dicom-pixeldata 0.1.5

A high-level API for decoding DICOM objects into images and ndarrays
//! This crate contains the DICOM pixel data handlers and is
//! responsible for decoding various forms of native and compressed pixel data,
//! such as JPEG lossless,
//! and convert it into more usable data structures.
//! `dicom-pixeldata` currently supports a small,
//! but increasing number of DICOM image encodings in pure Rust.
//! As a way to mitigate the current gap,
//! this library has an integration with [GDCM bindings]
//! for an extended range of encodings.
//! This integration is behind the Cargo feature "gdcm",
//! which requires CMake and a C++ compiler.
//! [GDCM bindings]: https://crates.io/crates/gdcm-rs
//! ```toml
//! dicom-pixeldata = { version = "0.1", features = ["gdcm"] }
//! ```
//! Once the pixel data is decoded,
//! the decoded data can be converted to:
//! - a vector of flat pixel data values;
//! - a [multi-dimensional array](ndarray::Array), using [`ndarray`];
//! - or a [dynamic image object](image::DynamicImage), using [`image`].
//! This conversion includes
//! eventual Modality and value of interest (VOI) transformations.
//! # WebAssembly support
//! This library works in WebAssembly
//! by ensuring that the "gdcm" feature is disabled.
//! This allows the crate to be compiled for WebAssembly
//! albeit at the cost of supporting a lesser variety of compression algorithms.
//! # Examples
//! To convert a DICOM object into a dynamic image:
//! ```no_run
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! use dicom_object::open_file;
//! use dicom_pixeldata::PixelDecoder;
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let obj = open_file("dicom.dcm")?;
//! let image = obj.decode_pixel_data()?;
//! let dynamic_image = image.to_dynamic_image(0)?;
//! dynamic_image.save("out.png")?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! To convert a DICOM object into an ndarray:
//! ```no_run
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! use dicom_object::open_file;
//! use dicom_pixeldata::PixelDecoder;
//! use ndarray::s;
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let obj = open_file("rgb_dicom.dcm")?;
//! let pixel_data = obj.decode_pixel_data()?;
//! let ndarray = pixel_data.to_ndarray::<u16>()?;
//! let red_values = ndarray.slice(s![.., .., .., 0]);
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! In order to parameterize the conversion,
//! pass a conversion options valueto the `_with_options` variant methods.
//! ```no_run
//! # use std::error::Error;
//! use dicom_object::open_file;
//! use dicom_pixeldata::{ConvertOptions, PixelDecoder, VoiLutOption};
//! # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error>> {
//! let obj = open_file("dicom.dcm")?;
//! let image = obj.decode_pixel_data()?;
//! let options = ConvertOptions::new()
//!     .with_voi_lut(VoiLutOption::Normalize)
//!     .force_8bit();
//! let dynamic_image = image.to_dynamic_image_with_options(0, &options)?;
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! ```
//! See [`ConvertOptions`] for the options available,
//! including the default behavior for each method.

use byteorder::{ByteOrder, NativeEndian};
use dicom_core::{value::Value, DataDictionary};
use dicom_encoding::adapters::DecodeError;
#[cfg(not(feature = "gdcm"))]
use dicom_encoding::transfer_syntax::TransferSyntaxIndex;
#[cfg(not(feature = "gdcm"))]
use dicom_encoding::Codec;
use dicom_object::{FileDicomObject, InMemDicomObject};
#[cfg(not(feature = "gdcm"))]
use dicom_transfer_syntax_registry::TransferSyntaxRegistry;
use image::{DynamicImage, ImageBuffer, Luma, Rgb};
use ndarray::{Array, Ix3, Ix4};
use num_traits::NumCast;
use rayon::iter::{IntoParallelIterator, IntoParallelRefIterator, ParallelIterator};
use snafu::OptionExt;
use snafu::{Backtrace, ResultExt, Snafu};
use std::borrow::Cow;

pub use image;
pub use ndarray;

mod attribute;
mod lut;

pub(crate) mod transform;

// re-exports
pub use attribute::{PhotometricInterpretation, PixelRepresentation, PlanarConfiguration};
pub use lut::{CreateLutError, Lut};
pub use transform::{Rescale, VoiLutFunction, WindowLevel, WindowLevelTransform};

#[cfg(feature = "gdcm")]
mod gdcm;

/// Error type for most pixel data related operations.
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
pub struct Error(InnerError);

/// Inner error type
#[derive(Debug, Snafu)]
pub enum InnerError {
    #[snafu(display("Failed to get required DICOM attribute"))]
    GetAttribute {
        source: attribute::GetAttributeError,

    #[snafu(display("PixelData attribute is not a primitive value or pixel sequence"))]
    InvalidPixelData { backtrace: Backtrace },

    #[snafu(display("Invalid BitsAllocated, must be 8 or 16"))]
    InvalidBitsAllocated { backtrace: Backtrace },

    #[snafu(display("Unsupported PhotometricInterpretation `{}`", pi))]
    UnsupportedPhotometricInterpretation {
        pi: PhotometricInterpretation,
        backtrace: Backtrace,

    #[snafu(display("Unsupported SamplesPerPixel `{}`", spp))]
    UnsupportedSamplesPerPixel { spp: u16, backtrace: Backtrace },

    #[snafu(display("Unsupported {} `{}`", name, value))]
    UnsupportedOther {
        name: &'static str,
        value: String,
        backtrace: Backtrace,

    #[snafu(display("Unknown transfer syntax `{}`", ts_uid))]
    UnknownTransferSyntax {
        ts_uid: String,
        backtrace: Backtrace,

    #[snafu(display("Unsupported TransferSyntax `{}`", ts))]
    UnsupportedTransferSyntax { ts: String, backtrace: Backtrace },

    #[snafu(display("Invalid buffer when constructing ImageBuffer"))]
    InvalidImageBuffer { backtrace: Backtrace },

    #[snafu(display("Invalid shape for ndarray"))]
    InvalidShape {
        source: ndarray::ShapeError,
        backtrace: Backtrace,

    /// Could not create LUT for target data type
    CreateLut {
        source: lut::CreateLutError,
        backtrace: Backtrace,

    #[snafu(display("Invalid data type for ndarray element"))]
    InvalidDataType { backtrace: Backtrace },

    #[snafu(display("Unsupported color space"))]
    UnsupportedColorSpace { backtrace: Backtrace },

    #[snafu(display("Could not decode pixel data"))]
    DecodePixelData { source: DecodeError },

    #[snafu(display("Frame #{} is out of range", frame_number))]
    FrameOutOfRange {
        frame_number: u32,
        backtrace: Backtrace,

pub type Result<T, E = Error> = std::result::Result<T, E>;

