diesel 2.0.3

A safe, extensible ORM and Query Builder for PostgreSQL, SQLite, and MySQL
//! This module contains the query dsl node definitions
//! for array comparision operations like `IN` and `NOT IN`

use crate::backend::sql_dialect;
use crate::backend::Backend;
use crate::backend::SqlDialect;
use crate::expression::subselect::Subselect;
use crate::expression::{
    AppearsOnTable, AsExpression, Expression, SelectableExpression, TypedExpressionType,
use crate::query_builder::{
    AstPass, BoxedSelectStatement, QueryFragment, QueryId, SelectQuery, SelectStatement,
use crate::result::QueryResult;
use crate::serialize::ToSql;
use crate::sql_types::HasSqlType;
use crate::sql_types::{Bool, SingleValue, SqlType};
use std::marker::PhantomData;

/// Query dsl node that represents a `left IN (values)`
/// expression
/// Third party backend can customize the [`QueryFragment`]
/// implementation of this query dsl node via
/// [`SqlDialect::ArrayComparison`]. A customized implementation
/// is expected to provide the same sematics as a ANSI SQL
/// `IN` expression.
/// The postgres backend provided a specialized implementation
/// by using `left = ANY(values)` as optimized variant instead.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, QueryId, ValidGrouping)]
pub struct In<T, U> {
    /// The expression on the left side of the `IN` keyword
    pub left: T,
    /// The values clause of the `IN` expression
    pub values: U,

/// Query dsl node that represents a `left NOT IN (values)`
/// expression
/// Third party backend can customize the [`QueryFragment`]
/// implementation of this query dsl node via
/// [`SqlDialect::ArrayComparison`]. A customized implementation
/// is expected to provide the same sematics as a ANSI SQL
/// `NOT IN` expression.0
/// The postgres backend provided a specialized implementation
/// by using `left = ALL(values)` as optimized variant instead.
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, QueryId, ValidGrouping)]
pub struct NotIn<T, U> {
    /// The expression on the left side of the `NOT IN` keyword
    pub left: T,
    /// The values clause of the `NOT IN` expression
    pub values: U,

impl<T, U> In<T, U> {
    pub(crate) fn new(left: T, values: U) -> Self {
        In { left, values }

impl<T, U> NotIn<T, U> {
    pub(crate) fn new(left: T, values: U) -> Self {
        NotIn { left, values }

impl<T, U> Expression for In<T, U>
    T: Expression,
    U: Expression<SqlType = T::SqlType>,
    type SqlType = Bool;

impl<T, U> Expression for NotIn<T, U>
    T: Expression,
    U: Expression<SqlType = T::SqlType>,
    type SqlType = Bool;

impl<T, U, DB> QueryFragment<DB> for In<T, U>
    DB: Backend,
    Self: QueryFragment<DB, DB::ArrayComparison>,
    fn walk_ast<'b>(&'b self, pass: AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>) -> QueryResult<()> {
        <Self as QueryFragment<DB, DB::ArrayComparison>>::walk_ast(self, pass)

impl<T, U, DB> QueryFragment<DB, sql_dialect::array_comparison::AnsiSqlArrayComparison> for In<T, U>
    DB: Backend
        + SqlDialect<ArrayComparison = sql_dialect::array_comparison::AnsiSqlArrayComparison>,
    T: QueryFragment<DB>,
    U: QueryFragment<DB> + MaybeEmpty,
    fn walk_ast<'b>(&'b self, mut out: AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>) -> QueryResult<()> {
        if self.values.is_empty() {
        } else {
            out.push_sql(" IN (");

impl<T, U, DB> QueryFragment<DB> for NotIn<T, U>
    DB: Backend,
    Self: QueryFragment<DB, DB::ArrayComparison>,
    fn walk_ast<'b>(&'b self, pass: AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>) -> QueryResult<()> {
        <Self as QueryFragment<DB, DB::ArrayComparison>>::walk_ast(self, pass)

impl<T, U, DB> QueryFragment<DB, sql_dialect::array_comparison::AnsiSqlArrayComparison>
    for NotIn<T, U>
    DB: Backend
        + SqlDialect<ArrayComparison = sql_dialect::array_comparison::AnsiSqlArrayComparison>,
    T: QueryFragment<DB>,
    U: QueryFragment<DB> + MaybeEmpty,
    fn walk_ast<'b>(&'b self, mut out: AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>) -> QueryResult<()> {
        if self.values.is_empty() {
        } else {
            out.push_sql(" NOT IN (");

impl_selectable_expression!(In<T, U>);
impl_selectable_expression!(NotIn<T, U>);

