dioxus-charts 0.1.0

A chart components library for dioxus
use dioxus::prelude::*;

use crate::grid::{Axis, Grid};
use crate::types::*;

/// The `BarChart` properties struct for the configuration of the bar chart.
#[derive(PartialEq, Props)]
pub struct BarChartProps<'a> {
    series: Series,
    labels: Option<Labels>,

    #[props(default = "100%")]
    width: &'a str,
    #[props(default = "100%")]
    height: &'a str,
    #[props(default = 600)]
    viewbox_width: i32,
    #[props(default = 400)]
    viewbox_height: i32,

    padding_top: i32,
    padding_bottom: i32,
    padding_left: i32,
    padding_right: i32,

    lowest: Option<f32>,
    highest: Option<f32>,
    #[props(default = 8)]
    max_ticks: i32,

    #[props(default = true)]
    show_grid: bool,
    #[props(default = true)]
    show_dotted_grid: bool,
    #[props(default = false)]
    show_grid_ticks: bool,
    #[props(default = true)]
    show_labels: bool,
    #[props(default = true)]
    show_series_labels: bool,

    #[props(default = 60)]
    label_size: i32,
    label_interpolation: Option<fn(f32) -> String>,

    #[props(default = "5%")]
    bar_width: &'a str,
    #[props(default = 30.0)]
    bar_distance: f32,
    #[props(default = false)]
    horizontal_bars: bool,
    #[props(default = false)]
    stacked_bars: bool,

    #[props(default = "dx-chart-bar")]
    class_chart_bar: &'a str,
    #[props(default = "dx-bar")]
    class_bar: &'a str,
    #[props(default = "dx-bar-group")]
    class_bar_group: &'a str,
    #[props(default = "dx-bar-label")]
    class_bar_label: &'a str,
    #[props(default = "dx-grid")]
    class_grid: &'a str,
    #[props(default = "dx-grid-line")]
    class_grid_line: &'a str,
    #[props(default = "dx-grid-label")]
    class_grid_label: &'a str,
    #[props(default = "dx-grid-labels")]
    class_grid_labels: &'a str,

/// This is the `BarChart` function used to render the bar chart `Element`.
/// In Dioxus, components are just functions; this is the main `BarChart`
/// component to be used inside `rsx!` macros in your code.
/// # Example
/// ```rust,ignore
/// use dioxus::prelude::*;
/// use dioxus_charts::BarChart;
/// fn app(cx: Scope) -> Element {
///     cx.render(rsx! {
///         BarChart {
///             padding_top: 30,
///             padding_left: 70,
///             padding_right: 50,
///             padding_bottom: 30,
///             bar_width: "10%",
///             horizontal_bars: true,
///             label_interpolation: |v| format!("{v:.1}%"),
///             series: vec![
///                 vec![63.0, 14.4, 8.0, 5.1, 1.8],
///             ],
///             labels: vec!["Chrome".into(), "Safari".into(), "IE/Edge".into(), "Firefox".into(), "Opera".into()]
///         }
///     })
/// }
/// ```
/// # Props
/// - `series`: [Vec]<[Vec]<[f32]>> (**required**): The series vector of vectors with the all series values.
/// - `labels`: [Vec]<[String]> (optional): Optional labels to show on the labels axis.
/// ---
/// - `width`: &[str] (default: `"100%"`): The SVG element width attribute. It also accepts any
/// other CSS style, i.e., "200px"
/// - `height`: &[str] (default: `"100%"`): The SVG height counter-part of the `width` prop above.
/// - `viewbox_width`: [i32] (default: `600`): The SVG viewbox width. Together with
/// `viewbox_height` it is useful for adjusting the aspect ratio for longer charts.
/// - `viewbox_height`: [i32] (default: `400`): The SVG viewbox height.
/// ---
/// - `padding_top`: [i32] (default: `0`): Padding for the top side of the view box.
/// - `padding_bottom`: [i32] (default: `0`): Padding for the bottom side of the view box.
/// - `padding_left`: [i32] (default: `0`): Padding for the left side of the view box.
/// - `padding_right`: [i32] (default: `0`): Padding for the right side of the view box.
/// ---
/// - `lowest`: [f32] (optional): The lowest number on the chart for the value axis.
/// - `highest`: [f32] (optional): The highest number on the chart for the value axis.
/// - `max_ticks`: [i32] (default: `8`): The maximum number of ticks on the generated value axis.
/// ---
/// - `show_grid`: [bool] (default: `true`): Show/hide the chart grid.
/// - `show_dotted_grid`: [bool] (default: `true`): Show the chart grid with dotted style or not.
/// - `show_grid_ticks`: [bool] (default: `false`): Show the chart grid ticks instead of drawing the
/// whole grid lines for a cleaner look.
/// - `show_labels`: [bool] (default: `true`): Show/hide the labels.
/// - `show_series_labels`: [bool] (default: `true`): Show/hide the values labels at the top of
/// bars.
/// ---
/// - `label_size`: [i32] (default: `60`): The maximum width or height of the label rect depending
/// on whether the chart shows horizontal or vertical bars.
/// - `label_interpolation`: fn([f32]) -> [String] (optional): Function for formatting the
/// generated labels for values.
/// ---
/// - `bar_width`: &[str] (default: `"5%"`): The width of each bar.
/// - `bar_distance`: [f32] (default: `30.0`): The distance between the bars for charts that have
/// multiple ones side by side.
/// - `horizontal_bars`: [bool] (default: `false`): Show horizontal bars.
/// - `stacked_bars`: [bool] (default: `false`): Build a Stacked Bars chart.
/// ---
/// - `class_chart_bar`: &[str] (default: `"dx-chart-line"`): The HTML element `class` of the
/// chart.
/// - `class_bar`: &[str] (default: `"dx-bar"`): The HTML element `class` of the whole line.
/// - `class_bar_group`: &[str] (default: `"dx-bar-group"`): The HTML element `class` of the line path.
/// - `class_bar_label`: &[str] (default: `"dx-bar-label"`): The HTML element `class` of the line
/// labels.
/// - `class_grid`: &[str] (default: `"dx-grid"`): The HTML element `class` of the grid.
/// - `class_grid_line`: &[str] (default: `"dx-grid-line"`): The HTML element `class` of every grid
/// line.
/// - `class_grid_label`: &[str] (default: `"dx-grid-label"`): The HTML element `class` of the grid
/// labels.
/// - `class_grid_labels`: &[str] (default: `"dx-grid-labels"`): The HTML element `class` of the
/// group of grid labels.
pub fn BarChart<'a>(cx: Scope<'a, BarChartProps<'a>>) -> Element {
    for series in &cx.props.series {
        if series.is_empty() {
            return cx.render(rsx!("Bar chart error: empty series"));