/// Option set for converting decoded pixel data
/// into other common data structures,
/// such as a vector, an image, or a multidimensional array.
/// Each option listed affects the transformation in this order:
/// 1. The Modality LUT function (`modality_lut`)
///    is applied to the raw pixel data sample values.
///    This is usually an affine function based on the
///    _Rescale Slope_ and _Rescale Intercept_ attributes.
///    If this option is set to [`None`](ModalityLutOption::None),
///    the VOI LUT function is ignored.
/// 2. The VOI LUT function (`voi_lut`)
///    is applied to the rescaled values,
///    such as a window level.
/// 3. In the case of converting to an image,
///    the transformed values are extended or narrowed
///    to the range of the target bit depth (`bit_depth`).
#[derive(Debug, Default, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ConvertOptions {
    /// Modality LUT option
    pub modality_lut: ModalityLutOption,
    /// VOI LUT option
    pub voi_lut: VoiLutOption,
    /// Output image bit depth
    pub bit_depth: BitDepthOption,

impl ConvertOptions {
    pub fn new() -> Self {

    /// Set the modality LUT option.
    pub fn with_modality_lut(mut self, modality_lut: ModalityLutOption) -> Self {
        self.modality_lut = modality_lut;

    /// Set the VOI LUT option.
    pub fn with_voi_lut(mut self, voi_lut: VoiLutOption) -> Self {
        self.voi_lut = voi_lut;

    /// Set the output bit depth option.
    pub fn with_bit_depth(mut self, bit_depth: BitDepthOption) -> Self {
        self.bit_depth = bit_depth;

    /// Set the output bit depth option to force 8 bits.
    /// This is equivalent to `self.with_bit_depth(BitDepthOption::Force8Bit)`.
    pub fn force_8bit(mut self) -> Self {
        self.bit_depth = BitDepthOption::Force8Bit;

    /// Set the output bit depth option to force 16 bits.
    /// This is equivalent to `self.with_bit_depth(BitDepthOption::Force16Bit)`.
    pub fn force_16bit(mut self) -> Self {
        self.bit_depth = BitDepthOption::Force16Bit;

/// Modality LUT function specifier.
/// See also [`ConvertOptions`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum ModalityLutOption {
    /// _Default behavior:_
    /// rescale the pixel data values
    /// as described in the decoded pixel data.
    /// Rescale the pixel data values
    /// according to the given rescale parameters
    /// Do not rescale nor transform the pixel data value samples.
    /// This also overrides any option to apply VOI LUT transformations
    /// in the decoded pixel data conversion methods.
    /// To assume the identity function for rescaling
    /// and apply the VOI LUT transformations as normal,
    /// use the `Override` variant instead.

impl Default for ModalityLutOption {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// VOI LUT function specifier.
/// Note that the VOI LUT function is only applied
/// alongside a modality LUT function.
/// See also [`ConvertOptions`].
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum VoiLutOption {
    /// _Default behavior:_
    /// apply the first VOI LUT function transformation described in the pixel data
    /// only when converting to an image;
    /// no VOI LUT function is performed
    /// when converting to an ndarray or to bare pixel values.
    /// Apply the first VOI LUT function transformation
    /// described in the pixel data.
    /// Apply a custom window level instead of the one described in the object.
    /// Perform a min-max normalization instead,
    /// so that the lowest value is 0 and
    /// the highest value is the maximum value of the target type.
    /// Do not apply any VOI LUT transformation.

impl Default for VoiLutOption {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// Output iamge bit depth specifier.
/// Note that this is only applied
/// when converting to an image.
/// In the other cases,
/// output narrowing is already done by the caller
/// when specifying the intended output element type.
/// See also [`ConvertOptions`].
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub enum BitDepthOption {
    /// _Default behavior:_
    /// infer the bit depth based on the input's number of bits per sample.
    /// Force the output image to have 8 bits per sample.
    /// Force the output image to have 16 bits per sample.

impl Default for BitDepthOption {
    fn default() -> Self {

/// A blob of decoded pixel data.
/// This is the outcome of collecting a DICOM object's imaging-related attributes
/// into a decoded form.
/// The decoded pixel data samples will be stored as raw bytes in native form
/// without any LUT transformations applied.
/// Whether to apply such transformations
/// can be specified through one of the various `to_*` methods,
/// such as [`to_dynamic_image`](Self::to_dynamic_image)
/// and [`to_vec`](Self::to_vec).
pub struct DecodedPixelData<'a> {
    /// the raw bytes of pixel data
    data: Cow<'a, [u8]>,
    /// the number of rows
    rows: u32,
    /// the number of columns
    cols: u32,
    /// the number of frames
    number_of_frames: u32,
    /// the photometric interpretation
    photometric_interpretation: PhotometricInterpretation,
    /// the number of samples per pixel
    samples_per_pixel: u16,
    /// the planar configuration: 0 for standard, 1 for channel-contiguous
    planar_configuration: PlanarConfiguration,
    /// the number of bits allocated, as a multiple of 8
    bits_allocated: u16,
    /// the number of bits stored
    bits_stored: u16,
    /// the high bit, usually `bits_stored - 1`
    high_bit: u16,
    /// the pixel representation: 0 for unsigned, 1 for signed
    pixel_representation: PixelRepresentation,
    // Enhanced MR Images are not yet supported having
    // a RescaleSlope/RescaleIntercept Per-Frame Functional Group
    /// the pixel value rescale intercept
    rescale_intercept: f64,
    /// the pixel value rescale slope
    rescale_slope: f64,
    // the VOI LUT function
    voi_lut_function: Option<VoiLutFunction>,
    /// the window level specified via width and center
    window: Option<WindowLevel>,
    // TODO(#232): VOI LUT sequence is currently not supported

impl DecodedPixelData<'_> {
    // getter methods

    /// Retrieve a slice of all raw pixel data samples as bytes,
    /// irrespective of the expected size of each sample.
    pub fn data(&self) -> &[u8] {

    /// Retrieve a copy of all raw pixel data samples
    /// as unsigned 16-bit integers.
    /// This is useful for retrieving pixel data
    /// with the _OW_ value representation.
    pub fn data_ow(&self) -> Vec<u16> {

    /// Retrieve a slice of a frame's raw pixel data samples as bytes,
    /// irrespective of the expected size of each sample.
    pub fn frame_data(&self, frame: u32) -> Result<&[u8]> {
        let bytes_per_sample = self.bits_allocated as usize / 8;
        let frame_length = self.rows as usize
            * self.cols as usize
            * self.samples_per_pixel as usize
            * bytes_per_sample;
        let frame_start = frame_length * frame as usize;
        let frame_end = frame_start + frame_length;
        if frame_end > (*self.data).len() {
            FrameOutOfRangeSnafu {
                frame_number: frame,

