dimensioned 0.8.0

Compile-time dimensional analysis for various unit systems using Rust's type system. Dimensioned aims to build on Rust's safety features by adding unit safety with no runtime cost. In addition, it aims to be as easy to use as possible, hopefully making things easier for you not just by avoiding bugs but also by making it clear what units things are. Never again should you need to specify units in a comment!
//! Marker traits for various dimensions
//! The traits in this module can be useful for writing code that is generic with regards to unit
//! system, but involves a specific dimension.
//! Where appropriate, these traits are implemented for the unit systems in this library.
//! If you find it lacking, please feel free to submit an issue or pull request to add more.
//! # Example
//! ```rust
//! extern crate dimensioned as dim;
//! use dim::dimensions::{Length, Time};
//! use dim::typenum::Quot;
//! use std::ops::Div;
//! fn speed<L, T>(dist: L, time: T) -> Quot<L, T>
//! where
//!     L: Length + Div<T>,
//!     T: Time,
//! {
//!     dist / time
//! }
//! fn main() {
//!     use dim::si;
//!     let x = 3.0 * si::M;
//!     let t = 2.0 * si::S;
//!     let v = speed(x, t);
//!     assert_eq!(v, x / t);
//!     // Compiler error:
//!     // speed(x, x);
//! }
//! ```


use crate::Dimensioned;

pub trait Length: Dimensioned {}
pub trait ReciprocalLength: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Area: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Volume: Dimensioned {}

pub trait Mass: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Time: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Temperature: Dimensioned {}

pub trait LuminousIntensity: Dimensioned {}

pub trait Velocity: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Acceleration: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Jerk: Dimensioned {}

pub trait Charge: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Current: Dimensioned {}
pub trait ElectricPotential: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Capacitance: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Resistance: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Conductance: Dimensioned {}
pub trait MagneticFlux: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Inductance: Dimensioned {}

pub trait Frequency: Dimensioned {}

pub trait Force: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Pressure: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Energy: Dimensioned {}
pub trait Power: Dimensioned {}

pub trait AmountOfSubstance: Dimensioned {}