didcomm-rs 0.6.4

DIDComm messaging v2 specifications implementation: https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/


Rust implementation of DIDComm v2 spec




Examples of usage

1. Prepare raw message for send and receive

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    // Message construction
    let m = Message::new()
        // setting `from` header (sender) - Optional
        // setting `to` header (recepients) - Optional
        .to(&["did::xyz:34r3cu403hnth03r49g03", "did:xyz:30489jnutnjqhiu0uh540u8hunoe"])
        // populating body with some data - `Vec<bytes>`

    // Serialize message into JWM json (SENDER action)
    let ready_to_send = m.as_raw_json().unwrap();

    //... transport is happening here ...

    // On receival deserialize from json into Message (RECEIVER action)
    // Error handling recommended here
    let received = Message::receive(&ready_to_send, None).unwrap();

2. Prepare JWE message for direct send

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    // decide which [Algorithm](crypto::encryptor::CryptoAlgorithm) is used (based on key)
    let alg = CryptoAlgorithm::XC20P;
    // key as bytes
    let ek = [130, 110, 93, 113, 105, 127, 4, 210, 65, 234, 112, 90, 150, 120, 189, 252, 212, 165, 30, 209, 194, 213, 81, 38, 250, 187, 216, 14, 246, 250, 166, 92]
    // creating message
    let mut message = Message::new()
    // packing in some payload (can be anything really)
    // set JOSE header for XC20P algorithm
    // add some custom app/protocol related headers to didcomm header portion
    // these are not included into JOSE header
        .add_header_field("my_custom_key".into(), "my_custom_value".into())
        .add_header_field("another_key".into(), "another_value".into());
    // set `kid` property
    message.jwm_header.kid = 
    // encrypt and serialize message with JOSE header included
    let ready_to_send = message.seal(ek.as_bytes())?;
    // use transport of choice to send `ready_to_send` data to the receiver!

    //... transport is happening here ...

3. Prepare JWS message -> send -> receive

  • Here Message is signed but not encrypted.
  • In such scenarios explicit use of .sign(...) and Message::verify(...) required.
    // Message construction an JWS wrapping
    let message = Message::new() // creating message
        .from("did:xyz:ulapcuhsatnpuhza930hpu34n_") // setting from
        .to(&["did::xyz:34r3cu403hnth03r49g03", "did:xyz:30489jnutnjqhiu0uh540u8hunoe"]) // setting to
        .set_body(sample_dids::TEST_DID_SIGN_1.as_bytes()) // packing in some payload
        .sign(SignatureAlgorithm::EdDsa.signer(), &sign_keypair.to_bytes()).unwrap();

    //... transport is happening here ...

    // Receiving JWS
    let received = Message::verify(&message.unwrap().as_bytes(), &sign_keypair.public.to_bytes());

4. Prepare JWE message to be mediated -> mediate -> receive

  • Message should be encrypted by destination key first in .routed_by() method call using key for the recepient.
  • Next it should be encrypted by mediator key in .seal() method call - this can be done multiple times - once for each mediator in chain but should be strictly sequentual to match mediators sequence in the chain.
  • Method call .seal() MUST be preceeded by .as_jwe(CryptoAlgorithm) as mediators may use different algorithms and key types than destination and this is not automatically predicted or populated.
  • Keys used for encryption should be used in reverse order - final destination - last mediator - second to last mediator - etc. Onion style.

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    // Message construction
    let message = Message::new()
        // setting from
        // setting to
        .to(&["did:xyz:34r3cu403hnth03r49g03", "did:xyz:30489jnutnjqhiu0uh540u8hunoe"])
        // packing in some payload
        // set JOSE header for XC20P algorithm
        // custom header
        .add_header_field("my_custom_key".into(), "my_custom_value".into())
        // another coustom header
        .add_header_field("another_key".into(), "another_value".into())
        // set kid header
        // here we use destination key to bob and `to` header of mediator - 
        //**THISH MUST BE LAST IN THE CHAIN** - after this call you'll get new instance of envelope `Message` destined to the mediator.
        // `ek_to_bob` - destination targeted encryption key
        .routed_by(ek_to_bob.as_bytes(), vec!("did:mediator:suetcpl23pt23rp2teu995t98u"));

    // Message envelope to mediator
    let ready_to_send = message
        .unwrap() // **ERROR HANDLE** here is recommended
        .as_jwe(CryptoAlgorithm::XC20P) // here this method call is crucial as mediator and end receiver may use different algorithms.
        // `ek_to_mediator` - mediator targeted encryption key
        .seal(ek_to_mediator.as_bytes()); // this would've failed without previous method call.

    //... transport to mediator is happening here ...

    // Received by mediator
    // `rk_mediator` - key to decrypt mediated message
    let received_mediated = Message::receive(&ready_to_send.unwrap(), Some(rk_mediator.as_bytes()));

    //... transport to destination is happening here ...

