[][src]Module dinotree_alg::analyze

👎 Deprecated:

use the broccoli crate instead

Contains code to manipulate the dinotree data structure and some of its query algorithms to help analyze and measure their performance.



Helper module for creating Vecs of different types of BBoxes.


Contains node-level building block structs and visitors used for a DinoTree.


Contains code to write generic code that can be run in parallel, or sequentially. The api is exposed in case users find it useful when writing parallel query code to operate on the tree.



Collection of functions that panics if the dinotree result differs from the naive solution. Should never panic unless invariants of the tree data struct have been violated.


Builder pattern for dinotree.


Provides the naive implementation of the dinotree api.


A version of dinotree where the elements are not sorted along each axis, like a KD Tree. For comparison, a normal kd-tree is provided by NotSorted. In this tree, the elements are not sorted along an axis at each level. Construction of NotSorted is faster than DinoTree since it does not have to sort bots that belong to each node along an axis. But most query algorithms can usually take advantage of this extra property.


Builder for a query on a NotSorted Dinotree.


Builder for a query on a DinoTree.


For cases where you don't care about any of the callbacks that Splitter provides, this implements them all to do nothing.



Passed to the binning algorithm to determine if the binning algorithm should check for index out of bounds.



Returns the height of a dyn tree for a given number of bots. The height is chosen such that the nodes will each have a small amount of bots. If we had a node per bot, the tree would have too many levels. Too much time would be spent recursing. If we had too many bots per node, you would lose the properties of a tree, and end up with plain sweep and prune. Theory would tell you to just make a node per bot, but there is a sweet spot inbetween determined by the real-word properties of your computer.



Used for the advanced algorithms. Trait that user implements to handling aabb collisions. The user supplies a struct that implements this trait instead of just a closure so that the user may also have the struct implement Splitter.


A trait that gives the user callbacks at events in a recursive algorithm on the tree. The main motivation behind this trait was to track the time spent taken at each level of the tree during construction.



Outputs the height given an desirned number of bots per node.
