corp.FooBar-App"


After 1.0, the version number of this library consists of a whole number, which is incremented with each release. (Think semantic versioning without minor and patch versions.)