Module digitalocean::prelude []

Wildcard glob this module to have access to all commonly used items.


pub use DigitalOcean;
pub use request::Executable;
pub use request::Request;



The user account.


Actions are records of events that have occurred on the resources in your account. These can be things like rebooting a Droplet, or transferring an image to a new region.


SSL certificates may be uploaded to DigitalOcean where they will be placed in a fully encrypted and isolated storage system. They may then be used to perform SSL termination on Load Balancers.


Domain resources are domain names that you have purchased from a domain name registrar that you are managing through the DigitalOcean DNS interface.


Domain record resources are used to set or retrieve information about the individual DNS records configured for a domain. This allows you to build and manage DNS zone files by adding and modifying individual records for a domain.


A Droplet is a DigitalOcean virtual machine. By sending requests to the Droplet endpoint, you can list, create, or delete Droplets.


The Error type.


Floating IP objects represent a publicly-accessible static IP addresses that can be mapped to one of your Droplets. They can be used to create highly available setups or other configurations requiring movable addresses.


Images in DigitalOcean may refer to one of a few different kinds of objects.


Load Balancers provide a way to distribute traffic across multiple Droplets.


A region in DigitalOcean represents a datacenter where Droplets can be deployed and images can be transferred.


The sizes objects represent different packages of hardware resources that can be used for Droplets. When a Droplet is created, a size must be selected so that the correct resources can be allocated.


Snapshots are saved instances of a Droplet or a volume, which is reflected in the resource_type attribute. In order to avoid problems with compressing filesystems, each defines a min_disk_size attribute which is the minimum size of the Droplet or volume disk when creating a new resource from the saved snapshot.


DigitalOcean allows you to add SSH public keys to the interface so that you can embed your public key into a Droplet at the time of creation. Only the public key is required to take advantage of this functionality.


A Tag is a label that can be applied to a resource (currently only Droplets) in order to better organize or facilitate the lookups and actions on it.


Block Storage volumes provide expanded storage capacity for your Droplets and can be moved between Droplets within a specific region. Volumes function as raw block devices, meaning they appear to the operating system as locally attached storage which can be formatted using any file system supported by the OS. They may be created in sizes from 1GiB to 16TiB.



The kind of an error.