    let grid = {
        let view = Rect::new(
            cx.props.padding_left as f32,
            cx.props.padding_top as f32,
            (cx.props.viewbox_width - cx.props.padding_right) as f32,
            (cx.props.viewbox_height - cx.props.padding_bottom) as f32,

        let lowest = if let Some(low) = cx.props.lowest {
        } else {

        let max_ticks = cx.props.max_ticks.max(3);

        let axis_x = Axis::builder()

        let axis_y = Axis::builder()

        if cx.props.horizontal_bars {
            Grid::new(axis_y, axis_x)
        } else {
            Grid::new(axis_x, axis_y)

    let (axis_value, axis_label) = if cx.props.horizontal_bars {
        (&grid.x, &grid.y)
    } else {
        (&grid.y, &grid.x)

    let lines = grid.lines();

    let mut color_var = 255.0;
    let dotted_stroke = if cx.props.show_dotted_grid {
    } else {
    let generated_labels = axis_value.generated_labels();

    let grid_labels = if cx.props.show_labels {
                .collect::<Vec<(TextData, &String)>>(),
    } else {

    let grid_centered_labels = if cx.props.show_labels {
        let rects = axis_label
            .centered_text_rects(cx.props.labels.as_ref().unwrap().len() as i32)

        let labels = if cx.props.horizontal_bars {
                .collect::<Vec<(Rect, &String)>>()
        } else {
                .collect::<Vec<(Rect, &String)>>()

    } else {

    let stacked_bars_rects = if cx.props.stacked_bars {
        let tick_centers = axis_label.tick_centers();
        let mut all_series_rects = Vec::<Vec<Rect>>::new();
        let mut last_bar_ends: Option<Vec<f32>> = None;

        for a in cx.props.series.iter() {
            let mut rects = Vec::<Rect>::new();
            let mut view_bar_ends = Vec::<f32>::new();

            for (point, (i, v)) in tick_centers.iter().zip(a.iter().enumerate()) {
                let rect = if let Some(bar_ends) = &last_bar_ends {
                    let last_end = bar_ends[i];
                    let end = axis_value.world_to_view(v + last_end, 0.0);
                    view_bar_ends.push(v + last_end);

                    let last_end = axis_value.world_to_view(last_end, 0.0);

                    if cx.props.horizontal_bars {
                        Rect::new(last_end, point.y, end, point.y)
                    } else {
                        Rect::new(point.x, last_end, point.x, end)
                } else {
                    let end = axis_value.world_to_view(*v, 0.0);

                    if cx.props.horizontal_bars {
                        Rect::new(point.x, point.y, end, point.y)
                    } else {
                        Rect::new(point.x, point.y, point.x, end)


            last_bar_ends = Some(view_bar_ends);

