did-key 0.0.1

Implementation of the did:key method

Rust implementation of the did:key method

did:key Method Spec

This crate is intended to provide basic support for did:key methods. It has no external dependencies and can be compiled for any target. It was originally designed for use with DIDComm Extension for gRPC, but we recognized it may be useful if this was an independent library.

Supported Key Types

  • Ed25519
  • X25519
  • P256
  • BLS12381G1/G2


To resolve a did formatted URI:

use did_key::*;

let key = DIDKey::resolve("did:key:z6Mkk7yqnGF3YwTrLpqrW6PGsKci7dNqh1CjnvMbzrMerSeL").unwrap();

Generate new key:

let key = DIDKey::new(DIDKeyType::Ed25519);

println!("{}", key.fingerprint());

Sign and verify:

let key = DIDKey::new(DIDKeyType::P256);
let message = b"message to be signed";

let signature = key.sign(Payload::Buffer(message.to_vec()));
let valid = key.verify(Payload::Buffer(message.to_vec()), &signature);



Apache License 2.0


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