        Ok(&self.data[(frame_start as usize..frame_end as usize)])

    /// Retrieve a copy of a frame's raw pixel data samples
    /// as unsigned 16-bit integers.
    /// This is useful for retrieving pixel data
    /// with the _OW_ value representation.
    pub fn frame_data_ow(&self, frame: u32) -> Result<Vec<u16>> {
        let data = self.frame_data(frame)?;


    /// Retrieves the number of rows of the pixel data.
    pub fn rows(&self) -> u32 {

    /// Retrieves the number of columns of the pixel data.
    pub fn columns(&self) -> u32 {

    /// Retrieves the photometric interpretation.
    pub fn photometric_interpretation(&self) -> &PhotometricInterpretation {

    /// Retrieves the planar configuration of the pixel data.
    /// The value returned is only meaningful for
    /// images with more than 1 sample per pixel.
    pub fn planar_configuration(&self) -> PlanarConfiguration {

    /// Retrieves the total number of frames
    /// in this piece of decoded pixel data.
    pub fn number_of_frames(&self) -> u32 {

    /// Retrieves the number of samples per pixel.
    pub fn samples_per_pixel(&self) -> u16 {

    /// Retrieve the number of bits effectively used for each sample.
    pub fn bits_stored(&self) -> u16 {

    /// Retrieve the number of bits allocated for each sample.
    pub fn bits_allocated(&self) -> u16 {

    /// Retrieve the high bit index of each sample.
    pub fn high_bit(&self) -> u16 {

    /// Retrieve the pixel representation.
    pub fn pixel_representation(&self) -> PixelRepresentation {

    /// Retrieve object's rescale parameters.
    pub fn rescale(&self) -> Rescale {
        Rescale {
            intercept: self.rescale_intercept,
            slope: self.rescale_slope,

    /// Retrieve the VOI LUT function defined by the object, if any.
    pub fn voi_lut_function(&self) -> Option<VoiLutFunction> {

    // converter methods

    /// Convert the decoded pixel data of a specific frame into a dynamic image.
    /// The default pixel data process pipeline
    /// applies the Modality LUT function,
    /// followed by the first VOI LUT transformation found in the object.
    /// To change this behavior,
    /// see [`to_dynamic_image_with_options`](Self::to_dynamic_image_with_options).
    pub fn to_dynamic_image(&self, frame: u32) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        self.to_dynamic_image_with_options(frame, &ConvertOptions::default())

    /// Convert the decoded pixel data of a specific frame into a dynamic image.
    /// The `options` value allows you to specify
    /// which transformations should be done to the pixel data
    /// (primarily Modality LUT function and VOI LUT function).
    /// By default, both Modality and VOI LUT functions are applied
    /// according to the attributes of the given object.
    /// Note that certain options may be ignored
    /// if they do not apply.
    /// # Example
    /// ```no_run
    /// # use dicom_pixeldata::{ConvertOptions, DecodedPixelData, VoiLutOption, WindowLevel};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # let data: DecodedPixelData = unimplemented!();
    /// let options = ConvertOptions::new()
    ///     .with_voi_lut(VoiLutOption::Custom(WindowLevel {
    ///         center: -300.0,
    ///         width: 600.,
    ///     }));
    /// let img = data.to_dynamic_image_with_options(0, &options)?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn to_dynamic_image_with_options(
        frame: u32,
        options: &ConvertOptions,
    ) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        match self.samples_per_pixel {
            1 => self.build_monochrome_image(frame, options),
            3 => {
                // Modality LUT and VOI LUT
                // are currently ignored in this case
                if self.planar_configuration != PlanarConfiguration::Standard {
                    // TODO #129
                    return UnsupportedOtherSnafu {
                        name: "PlanarConfiguration",
                        value: self.planar_configuration.to_string(),

                // RGB, YBR_FULL or YBR_FULL_422 colors
                match self.bits_allocated {
                    8 => {
                        let mut pixel_array = self.frame_data(frame)?.to_vec();

                        // Convert YBR_FULL or YBR_FULL_422 to RGB
                        let pixel_array = match &self.photometric_interpretation {
                            PhotometricInterpretation::Rgb => pixel_array,
                            | PhotometricInterpretation::YbrFull422 => {
                                convert_colorspace_u8(&mut pixel_array);
                            pi => UnsupportedPhotometricInterpretationSnafu { pi: pi.clone() }

                        self.rgb_image_with_extend(pixel_array, options.bit_depth)
                    16 => {
                        let mut pixel_array: Vec<u16> = self.frame_data_ow(frame)?;

                        // Convert YBR_FULL or YBR_FULL_422 to RGB
                        let pixel_array = match &self.photometric_interpretation {
                            PhotometricInterpretation::Rgb => pixel_array,
                            | PhotometricInterpretation::YbrFull422 => {
                                convert_colorspace_u16(&mut pixel_array);
                            pi => UnsupportedPhotometricInterpretationSnafu { pi: pi.clone() }

                        self.rgb_image_with_narrow(pixel_array, options.bit_depth)
                    _ => InvalidBitsAllocatedSnafu.fail()?,
            spp => UnsupportedSamplesPerPixelSnafu { spp }.fail()?,

    fn mono_image_with_narrow(
        pixel_values: impl IntoIterator<Item = u16>,
        bit_depth: BitDepthOption,
    ) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        if bit_depth == BitDepthOption::Force8Bit {
            // user requested 8 bits, narrow
            let data: Vec<u8> = pixel_values.into_iter().map(|x| (x >> 8) as u8).collect();
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)
        } else {
            let data: Vec<u16> = pixel_values.into_iter().collect();
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Luma<u16>, Vec<u16>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)

    fn mono_image_with_narrow_par(
        pixel_values: impl ParallelIterator<Item = u16>,
        bit_depth: BitDepthOption,
    ) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        if bit_depth == BitDepthOption::Force8Bit {
            // user requested 8 bits, narrow
            let data: Vec<u8> = pixel_values.map(|x| (x >> 8) as u8).collect();
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)
        } else {
            let data: Vec<u16> = pixel_values.collect();
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Luma<u16>, Vec<u16>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)

    fn mono_image_with_extend(
        pixel_values: impl IntoIterator<Item = u8>,
        bit_depth: BitDepthOption,
    ) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        if bit_depth == BitDepthOption::Force16Bit {
            // user requested 16 bits, extend
            let data = pixel_values
                .map(|x| x as u16)
                .map(|x| (x << 8) + x)
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Luma<u16>, Vec<u16>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)
        } else {
            let data: Vec<u8> = pixel_values.into_iter().collect();
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)

