diny 0.0.2

An asynchronous, alloc-free serialization framework


An asynchronous, alloc-free, serialization framework written in 100% safe Rust.

NOTE: diny is currently experimental and not ready for production use. Additionally, it requires bulding with the nightly Rust toolchain until GAT's are stabilized.

diny is a slightly opinionated, asynchronous serialization framework that works very similarly to the popular Serde framework. Its main purpose is to support asynchronous serialization in memory constrained execution environments. Because of that, it makes some slightly different design tradeoffs than Serde.

It's still a very young project and the design is subject to change, but as of now the main differences from Serde are:

  • There is no support for zero-copy deserialization. If that is desirable then it's more likely that simply serializing and deserializing the data synchronously while transferring the serialized buffer asynchronously is a better fit.

    However, if the need is to slip-stream a binary data structure into an asynchronous protocol (e.g. for control flow) without having to manage additional, temporary buffers in the process, diny might be a pretty good fit.

  • diny employs a slightly more constrained data model than Serde. It is not a design goal to provide serialization specialization for every unique flavor of types that Rust supports. (e.g. unit vs unit_struct vs unit_variant vs newtype_struct(unit) vs newtype_variant(unit)).

    Importantly, diny does not currently support anonymous tuple types other than sequences, and doesn't support newtype tuples of any order greater than one (i.e. newtype_struct, newtype_variant). This may be revisited before stabilization, but it is currently a conscious descision to not support them. The main concern is that field offsets are both semantically relevant and syntactically ambiguous for fields of the same type, and this makes it problematic to support versioning differences between offsets of the same type. Creating a new, named type for the data is easy and highly preferrable.

    Additionally, diny only supports owned data strutures, though this design constraint may be partially relaxed soon (i.e. serialization support only).

  • There is only support for binary serialization vis-a-vis the AsyncWrite, AsyncRead, and AsyncBufRead traits. This is may change in the near future, but alternative, complete memory constructs (e.g. String) provide limited benefit for asynchronous protocols (e.g. buffers may be split at byte boundaries that interrupt utf-8 code points)

Again, diny is still in active design, so decisions on any of the above items could change significantly and without notice.


Add a dependency on diny and a serializer format in Cargo.toml:

diny = { version = "0.0.2", features = ["derive"] }
diny_test = "0.0.2"

Turn on the feature for GAT's and derive AsyncSerialize / AsyncDeserialize on the desired data types.


use futures::executor::block_on;
use diny::{AsyncSerialize, AsyncDeserialize};

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, AsyncSerialize, AsyncDeserialize)]
pub struct Point {
    x: i32,
    y: i32,

fn main() {
    let point = Point { x: 1, y: 2 };

    // A format can be any implementation of
    // diny::backend::{FormatSerialize + FormatDeserialize}.
    let format = diny_test::format();

    // A writer can be any implementation of futures::io::AsyncWrite.
    let mut writer = vec!();
    let write = point.serialize(&format, &mut writer);
    let _ = block_on(write);

    // A reader can be any implementation of futures::io::{AsyncRead + AsyncBufRead}.
    // In this case, we're using a utility module to convert the bytes written
    // to the vec into an appropriate reader.
    let mut reader = diny::util::AsyncSliceReader::from(&writer[..]);
    let read = <Point as AsyncDeserialize>::deserialize(&format, &mut reader);
    let deserialized = block_on(read).unwrap();
    assert_eq!(point, deserialized);

Getting help

diny is very much a work in progress and there are many pending design decisions before it can be considered fully implemented and documented, let alone stable. It is intended to only be used for experimentation and design feedback at this point. In fact, only a limited subset of data structures are currently supported, and won't be available until the project hits v0.1.0. (This is to enable faster iteration on design changes) If you're adventurous and would like to provide some feedback, please hit us up with your ideas on GitHub.