    // Received by Bob
    // `rk_bob` - key to decrypt final message
    let received_bob = Message::receive(&String::from_utf8_lossy(&received_mediated.unwrap().get_body()?.as_ref()), Some(rk_bob.as_bytes()));

5. Prepare JWS envelope wrapped into JWE -> sign -> pack -> receive

  • JWS header is set automatically based on signing algorythm type.
  • Message forming and encryption happens in same way as in other JWE examples.
  • ED25519-dalek signature is used in this example with keypair for signing and public key for verification.

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    // Message construction
    let message = Message::new() // creating message
        .from("did:xyz:ulapcuhsatnpuhza930hpu34n_") // setting from
        .to(&["did::xyz:34r3cu403hnth03r49g03"]) // setting to
        .set_body(sample_dids::TEST_DID_SIGN_1.as_bytes()) // packing in some payload
        .as_jwe(CryptoAlgorithm::XC20P) // set JOSE header for XC20P algorithm
        .add_header_field("my_custom_key".into(), "my_custom_value".into()) // custom header
        .add_header_field("another_key".into(), "another_value".into()) // another coustom header
        .kid(String::from(r#"Ef1sFuyOozYm3CEY4iCdwqxiSyXZ5Br-eUDdQXk6jaQ"#)); // set kid header

    // Send as signed and encrypted JWS wrapped into JWE
    let ready_to_send = message.seal_signed(

    //... transport to destination is happening here ...

    //Receive - same method to receive for JWE or JWS wrapped into JWE but with pub verifying key
    let received = Message::receive(
        Some(&pub_sign_verify_key.to_bytes())); // and now we parse received

6. Multiple receivers static key wrap per recepient with shared secret

  • ! Works with resolve feature only - requires resolution of public keys for each recepient for shared secret generation.
  • Static key generated randomly in the background (to field has >1 recepient).

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// Creating message with multiple recepients.
let m = Message::new()
    .to(&["did:key:z6MkjchhfUsD6mmvni8mCdXHw216Xrm9bQe2mBH1P5RDjVJG", "did:key:z6MknGc3ocHs3zdPiJbnaaqDi58NGb4pk1Sp9WxWufuXSdxf"])

let jwe = m.seal(&sender_private);
// Packing was ok?

let jwe = jwe.unwrap();

// Each of the recepients receive it in same way as before (direct with single receiver)
let received_first = Message::receive(&jwe, &first_private);
let received_second = Message::receive(&jwe, &second_private);

// All good without any extra inputs

7. Working with attachments

7.1 Adding Attachment

use didcomm_rs::{Message, AttachmentBuilder, AttachmentDataBuilder};

let payload = b"some usefull data";
let mut m = Message:new();
            .with_id("best attachment")


use didcomm_rs::{Message, AttachmentBuilder, AttachmentDataBuilder};

let attachments: Vec<AttachmentBuilder>; // instantiate properly

let mut m = Message:new();

for attachment in attachments {

7.2 Parsing Attachment's

// `m` is `receive()`'d instance of a `Message`

let something_im_looking_for = m.get_attachments().filter(|single| single.id == "id I'm looking for");

for found in something_im_looking_for {
    // process attachments

8. Threading

By default all new messages are created with random UUID as thid header value and with empty pthid value.

To reply to a message in thread with both thid and pthid copied use reply_to method:

let m = Message::new()
    // - other methods to form a message

To set parent thread id (or pthid header), use with_parent method:

let m = Message::new()
    // - other methods to form a message

9. Other application-level headers and decorators

In order to satisfy any other header values universal method is present: Message::add_header_field' This method is backed up by a HashMap` of <String, String>. If the key was present - it's value will be updated.

let m = Message::new()
    .add_header_field("key", "value")
    .add_header_field("~decorator", "value")
    // - other methods to form a message

To find if specific application level header is present and get it's value get_application_params method should be used.

let m: Message; // proprely instantiated received message

if let Some((my_key, my_value)) = m.get_application_params().filter(|(key, _)| key == "my_key").first();

Plugable cryptography

In order to use your own implementation[s] of message crypto and/or signature algorythms implement these trait[s]:



Dont use default feature - might change in future.

When implemented - use them instead of CrptoAlgorithm and SignatureAlgorithm from examples above.

Strongly typed Message payload (body)

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In most cases apllication implementation would prefer to have strongly typed body of the message instead of raw Vec<u8>. For this scenario Shape trait should be implemented for target type.

  • First, let's define our target type. JSON in this example.
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Debug)]
struct DesiredShape {
    num_field: usize,
    string_field: String,
  • Next, implement Shape trait for it
impl Shape for DesiredShape {
    type Err = Error;
    fn shape(m: &Message) -> Result<DesiredShape, Error> {
            .map_err(|e| Error::SerdeError(e))
  • Now we can call shape() on our Message and shape in in.
  • In this example we expect JSON payload and use it's Deserializer to get our data, but your implementation can work with any serialization.
let received_typed_body = DesiredShape::shape(&m).unwrap(); // Where m = Message


This is a sample implementation of the DIDComm V2 spec. The DIDComm V2 spec is still actively being developed by the DIDComm WG in the DIF and therefore subject to change.