    fn mono_image_with_extend_par(
        pixel_values: impl ParallelIterator<Item = u8>,
        bit_depth: BitDepthOption,
    ) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        if bit_depth == BitDepthOption::Force16Bit {
            // user requested 16 bits, extend
            let data = pixel_values
                .map(|x| x as u16)
                .map(|x| (x << 8) + x)
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Luma<u16>, Vec<u16>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)
        } else {
            let data: Vec<u8> = pixel_values.collect();
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Luma<u8>, Vec<u8>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)

    fn rgb_image_with_extend(
        pixels: Vec<u8>,
        bit_depth: BitDepthOption,
    ) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        if bit_depth == BitDepthOption::Force16Bit {
            // user requested 16 bits, extend
            let data: Vec<u16> = pixels
                .map(|x| x as u16)
                .map(|x| (x << 8) + x)
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Rgb<u16>, Vec<u16>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)
        } else {
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Rgb<u8>, Vec<u8>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, pixels)

    fn rgb_image_with_narrow(
        pixels: Vec<u16>,
        bit_depth: BitDepthOption,
    ) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        if bit_depth == BitDepthOption::Force8Bit {
            // user requested 8 bits, narrow
            let data: Vec<u8> = pixels.into_iter().map(|x| (x >> 8) as u8).collect();
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Rgb<u8>, Vec<u8>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, data)
        } else {
            let image_buffer: ImageBuffer<Rgb<u16>, Vec<u16>> =
                ImageBuffer::from_raw(self.cols, self.rows, pixels)

    fn build_monochrome_image(&self, frame: u32, options: &ConvertOptions) -> Result<DynamicImage> {
        let ConvertOptions {
        } = options;

        let mut image = match self.bits_allocated {
            8 => {
                let data = self.frame_data(frame)?;

                match modality_lut {
                    // simplest one, no transformations
                    ModalityLutOption::None => {
                        self.mono_image_with_extend(data.iter().copied(), *bit_depth)?
                    // other
                    ModalityLutOption::Default | ModalityLutOption::Override(..) => {
                        let rescale = if let ModalityLutOption::Override(rescale) = modality_lut {
                        } else {

                        let signed = self.pixel_representation == PixelRepresentation::Signed;

                        let lut: Lut<u8> = match (voi_lut, self.window) {
                            (VoiLutOption::Identity, _) => {
                                Lut::new_rescale(8, false, rescale).context(CreateLutSnafu)?
                            (VoiLutOption::Default | VoiLutOption::First, Some(window)) => {
                            (VoiLutOption::Default | VoiLutOption::First, None) => {
                                tracing::warn!("Could not find window level for object");
                            (VoiLutOption::Custom(window), _) => Lut::new_rescale_and_window(
                            (VoiLutOption::Normalize, _) => Lut::new_rescale_and_normalize(

                        let pixel_values = lut.map_par_iter(data.par_iter().copied());
                        self.mono_image_with_extend_par(pixel_values, *bit_depth)?
            16 => {
                match modality_lut {
                    // only take pixel representation,
                    // convert to image only after shifting values
                    // to an unsigned scale
                    ModalityLutOption::None => {
                        let frame_length = self.rows as usize
                            * self.cols as usize
                            * 2
                            * self.samples_per_pixel as usize;
                        let frame_start = frame_length * frame as usize;
                        let frame_end = frame_start + frame_length;
                        if frame_end > (*self.data).len() {
                            FrameOutOfRangeSnafu {
                                frame_number: frame,

                        let buffer = match self.pixel_representation {
                            // Unsigned 16-bit representation
                            PixelRepresentation::Unsigned => {
                            // Signed 16-bit representation
                            PixelRepresentation::Signed => {
                                let mut signed_buffer = vec![0; frame_length / 2];
                                    &mut signed_buffer,
                                // Convert buffer to unsigned by shifting

                        self.mono_image_with_narrow(buffer.into_iter(), *bit_depth)?

                    ModalityLutOption::Default | ModalityLutOption::Override(..) => {
                        let rescale = if let ModalityLutOption::Override(rescale) = modality_lut {
                        } else {
                            Rescale::new(self.rescale_slope, self.rescale_intercept)

                        // fetch pixel data as a slice of u16 values,
                        // irrespective of pixel signedness
                        // (that is handled by the LUT)
                        let signed = self.pixel_representation == PixelRepresentation::Signed;
                        // Note: samples are not read as `i16` even if signed,
                        // because the LUT takes care of interpreting them properly.

                        let samples = self.frame_data_ow(frame)?;

                        // use 16-bit precision to prevent possible loss of precision in image
                        let lut: Lut<u16> = match (voi_lut, self.window) {
                            (VoiLutOption::Identity, _) => {
                                Lut::new_rescale(self.bits_stored, signed, rescale)
                            (VoiLutOption::Default | VoiLutOption::First, Some(window)) => {
                            (VoiLutOption::Default | VoiLutOption::First, None) => {
                                tracing::warn!("Could not find window level for object");

                            (VoiLutOption::Custom(window), _) => Lut::new_rescale_and_window(
                            (VoiLutOption::Normalize, _) => Lut::new_rescale_and_normalize(

                        let values = lut.map_par_iter(samples.par_iter().copied());
                        self.mono_image_with_narrow_par(values, *bit_depth)?
            _ => InvalidBitsAllocatedSnafu.fail()?,
        // Convert MONOCHROME1 => MONOCHROME2
        if self.photometric_interpretation == PhotometricInterpretation::Monochrome1 {

    /// Convert all of the decoded pixel data into a vector of flat pixels
    /// of a given type `T`.
    /// The underlying pixel data type is extracted based on
    /// the bits allocated and pixel representation,
    /// which is then converted to the requested type.
    /// Photometric interpretation is ignored.
    /// The default pixel data process pipeline
    /// applies only the Modality LUT function.
    /// To change this behavior,
    /// see [`to_vec_with_options`](Self::to_vec_with_options).
    /// # Example
    /// ```no_run
    /// # use dicom_pixeldata::{ConvertOptions, DecodedPixelData, VoiLutOption, WindowLevel};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # let data: DecodedPixelData = unimplemented!();
    /// // get the pixels of all frames as 32-bit modality values
    /// let all_pixels: Vec<f32> = data.to_vec()?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn to_vec<T: 'static>(&self) -> Result<Vec<T>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Send + Sync,
        T: Copy,
        self.convert_pixel_slice(&self.data[..], &Default::default())

