dimensional_quantity 0.0.1

Check units of measure at compile time using generic const expressions

//! Dimensional quantity type with generic underlying storage
use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Div, Mul, Sub, SubAssign};

use num_traits::{Float, Num};

/// Dimensional quantity
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct QuantityGeneric<
    const L: i64,
    const M: i64,
    const T: i64,
    const I: i64,
    const TH: i64,
    const N: i64,
    const LUM: i64,
    Storage: Num,

        const L1: i64,
        const M1: i64,
        const T1: i64,
        const I1: i64,
        const TH1: i64,
        const N1: i64,
        const LUM1: i64,
        const L2: i64,
        const M2: i64,
        const T2: i64,
        const I2: i64,
        const TH2: i64,
        const N2: i64,
        const LUM2: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > Mul<QuantityGeneric<L2, M2, T2, I2, TH2, N2, LUM2, Storage>>
    for QuantityGeneric<L1, M1, T1, I1, TH1, N1, LUM1, Storage>
        { L1 + L2 },
        { M1 + M2 },
        { T1 + T2 },
        { I1 + I2 },
        { TH1 + TH2 },
        { N1 + N2 },
        { LUM1 + LUM2 },
    >: Sized,
    Storage: Num,
    type Output = QuantityGeneric<
        { L1 + L2 },
        { M1 + M2 },
        { T1 + T2 },
        { I1 + I2 },
        { TH1 + TH2 },
        { N1 + N2 },
        { LUM1 + LUM2 },
    /// Multiply two dimensional quantities
    fn mul(
        rhs: QuantityGeneric<L2, M2, T2, I2, TH2, N2, LUM2, Storage>,
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<
        { L1 + L2 },
        { M1 + M2 },
        { T1 + T2 },
        { I1 + I2 },
        { TH1 + TH2 },
        { N1 + N2 },
        { LUM1 + LUM2 },
    > {
        let x = self.0;
        let y = rhs.0;
            { L1 + L2 },
            { M1 + M2 },
            { T1 + T2 },
            { I1 + I2 },
            { TH1 + TH2 },
            { N1 + N2 },
            { LUM1 + LUM2 },
        >(x * y)

        const L1: i64,
        const M1: i64,
        const T1: i64,
        const I1: i64,
        const TH1: i64,
        const N1: i64,
        const LUM1: i64,
        const L2: i64,
        const M2: i64,
        const T2: i64,
        const I2: i64,
        const TH2: i64,
        const N2: i64,
        const LUM2: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > Div<QuantityGeneric<L2, M2, T2, I2, TH2, N2, LUM2, Storage>>
    for QuantityGeneric<L1, M1, T1, I1, TH1, N1, LUM1, Storage>
        { L1 - L2 },
        { M1 - M2 },
        { T1 - T2 },
        { I1 - I2 },
        { TH1 - TH2 },
        { N1 - N2 },
        { LUM1 - LUM2 },
    >: Sized,
    type Output = QuantityGeneric<
        { L1 - L2 },
        { M1 - M2 },
        { T1 - T2 },
        { I1 - I2 },
        { TH1 - TH2 },
        { N1 - N2 },
        { LUM1 - LUM2 },

    fn div(
        rhs: QuantityGeneric<L2, M2, T2, I2, TH2, N2, LUM2, Storage>,
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<
        { L1 - L2 },
        { M1 - M2 },
        { T1 - T2 },
        { I1 - I2 },
        { TH1 - TH2 },
        { N1 - N2 },
        { LUM1 - LUM2 },
    > {
        let x = self.0;
        let y = rhs.0;
            { L1 - L2 },
            { M1 - M2 },
            { T1 - T2 },
            { I1 - I2 },
            { TH1 - TH2 },
            { N1 - N2 },
            { LUM1 - LUM2 },
        >(x / y)

/// Multiply dimensional quantity by dimensionless number
        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > Mul<Storage> for QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    type Output = QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>;

    fn mul(self, rhs: Storage) -> QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage> {
        let x = self.0;
        QuantityGeneric::<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>(x * rhs)

/// Divide dimensional quantity by dimensionless number
        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > Div<Storage> for QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    type Output = QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>;

    fn div(self, rhs: Storage) -> QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage> {
        let q = self.0;
        QuantityGeneric::<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>(q / rhs)

/// Addition of dimensional quantities with equal dimension formula
        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > Add<QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>>
    for QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>: Sized,
    type Output = QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>;

    fn add(
        rhs: QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>,
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage> {
        let x = self.0;
        let y = rhs.0;
        QuantityGeneric::<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>(x + y)

/// Implement += operator for dimensional quantities with equal dimension formula
        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > AddAssign<QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>>
    for QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>: Sized,
    Storage: AddAssign,
    fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>) {
        self.0 += rhs.0;

/// Subtraction of dimensional quantities with equal dimension formula
        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > Sub<QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>>
    for QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>: Sized,
    type Output = QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>;

    fn sub(
        rhs: QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>,
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage> {
        let x = self.0;
        let y = rhs.0;
        QuantityGeneric::<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>(x - y)

/// Implement -= operator for dimensional quantities with equal dimension formula
        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > SubAssign<QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>>
    for QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>: Sized,
    Storage: SubAssign,
    fn sub_assign(&mut self, rhs: QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>) {
        self.0 -= rhs.0;

