dimensioned 0.1.5

Compile-time type checking of arbitrary unit systems.
#!/usr/bin/env python3

class Units:
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "Units"
        self.filename = "units.rs"
        self.units = [] # List of names for the units in the type
        self.print_as = [] # Corresponding list of symbols to use for printing
        self.constants = [] # Corresponding list of constants to define
        self.vtype = "f64" # type to define constants for
        self.one = "1.0" # value to set constants to
        self.unitless = "one" # name for the dimensionless constant 1
        self.allowed_root = 1
    def make_units(self):
        if len(self.units) != len(self.print_as) or len(self.units) != len(self.constants):
            print("The lists of units, print_as, and constants must all be the same length.")
        name = self.name
        ushort = ", ".join(self.units)
        ulong = ", ".join([u + ": PInt" for u in self.units])
        u1_list = [u + "1" for u in self.units]
        u2_list = [u + "2" for u in self.units]
        uboth = ", ".join(u1_list + u2_list)
        u1 = ", ".join(u1_list)
        u2 = ", ".join(u2_list)
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # File top
        text = """
// This is a generated file. It was created using unitsmaker.py.

use peano::*;
use dimensioned::*;

pub struct {name}<{ulong}>;
impl<{ulong}> Dimension for {name}<{ushort}> {{}}

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Operators
        for op in ["Add", "Sub", "Mul"]:
            u1_long = ", ".join([u1+": PInt + {}Peano<{}>".format(op, u2) for (u1, u2) in zip(u1_list, u2_list) ])
            u2_long = ", ".join([u+": PInt" for u in u2_list])
            outs = ", ".join(["<{} as {}Peano<{}>>::Output".format(u1, op, u2) for (u1, u2) in zip(u1_list, u2_list)])
            text += """
impl<{uboth}> {op}Dim<{name}<{u2}>> for {name}<{u1}>
where {u1_long}, {u2_long}
  type Output = {name}<{outs}>;
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # ToString
        text += """
impl<{ushort}> DimToString for {name}<{ushort}>
  where {ulong} {{
    fn to_string() -> String {{
        allowed_root = self.allowed_root
        for (unit, prn) in zip(self.units, self.print_as):
            text += """
      let {prn}_str = match <{unit} as ToInt>::to_int() {{
            0 => ("", "".to_string()),
            {allowed_root} => ("{prn}", "".to_string()),
            n => ("{prn}^", (n/{allowed_root}).to_string())

        text += """
        for i in range(len(self.units)):
            text += "{}{}"
        text += "\", "
        text += ", ".join(["{0}_str.0, {0}_str.1".format(p) for p in self.print_as])
        text +=""")
        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Type aliases
        root_num = "Zero"
        for i in range(self.allowed_root):
            root_num = "Succ<" + root_num + ">"

        type_sig = ", ".join(["Zero" for u in self.units])
        text += "pub type Unitless = {name}<{type_sig}>;\n".format(**locals())
        text += "impl Dimensionless for Unitless {}\n"
        for i, u in enumerate(self.units):
            type_sig = []
            for j in range(i):
                type_sig += ["Zero"]
            type_sig += [root_num]
            for j in range(i+1, len(self.units)):
                type_sig += ["Zero"]
            type_sig = ", ".join(type_sig)
            text += "pub type {u} = {name}<{type_sig}>;\n".format(**locals())

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Constants
        vtype = self.vtype
        one = self.one
        text += "\n"
        text += "pub static {}: Dim<Unitless, {}> = Dim({});\n".format(self.unitless, vtype, one)
        for (c, u) in zip(self.constants, self.units):
            text += "pub static {c}: Dim<{u}, {vtype}> = Dim({one});\n".format(**locals())

        # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Save file!
        f = open(self.filename, "w")

def main():
    si = Units()
    si.name = "SI"
    si.filename = "src/si.rs"
    si.units = ["Meter", "Kilogram", "Second", "Amp", "Kelvin", "Candela", "Mole"]
    si.constants = ["m", "kg", "s", "A", "K", "cd", "mol"]
    si.print_as = si.constants

if __name__ == "__main__":