dioxus-html-macro 0.3.0

An html macro for dioxus applications.

# dioxus html macro
This crate offers an `html!` like macro for 
dioxus applications. It expands to the equivalent `rsx!` macro
call you would have made otherwise, so it does not rely on any 
dioxus' internals. 
use dioxus::prelude::*; 
use dioxus_html_macro::html; 

fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
    let mut count = use_state(&cx, || 0);
        <h1>"High-Five counter: {count}"</h1>
        <button onclick={move |_| count += 1}>"Up high!"</button>
        <button onclick={move |_| count -= 1}>"Down low!"</button>
Note that unlike HTML and JSX, styling of html tags is done via 
    <h1 color="red">"High-Five counter: {count}"</h1>