    /// Convert all of the decoded pixel data into a vector of flat pixels
    /// of a given type `T`.
    /// The underlying pixel data type is extracted based on
    /// the bits allocated and pixel representation,
    /// which is then converted to the requested type.
    /// Photometric interpretation is ignored.
    /// The `options` value allows you to specify
    /// which transformations should be done to the pixel data
    /// (primarily Modality LUT function and VOI LUT function).
    /// By default, only the Modality LUT function is applied.
    pub fn to_vec_with_options<T: 'static>(&self, options: &ConvertOptions) -> Result<Vec<T>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Send + Sync,
        T: Copy,
        self.convert_pixel_slice(&self.data[..], options)

    /// Convert the decoded pixel data of a frame
    /// into a vector of flat pixels of a given type `T`.
    /// The underlying pixel data type is extracted based on
    /// the bits allocated and pixel representation,
    /// which is then converted to the requested type.
    /// Photometric interpretation is ignored.
    /// The default pixel data process pipeline
    /// applies only the Modality LUT function.
    /// To change this behavior,
    /// see [`to_vec_frame_with_options`](Self::to_vec_frame_with_options).
    pub fn to_vec_frame<T: 'static>(&self, frame: u32) -> Result<Vec<T>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Send + Sync,
        T: Copy,
        self.convert_pixel_slice(self.frame_data(frame)?, &Default::default())

    /// Convert the decoded pixel data of a frame
    /// into a vector of flat pixels of a given type `T`.
    /// The underlying pixel data type is extracted based on
    /// the bits allocated and pixel representation,
    /// which is then converted to the requested type.
    /// Photometric interpretation is considered
    /// to identify whether rescaling should be applied.
    /// The pixel values are not inverted
    /// if photometric interpretation is `MONOCHROME1`.
    /// The `options` value allows you to specify
    /// which transformations should be done to the pixel data
    /// (primarily Modality LUT function and VOI LUT function).
    /// By default, only the Modality LUT function is applied
    /// according to the attributes of the given object.
    /// Note that certain options may be ignored
    /// if they do not apply.
    /// # Example
    /// ```no_run
    /// # use dicom_pixeldata::{ConvertOptions, DecodedPixelData, VoiLutOption, WindowLevel};
    /// # fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    /// # let data: DecodedPixelData = unimplemented!();
    /// let options = ConvertOptions::new()
    ///     .with_voi_lut(VoiLutOption::Custom(WindowLevel {
    ///         center: -300.0,
    ///         width: 600.,
    ///     }));
    /// // get the pixels of the first frame with 8 bits per channel
    /// let first_frame_pixels: Vec<u8> = data.to_vec_frame_with_options(0, &options)?;
    /// # Ok(())
    /// # }
    /// ```
    pub fn to_vec_frame_with_options<T: 'static>(
        frame: u32,
        options: &ConvertOptions,
    ) -> Result<Vec<T>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Send + Sync,
        T: Copy,
        self.convert_pixel_slice(self.frame_data(frame)?, options)

    fn convert_pixel_slice<T: 'static>(
        data: &[u8],
        options: &ConvertOptions,
    ) -> Result<Vec<T>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Send + Sync,
        T: Copy,
        let ConvertOptions {
            bit_depth: _,
        } = options;

        if self.samples_per_pixel > 1 && self.planar_configuration != PlanarConfiguration::Standard
            // TODO #129
            return UnsupportedOtherSnafu {
                name: "PlanarConfiguration",
                value: self.planar_configuration.to_string(),

        match self.bits_allocated {
            8 => {
                match modality_lut {
                    ModalityLutOption::Default | ModalityLutOption::Override(_)
                        if self.photometric_interpretation.is_monochrome() =>
                        let rescale = if let ModalityLutOption::Override(rescale) = modality_lut {
                        } else {
                        let signed = self.pixel_representation == PixelRepresentation::Signed;

                        let lut: Lut<T> = match (voi_lut, self.window) {
                            (VoiLutOption::Default | VoiLutOption::Identity, _) => {
                                Lut::new_rescale(8, signed, rescale)
                            (VoiLutOption::First, Some(window)) => Lut::new_rescale_and_window(
                            (VoiLutOption::First, None) => {
                                tracing::warn!("Could not find window level for object");
                                Lut::new_rescale(8, signed, rescale)
                            (VoiLutOption::Custom(window), _) => Lut::new_rescale_and_window(
                            (VoiLutOption::Normalize, _) => Lut::new_rescale_and_normalize(

                        let data: Vec<T> = lut.map_par_iter(data.par_iter().copied()).collect();

                    _ => {
                        // 1-channel Grayscale image
                        let converted: Result<Vec<T>, _> = data
                            .map(|v| T::from(*v).ok_or(snafu::NoneError))
            16 => {
                match modality_lut {
                    ModalityLutOption::Default | ModalityLutOption::Override(_)
                        if self.photometric_interpretation.is_monochrome() =>
                        let samples = bytes_to_vec_u16(data);

                        let rescale = if let ModalityLutOption::Override(rescale) = modality_lut {
                        } else {

                        let signed = self.pixel_representation == PixelRepresentation::Signed;

                        let lut: Lut<T> = match (voi_lut, self.window) {
                            (VoiLutOption::Default | VoiLutOption::Identity, _) => {
                                Lut::new_rescale(self.bits_stored, signed, rescale)
                            (VoiLutOption::First, Some(window)) => Lut::new_rescale_and_window(
                            (VoiLutOption::First, None) => {
                                tracing::warn!("Could not find window level for object");
                            (VoiLutOption::Custom(window), _) => Lut::new_rescale_and_window(
                            (VoiLutOption::Normalize, _) => Lut::new_rescale_and_normalize(

                    _ => {
                        // no transformations
                        match self.pixel_representation {
                            // Unsigned 16 bit representation
                            PixelRepresentation::Unsigned => {
                                let dest = bytes_to_vec_u16(data);

                                let converted: Result<Vec<T>, _> = dest
                                    .map(|v| T::from(*v).ok_or(snafu::NoneError))
                            // Signed 16 bit 2s complement representation
                            PixelRepresentation::Signed => {
                                let mut signed_buffer = vec![0; data.len() / 2];
                                NativeEndian::read_i16_into(data, &mut signed_buffer);

                                let converted: Result<Vec<T>, _> = signed_buffer
                                    .map(|v| T::from(*v).ok_or(snafu::NoneError))
            _ => InvalidBitsAllocatedSnafu.fail()?,

