Function differential_dataflow::trace::wrappers::freeze::freeze[][src]

pub fn freeze<G, T, F>(
    arranged: &Arranged<G, T>,
    func: F
) -> Arranged<G, TraceFreeze<T, F>> where
    G: Scope,
    G::Timestamp: Lattice + Ord,
    T: TraceReader<Time = G::Timestamp> + Clone,
    T::Key: 'static,
    T::Val: 'static,
    T::R: 'static,
    T::Batch: BatchReader<T::Key, T::Val, G::Timestamp, T::R>,
    T::Cursor: Cursor<T::Key, T::Val, G::Timestamp, T::R>,
    F: Fn(&G::Timestamp) -> Option<G::Timestamp> + 'static, 

Freezes updates to an arrangement using a supplied function.

This method is experimental, and should be used with care. The intent is that the function func can be used to restrict and lock in updates at a particular time, as suggested in the module-level documentation.