    } else {

    cx.render(rsx! {
        div {
            svg {
                xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg",
                width: "{cx.props.width}",
                height: "{cx.props.height}",
                class: "{cx.props.class_chart_bar}",
                preserveAspectRatio: "xMidYMid meet",
                view_box: "0 0 {cx.props.viewbox_width} {cx.props.viewbox_height}",
                cx.props.show_grid.then(|| rsx! {
                    g {
                        key: "grid",
                        class: "{cx.props.class_grid}",
                        lines.iter().map(|line| {
                            rsx! {
                                line {
                                    key: "{line.min}",
                                    x1: "{line.min.x}",
                                    y1: "{line.min.y}",
                                    x2: "{line.max.x}",
                                    y2: "{line.max.y}",
                                    class: "{cx.props.class_grid_line}",
                                    stroke: "rgba(20, 20, 20, 0.8)",
                                    stroke_dasharray: "{dotted_stroke}",
                grid_labels.map(|labels| rsx! {
                    g {
                        key: "grid_labels",
                        class: "{cx.props.class_grid_labels}",
                        labels.iter().map(|(text, label)| rsx! {
                            text {
                                key: "{label}",
                                dx: "{text.x}",
                                dy: "{text.y}",
                                text_anchor: "{text.anchor}",
                                class: "{cx.props.class_grid_label}",
                                alignment_baseline: "{text.baseline}",
                grid_centered_labels.map(|labels| rsx! {
                    g {
                        key: "grid_centered_labels",
                        class: "{cx.props.class_grid_labels}",
                        labels.iter().map(|(rect, label)| rsx! {
                            foreignObject {
                                key: "{label}",
                                x: "{rect.min.x}",
                                y: "{rect.min.y}",
                                width: "{rect.max.x}",
                                height: "{rect.max.y}",
                                if cx.props.horizontal_bars {
                                    rsx! {
                                        span {
                                            key: "{label}",
                                            class: "{cx.props.class_grid_label}",
                                            //width: "100%",
                                            height: "100%",
                                            display: "inline-flex",
                                            align_items: "center",
                                            line_height: "1",
                                            float: "right",
                                            text_align: "right",
                                } else {
                                    rsx! {
                                        span {
                                            key: "{label}",
                                            class: "{cx.props.class_grid_label}",
                                            width: "100%",
                                            height: "100%",
                                            display: "inline-block",
                                            line_height: "1",
                                            text_align: "center",
                stacked_bars_rects.map(|all_series_rects| rsx! {
                    all_series_rects.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, series_rects)| {
                        color_var -= 75.0 * (1.0 / (i + 1) as f32);

                        rsx! {
                            g {
                                key: "{i}",
                                class: "{cx.props.class_bar_group}-{i}",
                                    series_rects.iter().map(|rect| {
                                        rsx! {
                                            line {
                                                key: "{rect}",
                                                x1: "{rect.min.x}",
                                                y1: "{rect.min.y}",
                                                x2: "{rect.max.x}",
                                                y2: "{rect.max.y}",
                                                class: "{cx.props.class_bar}",
                                                stroke: "rgb({color_var}, 40, 40)",
                                                stroke_width: "{cx.props.bar_width}",
                (!cx.props.stacked_bars).then(|| {
                    rsx! {
                        cx.props.series.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, a)| {
                            color_var -= 75.0 * (1.0 / (i + 1) as f32);
                            let offset = (i as f32 - (cx.props.series.len() as f32 - 1.0) / 2.0) * cx.props.bar_distance;
                            let tick_centers = axis_label.tick_centers();

                            rsx! {
                                g {
                                    key: "{i}",
                                    class: "{cx.props.class_bar_group}-{i}",
                                        .map(|(point, v)| {

                                        let end = axis_value.world_to_view(*v, 0.0);
                                        let (rect, text) = if cx.props.horizontal_bars {
                                                Rect::new(point.x, point.y + offset, end, point.y + offset),
                                                TextData {
                                                    x: end + 5.0,
                                                    y: point.y + offset,
                                                    anchor: "start",
                                                    baseline: "middle"
                                        } else {
                                                Rect::new(point.x + offset, point.y, point.x + offset, end),
                                                TextData {
                                                    x: point.x + offset,
                                                    y: end - 5.0,
                                                    anchor: "middle",
                                                    baseline: "text-bottom"

                                        let bar_label = {
                                            if !cx.props.show_series_labels {
                                            } else if let Some(func) = cx.props.label_interpolation {
                                            } else {
                                                format!("{}", *v)

                                        rsx! {
                                            line {
                                                key: "{v}",
                                                x1: "{rect.min.x}",
                                                y1: "{rect.min.y}",
                                                x2: "{rect.max.x}",
                                                y2: "{rect.max.y}",
                                                class: "{cx.props.class_bar}",
                                                stroke: "rgb({color_var}, 40, 40)",
                                                stroke_width: "{cx.props.bar_width}",
                                            cx.props.show_series_labels.then(|| {
                                                rsx! {
                                                    text {
                                                        key: "{bar_label}",
                                                        dx: "{text.x}",
                                                        dy: "{text.y}",
                                                        text_anchor: "{text.anchor}",
                                                        class: "{cx.props.class_bar_label}",
                                                        alignment_baseline: "{text.baseline}",