    /// Convert all of the decoded pixel data
    /// into a four dimensional array of a given type `T`.
    /// The underlying pixel data type is extracted based on
    /// the bits allocated and pixel representation,
    /// which is then converted to the requested type.
    /// Photometric interpretation is considered
    /// to identify whether rescaling should be applied.
    /// The pixel values are not inverted
    /// if photometric interpretation is `MONOCHROME1`.
    /// The shape of the array will be `[N, R, C, S]`,
    /// where `N` is the number of frames,
    /// `R` is the number of rows,
    /// `C` is the number of columns,
    /// and `S` is the number of samples per pixel.
    /// The default pixel data process pipeline
    /// applies only the Modality LUT function described in the object,
    /// To change this behavior,
    /// see [`to_ndarray_with_options`](Self::to_ndarray_with_options).
    pub fn to_ndarray<T: 'static>(&self) -> Result<Array<T, Ix4>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Copy,
        T: Send + Sync,

    /// Convert all of the decoded pixel data
    /// into a four dimensional array of a given type `T`.
    /// The underlying pixel data type is extracted based on
    /// the bits allocated and pixel representation,
    /// which is then converted to the requested type.
    /// Photometric interpretation is considered
    /// to identify whether rescaling should be applied.
    /// The pixel values are not inverted
    /// if photometric interpretation is `MONOCHROME1`.
    /// The shape of the array will be `[N, R, C, S]`,
    /// where `N` is the number of frames,
    /// `R` is the number of rows,
    /// `C` is the number of columns,
    /// and `S` is the number of samples per pixel.
    /// The `options` value allows you to specify
    /// which transformations should be done to the pixel data
    /// (primarily Modality LUT function and VOI LUT function).
    /// By default,
    /// only the Modality LUT function described in the object is applied.
    /// Note that certain options may be ignored
    /// if they do not apply.
    pub fn to_ndarray_with_options<T: 'static>(
        options: &ConvertOptions,
    ) -> Result<Array<T, Ix4>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Copy,
        T: Send + Sync,
        // Array shape is NumberOfFrames x Rows x Cols x SamplesPerPixel
        let shape = [
            self.number_of_frames as usize,
            self.rows as usize,
            self.cols as usize,
            self.samples_per_pixel as usize,

        let converted = self.to_vec_with_options::<T>(options)?;
        Array::from_shape_vec(shape, converted)

    /// Convert the decoded pixel data of a single frame
    /// into a three dimensional array of a given type `T`.
    /// The underlying pixel data type is extracted based on
    /// the bits allocated and pixel representation,
    /// which is then converted to the requested type.
    /// Photometric interpretation is considered
    /// to identify whether rescaling should be applied.
    /// The pixel values are not inverted
    /// if photometric interpretation is `MONOCHROME1`.
    /// The shape of the array will be `[R, C, S]`,
    /// where `R` is the number of rows,
    /// `C` is the number of columns,
    /// and `S` is the number of samples per pixel.
    /// The default pixel data process pipeline
    /// applies only the Modality LUT function described in the object,
    /// To change this behavior,
    /// see [`to_ndarray_frame_with_options`](Self::to_ndarray_frame_with_options).
    pub fn to_ndarray_frame<T: 'static>(&self, frame: u32) -> Result<Array<T, Ix3>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Copy,
        T: Send + Sync,
        self.to_ndarray_frame_with_options(frame, &Default::default())

    /// Convert the decoded pixel data of a single frame
    /// into a three dimensional array of a given type `T`.
    /// The underlying pixel data type is extracted based on
    /// the bits allocated and pixel representation,
    /// which is then converted to the requested type.
    /// Photometric interpretation is considered
    /// to identify whether rescaling should be applied.
    /// The pixel values are not inverted
    /// if photometric interpretation is `MONOCHROME1`.
    /// The shape of the array will be `[R, C, S]`,
    /// where `R` is the number of rows,
    /// `C` is the number of columns,
    /// and `S` is the number of samples per pixel.
    /// The `options` value allows you to specify
    /// which transformations should be done to the pixel data
    /// (primarily Modality LUT function and VOI LUT function).
    /// By default,
    /// only the Modality LUT function described in the object is applied.
    /// Note that certain options may be ignored
    /// if they do not apply.
    pub fn to_ndarray_frame_with_options<T: 'static>(
        frame: u32,
        options: &ConvertOptions,
    ) -> Result<Array<T, Ix3>>
        T: NumCast,
        T: Copy,
        T: Send + Sync,
        // Array shape is Rows x Cols x SamplesPerPixel
        let shape = [
            self.rows as usize,
            self.cols as usize,
            self.samples_per_pixel as usize,

        let converted = self.to_vec_frame_with_options::<T>(frame, options)?;
        Array::from_shape_vec(shape, converted)

fn bytes_to_vec_u16(data: &[u8]) -> Vec<u16> {
    debug_assert!(data.len() % 2 == 0);
    let mut pixel_array: Vec<u16> = vec![0; data.len() / 2];
    NativeEndian::read_u16_into(data, &mut pixel_array);

// Convert u8 pixel array from YBR_FULL or YBR_FULL_422 to RGB
// Every pixel is replaced with an RGB value
fn convert_colorspace_u8(i: &mut [u8]) {
    // Matrix multiplication taken from
    // https://github.com/pydicom/pydicom/blob/f36517e10/pydicom/pixel_data_handlers/util.py#L576
    i.chunks_mut(3).for_each(|pixel| {
        let y = pixel[0] as f32;
        let b: f32 = pixel[1] as f32;
        let r: f32 = pixel[2] as f32;
        let b = b - 128.0;
        let r = r - 128.0;

        let cr = (y + 1.402 * r) + 0.5;
        let cg = (y + (0.114 * 1.772 / 0.587) * b + (-0.299 * 1.402 / 0.587) * r) + 0.5;
        let cb = (y + 1.772 * b) + 0.5;

        let cr = cr.floor().clamp(0.0, u8::MAX as f32) as u8;
        let cg = cg.floor().clamp(0.0, u8::MAX as f32) as u8;
        let cb = cb.floor().clamp(0.0, u8::MAX as f32) as u8;

        pixel[0] = cr;
        pixel[1] = cg;
        pixel[2] = cb;

// Convert u16 pixel array from YBR_FULL or YBR_FULL_422 to RGB
// Every pixel is replaced with an RGB value
fn convert_colorspace_u16(i: &mut [u16]) {
    // Matrix multiplication taken from
    // https://github.com/pydicom/pydicom/blob/f36517e10/pydicom/pixel_data_handlers/util.py#L576
    i.chunks_mut(3).for_each(|pixel| {
        let y = pixel[0] as f32;
        let b: f32 = pixel[1] as f32;
        let r: f32 = pixel[2] as f32;
        let b = b - 32768.0;
        let r = r - 32768.0;

        let cr = (y + 1.402 * r) + 0.5;
        let cg = (y + (0.114 * 1.772 / 0.587) * b + (-0.299 * 1.402 / 0.587) * r) + 0.5;
        let cb = (y + 1.772 * b) + 0.5;

        let cr = cr.floor().clamp(0.0, u16::MAX as f32) as u16;
        let cg = cg.floor().clamp(0.0, u16::MAX as f32) as u16;
        let cb = cb.floor().clamp(0.0, u16::MAX as f32) as u16;

        pixel[0] = cr;
        pixel[1] = cg;
        pixel[2] = cb;

