diesel_codegen 0.9.0

Custom derive and procedural macros for Diesel
# Diesel Codegen

This crate implements Diesel's procedural macros using the Macros 1.1 system. It
requires nightly Rust from October 10, 2016 or later. For usage on stable
Rust, see

Diesel Codegen provides custom derive implementations for
[`Queryable`][queryable], [`Identifiable`][identifiable],
[`Insertable`][insertable], [`AsChangeset`][as-changeset], and [`Associations`].
It also provides the macros [`infer_schema!`][infer-schema],
[`infer_table_from_schema!`][infer-table-from-schema], and

[queryable]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/query_source/trait.Queryable.html
[identifiable]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/associations/trait.Identifiable.html
[as-changeset]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/query_builder/trait.AsChangeset.html
[infer-schema]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/macro.infer_schema!.html
[infer-table-from-schema]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/macro.infer_table_from_schema!.html
[embed-migrations]: http://docs.diesel.rs/diesel/macro.embed_migrations!.html

# Using this crate

First, add this crate to Cargo.toml as so:

diesel_codegen = { version = "0.9.0", features = ["postgres"] }

If you are using SQLite, be sure to specify `sqlite` instead of `postgres` in
the `features` section.

Next, at the root of your crate add:


#[macro_use] extern crate diesel_codegen;

See the documentation for each trait/macro for additional details and
configuration options.