        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num + Copy,
    > QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>: Sized,
    /// Create a new dimensional quantity with generic storage type.
    /// x -- amount in default (SI) unit
    pub const fn new(x: Storage) -> QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage> {
        QuantityGeneric::<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>(x)
    /// Create a new dimensional quantity with generic storage type from the given value and measurement unit.
    pub fn new_with_unit(
        x: Storage,
        unit: QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>,
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage> {
        QuantityGeneric::<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>(x * unit.0)
    /// Returns dimensional formula of a quantity
    pub const fn dim(&self) -> [i64; 7] {
        [L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM]

    /// Retrieve the value of the dimensional quantity in the default \[SI\] measurement unit.
    pub const fn get_with_si_unit(&self) -> Storage {
    /// Retrieve the value of the dimensional quantity in the given measurement unit.
    pub fn get_with_unit(&self, unit: QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>) -> Storage {
        self.0 / unit.0

        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>: Sized,
    Storage: Float,
    /// Raises a dimensional quantity to an integer power.
    pub fn powi<const POWER: i64>(
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<
        { L * POWER },
        { M * POWER },
        { T * POWER },
        { I * POWER },
        { TH * POWER },
        { N * POWER },
        { LUM * POWER },
    > {
            { L * POWER },
            { M * POWER },
            { T * POWER },
            { I * POWER },
            { TH * POWER },
            { N * POWER },
            { LUM * POWER },
        >(self.0.powi(POWER as i32))

///  Assert for generic const parameters
pub enum Assert<const COND: bool> {}
///  Assert for generic const parameters

pub trait IsTrue {}

        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>: Sized,
    Storage: Float,
    Assert<{ L % 2 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ M % 2 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ T % 2 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ I % 2 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ TH % 2 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ N % 2 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ LUM % 2 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    /// Square root.
    /// ```
    /// #![feature(generic_const_exprs)]
    /// use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::{Area, Length};
    /// let a:Area = Area::new(100.0);
    /// let l: Length = a.sqrt();
    /// assert_eq!(l, Length::new(10.0));
    /// ```
    /// ```compile_fail
    /// #![feature(generic_const_exprs)]
    /// use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::{Volume, Length};
    /// let v: Volume = Volume::new(100.0);
    /// let x = v.sqrt();
    /// ```
    pub fn sqrt(
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<
        { L / 2 },
        { M / 2 },
        { T / 2 },
        { I / 2 },
        { TH / 2 },
        { N / 2 },
        { LUM / 2 },
    > {
            { L / 2 },
            { M / 2 },
            { T / 2 },
            { I / 2 },
            { TH / 2 },
            { N / 2 },
            { LUM / 2 },

        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
        Storage: Num,
    > QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>
    QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, Storage>: Sized,
    Storage: Float,
    Assert<{ L % 3 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ M % 3 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ T % 3 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ I % 3 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ TH % 3 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ N % 3 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    Assert<{ LUM % 3 == 0 }>: IsTrue,
    /// Cubic root.
    /// ```
    /// #![feature(generic_const_exprs)]
    /// use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::{Volume, Length};
    /// let v: Volume = Volume::new(1000.0);
    /// let l: Length = v.cbrt();
    /// assert_eq!(l, Length::new(10.0));
    /// ```
    /// ```compile_fail
    /// #![feature(generic_const_exprs)]
    /// use dimensional_quantity::si::extended::f64::quantities::{Area, Length};
    /// let a: Area = Area::new(100.0);
    /// let x = a.cbrt();
    /// ```
    pub fn cbrt(
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<
        { L / 3 },
        { M / 3 },
        { T / 3 },
        { I / 3 },
        { TH / 3 },
        { N / 3 },
        { LUM / 3 },
    > {
            { L / 3 },
            { M / 3 },
            { T / 3 },
            { I / 3 },
            { TH / 3 },
            { N / 3 },
            { LUM / 3 },

/// Divide f64 by QuantityGeneric
        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
    > Div<QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, f64>> for f64
    QuantityGeneric<{ -L }, { -M }, { -T }, { -I }, { -TH }, { -N }, { -LUM }, f64>: Sized,
    type Output = QuantityGeneric<{ -L }, { -M }, { -T }, { -I }, { -TH }, { -N }, { -LUM }, f64>;

    fn div(
        rhs: QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, f64>,
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<{ -L }, { -M }, { -T }, { -I }, { -TH }, { -N }, { -LUM }, f64> {
        let rhs = rhs.0;
        QuantityGeneric::<{ -L }, { -M }, { -T }, { -I }, { -TH }, { -N }, { -LUM }, f64>(
            self / rhs,

/// Multiply f64 by QuantityGeneric
        const L: i64,
        const M: i64,
        const T: i64,
        const I: i64,
        const TH: i64,
        const N: i64,
        const LUM: i64,
    > Mul<QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, f64>> for f64
    type Output = QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, f64>;

    fn mul(
        rhs: QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, f64>,
    ) -> QuantityGeneric<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, f64> {
        let x = rhs.0;
        QuantityGeneric::<L, M, T, I, TH, N, LUM, f64>(self * x)