/// Convert the i16 vector by shifting it up,
/// thus maintaining the order between sample values.
fn convert_i16_to_u16(i: &[i16]) -> Vec<u16> {
    i.par_iter().map(|p| (*p as i32 + 0x8000) as u16).collect()

pub trait PixelDecoder {
    /// Decode compressed pixel data.
    /// A new buffer (Vec<u8>) is created holding the decoded pixel data.
    fn decode_pixel_data(&self) -> Result<DecodedPixelData>;

#[cfg(not(feature = "gdcm"))]
impl<D> PixelDecoder for FileDicomObject<InMemDicomObject<D>>
    D: DataDictionary + Clone,
    fn decode_pixel_data(&self) -> Result<DecodedPixelData> {
        use attribute::*;
        use std::convert::TryFrom;

        let pixel_data = pixel_data(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let cols = cols(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let rows = rows(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;

        let photometric_interpretation =
        let samples_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let planar_configuration = planar_configuration(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let bits_allocated = bits_allocated(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let bits_stored = bits_stored(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let high_bit = high_bit(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let pixel_representation = pixel_representation(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let rescale_intercept = rescale_intercept(self);
        let rescale_slope = rescale_slope(self);
        let number_of_frames = number_of_frames(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let voi_lut_function = voi_lut_function(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;
        let voi_lut_function = voi_lut_function.and_then(|v| VoiLutFunction::try_from(&*v).ok());

        let window = if let Some(window_center) = window_center(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)? {
            let window_width = window_width(self).context(GetAttributeSnafu)?;

            window_width.map(|width| WindowLevel {
                center: window_center,
        } else {

        let transfer_syntax = &self.meta().transfer_syntax;
        let ts = TransferSyntaxRegistry
            .with_context(|| UnknownTransferSyntaxSnafu {
                ts_uid: transfer_syntax,

        if !ts.fully_supported() {
            return UnsupportedTransferSyntaxSnafu {
                ts: transfer_syntax,

        // Try decoding it using a native Rust decoder
        if let Codec::PixelData(decoder) = ts.codec() {
            let mut data: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
                .decode(self, &mut data)

            // pixels are already interpreted,
            // set new photometric interpretation
            let new_pi = match samples_per_pixel {
                1 => PhotometricInterpretation::Monochrome2,
                3 => PhotometricInterpretation::Rgb,
                _ => photometric_interpretation,

            return Ok(DecodedPixelData {
                data: Cow::from(data),
                cols: cols.into(),
                rows: rows.into(),
                photometric_interpretation: new_pi,
                planar_configuration: PlanarConfiguration::Standard,

        let decoded_pixel_data = match pixel_data.value() {
            Value::PixelSequence {
                offset_table: _,
            } => {
                // Return all fragments concatenated
            Value::Primitive(p) => {
                // Non-encoded, just return the pixel data for all frames
            Value::Sequence { items: _, size: _ } => InvalidPixelDataSnafu.fail()?,

        Ok(DecodedPixelData {
            data: Cow::from(decoded_pixel_data),
            cols: cols.into(),
            rows: rows.into(),

mod tests {
    use super::*;
    use dicom_object::open_file;
    use dicom_test_files;

    fn test_to_vec_rgb() {
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/SC_rgb_16bit.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
        let decoded = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();

        let rows = decoded.rows();

        let values = decoded.to_vec::<u16>().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(values.len(), 30000);

        // 50, 80, 1
        assert_eq!(values[50 * rows as usize * 3 + 80 * 3 + 1], 32896);

    fn test_to_ndarray_rgb() {
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/SC_rgb_16bit.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
        let ndarray = obj
        assert_eq!(ndarray.shape(), &[1, 100, 100, 3]);
        assert_eq!(ndarray.len(), 30000);
        assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 50, 80, 1]], 32896);

    /// to_ndarray fails if the target type cannot represent the transformed values
    fn test_to_ndarray_error() {
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/CT_small.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
            Err(Error(InnerError::InvalidDataType { .. }))
                | Err(Error(InnerError::CreateLut { .. }))

    /// conversion to ndarray in 16-bit
    /// retains the original data of a 16-bit image
    fn test_to_ndarray_16bit() {
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/CT_small.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();

        let decoded = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();
        let options = ConvertOptions::new().with_modality_lut(ModalityLutOption::None);
        let ndarray = decoded.to_ndarray_with_options::<u16>(&options).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(ndarray.shape(), &[1, 128, 128, 1]);

        // sample value retrieved from the original image file
        assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 127, 127, 0]], 0x038D);

    /// conversion of a 16-bit image to a vector of 16-bit processed pixel values
    /// takes advantage of the output's full spectrum
    fn test_to_vec_16bit_to_window() {
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/CT_small.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();

        let decoded = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();
        let options = ConvertOptions::new()
        let values = decoded.to_vec_with_options::<u16>(&options).unwrap();

        assert_eq!(values.len(), 128 * 128);

        // values are in the full spectrum

        let max = values.iter().max().unwrap();
        let min = values.iter().min().unwrap();

        assert_eq!(*max, 0xFFFF, "maximum in window should be 65535");
        assert_eq!(*min, 0, "minimum in window should be 0");

    fn test_correct_ri_extracted() {
        // Rescale Slope and Intercept exist for this scan
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/CT_small.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
        let pixel_data = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(pixel_data.rescale(), Rescale::new(1., -1024.));

    fn test_correct_rescale_extracted_without_element() {
        // RescaleIntercept does not exists for this scan
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/MR_small.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
        let pixel_data = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();
        assert_eq!(pixel_data.rescale(), Rescale::new(1., 0.));

    fn test_general_properties_from_16bit() {
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/CT_small.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
        let pixel_data = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();

        assert_eq!(pixel_data.columns(), 128, "Unexpected Columns");
        assert_eq!(pixel_data.rows(), 128, "Unexpected Rows");
            "Unexpected Number of Frames"
            "Unexpected Photometric Interpretation"
            "Unexpected Samples per Pixel"
        assert_eq!(pixel_data.bits_allocated(), 16, "Unexpected Bits Allocated");
        assert_eq!(pixel_data.bits_stored(), 16, "Unexpected Bits Stored");
        assert_eq!(pixel_data.high_bit(), 15, "Unexpected High Bit");

    fn test_force_bit_depth_from_16bit() {
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/CT_small.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
        let pixel_data = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();

