diesel_ltree 0.2.4

Adds support for the PostgreSQL ltree extension to Diesel
# diesel_ltree [![Build Status]https://travis-ci.org/kivikakk/diesel_ltree.svg?branch=master]https://travis-ci.org/kivikakk/diesel_ltree [![crates.io version]https://img.shields.io/crates/v/diesel_ltree.svg]https://crates.io/crates/diesel_ltree

Adds support for the `ltree` PostgreSQL extension type to Diesel, supporting all functions and operators thereon.

## A note about `Insertable` and Postgres Ltree binary protocol support

Binary protocol support for Ltrees (has been committed)[https://commitfest.postgresql.org/24/2242/], but not released as of 2020.04.29. As such, the only option for Diesel, which uses the Postgres binary protocol (likewise for rust_postgres), is to treat the transmittion of Ltrees as Postgres `text`, until this commit goes live. This crate currently transmits Ltree paths as `text`, then casts them to `ltree`.

## Selecting Ltrees

Until binary protocol support is added for Ltrees, you need to select `ltree2text(my_tree)`.