/// This trait describes how a type is transformed to the
/// `IN (values)` value expression
/// Diesel provided several implemenations here:
///  - An implementation for any [`Iterator`] over values
///  that implement [`AsExpression<ST>`] for the corresponding
///  sql type ST. The corresponding values clause will contain
///  bind statements for each individual value.
///  - An implementation for select statements, that return
///  a single field. The corresponding values clause will contain
///  the sub query.
///  This trait is exposed for custom third party backends so
///  that they can restrict the [`QueryFragment`] implementations
///  for [`In`] and [`NotIn`].
pub trait AsInExpression<T: SqlType + TypedExpressionType> {
    /// Type of the expression returned by [AsInExpression::as_in_expression]
    type InExpression: MaybeEmpty + Expression<SqlType = T>;

    /// Construct the diesel query dsl representation of
    /// the `IN (values)` clause for the given type
    // That's a public api, we cannot just change it to
    // appease clippy
    fn as_in_expression(self) -> Self::InExpression;

impl<I, T, ST> AsInExpression<ST> for I
    I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
    T: AsExpression<ST>,
    ST: SqlType + TypedExpressionType,
    type InExpression = Many<ST, T>;

    fn as_in_expression(self) -> Self::InExpression {
        Many {
            values: self.into_iter().collect(),
            p: PhantomData,

/// A helper trait to check if the values clause of
/// a [`In`] or [`NotIn`] query dsl node is empty or not
pub trait MaybeEmpty {
    /// Returns `true` if self represents an empty collection
    /// Otherwise `false` is returned.
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool;

impl<ST, F, S, D, W, O, LOf, G, H, LC> AsInExpression<ST>
    for SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, LOf, G, H, LC>
    ST: SqlType + TypedExpressionType,
    Subselect<Self, ST>: Expression<SqlType = ST>,
    Self: SelectQuery<SqlType = ST>,
    type InExpression = Subselect<Self, ST>;

    fn as_in_expression(self) -> Self::InExpression {

impl<'a, ST, QS, DB, GB> AsInExpression<ST> for BoxedSelectStatement<'a, ST, QS, DB, GB>
    ST: SqlType + TypedExpressionType,
    Subselect<BoxedSelectStatement<'a, ST, QS, DB, GB>, ST>: Expression<SqlType = ST>,
    type InExpression = Subselect<Self, ST>;

    fn as_in_expression(self) -> Self::InExpression {

/// Query dsl node for a `IN (values)` clause containing
/// a variable number of bind values.
/// Third party backend can customize the [`QueryFragment`]
/// implementation of this query dsl node via
/// [`SqlDialect::ArrayComparison`]. The default
/// implementation does generate one bind per value
/// in the `values` field.
/// Diesel provides an optimized implementation for Postgresql
/// like database systems that bind all values with one
/// bind value of the type `Array<ST>` instead.
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub struct Many<ST, I> {
    /// The values contained in the `IN (values)` clause
    pub values: Vec<I>,
    p: PhantomData<ST>,

impl<ST, I, GB> ValidGrouping<GB> for Many<ST, I>
    ST: SingleValue,
    I: AsExpression<ST>,
    I::Expression: ValidGrouping<GB>,
    type IsAggregate = <I::Expression as ValidGrouping<GB>>::IsAggregate;

impl<ST, I> Expression for Many<ST, I>
    ST: TypedExpressionType,
    type SqlType = ST;

impl<ST, I> MaybeEmpty for Many<ST, I> {
    fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {

impl<ST, I, QS> SelectableExpression<QS> for Many<ST, I>
    Many<ST, I>: AppearsOnTable<QS>,
    ST: SingleValue,
    I: AsExpression<ST>,
    <I as AsExpression<ST>>::Expression: SelectableExpression<QS>,

impl<ST, I, QS> AppearsOnTable<QS> for Many<ST, I>
    Many<ST, I>: Expression,
    I: AsExpression<ST>,
    ST: SingleValue,
    <I as AsExpression<ST>>::Expression: SelectableExpression<QS>,

impl<ST, I, DB> QueryFragment<DB> for Many<ST, I>
    Self: QueryFragment<DB, DB::ArrayComparison>,
    DB: Backend,
    fn walk_ast<'b>(&'b self, pass: AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>) -> QueryResult<()> {
        <Self as QueryFragment<DB, DB::ArrayComparison>>::walk_ast(self, pass)

impl<ST, I, DB> QueryFragment<DB, sql_dialect::array_comparison::AnsiSqlArrayComparison>
    for Many<ST, I>
    DB: Backend
        + HasSqlType<ST>
        + SqlDialect<ArrayComparison = sql_dialect::array_comparison::AnsiSqlArrayComparison>,
    ST: SingleValue,
    I: ToSql<ST, DB>,
    fn walk_ast<'b>(&'b self, mut out: AstPass<'_, 'b, DB>) -> QueryResult<()> {
        let mut first = true;
        for value in &self.values {
            if first {
                first = false;
            } else {
                out.push_sql(", ");

impl<ST, I> QueryId for Many<ST, I> {
    type QueryId = ();

    const HAS_STATIC_QUERY_ID: bool = false;