direct-gui 0.1.19

Simple direct rendering of GUI controls on a buffer
# direct-gui
Simple direct rendering GUI controls

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### [Documentation]

## Usage

Add this to your `Cargo.toml`:

direct-gui = "0.1"

And this to your crate root:

extern crate direct_gui;

### Run the examples

On Linux you need the `xorg-dev` package as required by `minifb` -- `sudo apt install xorg-dev`

    cargo run --example button


    cargo run --example label


    cargo run --example sprite


## Examples

use direct_gui::*;
use direct_gui::controls::*;

let screen_size = (800i32, 600i32);

// Create a buffer where we will render to
let mut buffer: Vec<u32> = vec![0; (screen_size.0 * screen_size.1) as usize];

// Create a new instance of the gui
let mut gui = Gui::new(screen_size);

// Load the sprite of a button
let button_img = gui.load_sprite_from_file("examples/button.png", 0xFF00FF).unwrap();

// Create a new button using the sprite loaded before at pixel (20, 10)
gui.register(Button::new(button_img).pos(20, 10));

// Handle "input events" by pretending that the mouse is hovering over the button.
let cs = ControlState {
    mouse_pos: (22, 12),

// Finally render the current gui state to the buffer
gui.draw_to_buffer(&mut buffer);

## Credits

Default font by [usr_share](