        // original image has 16 bits stored
            let image = pixel_data
                .expect("Failed to convert to image");


        // force to 16 bits
            let options = ConvertOptions::new().force_16bit();
            let image = pixel_data
                .to_dynamic_image_with_options(0, &options)
                .expect("Failed to convert to image");


        // force to 8 bits
            let options = ConvertOptions::new().force_8bit();
            let image = pixel_data
                .to_dynamic_image_with_options(0, &options)
                .expect("Failed to convert to image");


    fn test_force_bit_depth_from_rgb() {
        let test_file = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/color-px.dcm").unwrap();
        let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
        let pixel_data = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();

        // original image is RGB with 8 bits per sample
            let image = pixel_data
                .expect("Failed to convert to image");


        // force to 16 bits
            let options = ConvertOptions::new().force_16bit();
            let image = pixel_data
                .to_dynamic_image_with_options(0, &options)
                .expect("Failed to convert to image");


        // force to 8 bits
            let options = ConvertOptions::new().force_8bit();
            let image = pixel_data
                .to_dynamic_image_with_options(0, &options)
                .expect("Failed to convert to image");


    fn test_frame_out_of_range() {
        let path =
            dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/CT_small.dcm").expect("test DICOM file should exist");
        let image = open_file(&path).unwrap();
        // Only one frame in this test dicom
        let result = image.decode_pixel_data().unwrap().to_dynamic_image(1);
        match result {
            Err(Error(InnerError::FrameOutOfRange {
                frame_number: 1, ..
            })) => {}
            _ => panic!("Unexpected positive outcome for out of range access"),

    #[cfg(not(feature = "gdcm"))]
    mod not_gdcm {
        use super::*;
        use rstest::rstest;
        use std::fs;
        use std::path::Path;

        fn test_native_decoding_pixel_data_rle_8bit_1frame() {
            let path = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/SC_rgb_rle.dcm")
                .expect("test DICOM file should exist");
            let object = open_file(&path).unwrap();

            let options = ConvertOptions::new().with_modality_lut(ModalityLutOption::None);
            let ndarray = object
            // Validated using Numpy
            // This doesn't reshape the array based on the PlanarConfiguration
            // So for this scan the pixel layout is [Rlsb..Rmsb, Glsb..Gmsb, Blsb..msb]
            assert_eq!(ndarray.shape(), &[1, 100, 100, 3]);
            assert_eq!(ndarray.len(), 30000);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 0, 0, 0]], 255);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 0, 0, 1]], 255);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 0, 0, 2]], 255);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 50, 50, 0]], 128);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 50, 50, 1]], 128);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 50, 50, 2]], 128);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 75, 75, 0]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 75, 75, 1]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 75, 75, 2]], 0);

        fn test_native_decoding_pixel_data_rle_8bit_2frame() {
            let path = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/SC_rgb_rle_2frame.dcm")
                .expect("test DICOM file should exist");
            let object = open_file(&path).unwrap();
            let options = ConvertOptions::new().with_modality_lut(ModalityLutOption::None);
            let ndarray = object
            // Validated using Numpy
            // This doesn't reshape the array based on the PlanarConfiguration
            // So for this scan the pixel layout is [Rlsb..Rmsb, Glsb..Gmsb, Blsb..msb]
            assert_eq!(ndarray.shape(), &[2, 100, 100, 3]);
            assert_eq!(ndarray.len(), 60000);
            // The second frame is the inverse of the first frame
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 0, 0, 0]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 0, 0, 1]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 0, 0, 2]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 50, 50, 0]], 127);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 50, 50, 1]], 127);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 50, 50, 2]], 127);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 75, 75, 0]], 255);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 75, 75, 1]], 255);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 75, 75, 2]], 255);

        fn test_native_decoding_pixel_data_rle_16bit_1frame() {
            let path = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/SC_rgb_rle_16bit.dcm")
                .expect("test DICOM file should exist");
            let object = open_file(&path).unwrap();
            let options = ConvertOptions::new().with_modality_lut(ModalityLutOption::None);
            let ndarray = object
            // Validated using Numpy
            // This doesn't reshape the array based on the PlanarConfiguration
            // So for this scan the pixel layout is [Rlsb..Rmsb, Glsb..Gmsb, Blsb..msb]
            assert_eq!(ndarray.shape(), &[1, 100, 100, 3]);
            assert_eq!(ndarray.len(), 30000);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 0, 0, 0]], 65535);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 0, 0, 1]], 65535);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 0, 0, 2]], 65535);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 50, 50, 0]], 32896);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 50, 50, 1]], 32896);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 50, 50, 2]], 32896);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 75, 75, 0]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 75, 75, 1]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[0, 75, 75, 2]], 0);

        fn test_native_decoding_pixel_data_rle_16bit_2frame() {
            let path = dicom_test_files::path("pydicom/SC_rgb_rle_16bit_2frame.dcm")
                .expect("test DICOM file should exist");
            let object = open_file(&path).unwrap();
            let ndarray = object
            // Validated using Numpy
            // This doesn't reshape the array based on the PlanarConfiguration
            // So for this scan the pixel layout is [Rlsb..Rmsb, Glsb..Gmsb, Blsb..msb]
            assert_eq!(ndarray.shape(), &[2, 100, 100, 3]);
            assert_eq!(ndarray.len(), 60000);
            // The second frame is the inverse of the first frame
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 0, 0, 0]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 0, 0, 1]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 0, 0, 2]], 0);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 50, 50, 0]], 32639);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 50, 50, 1]], 32639);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 50, 50, 2]], 32639);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 75, 75, 0]], 65535);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 75, 75, 1]], 65535);
            assert_eq!(ndarray[[1, 75, 75, 2]], 65535);

        const MAX_TEST_FRAMES: u32 = 16;

        // jpeg2000 encoding not supported
        #[should_panic(expected = "UnsupportedTransferSyntax { ts: \"1.2.840.10008.\"")]
        #[case("pydicom/693_J2KI.dcm", 1)]
        #[should_panic(expected = "UnsupportedTransferSyntax { ts: \"1.2.840.10008.\"")]
        #[case("pydicom/693_J2KR.dcm", 1)]
        // jpeg-ls encoding not supported
        #[should_panic(expected = "UnsupportedTransferSyntax { ts: \"1.2.840.10008.\"")]
        #[case("pydicom/emri_small_jpeg_ls_lossless.dcm", 10)]
        #[should_panic(expected = "UnsupportedTransferSyntax { ts: \"1.2.840.10008.\"")]
        #[case("pydicom/MR_small_jpeg_ls_lossless.dcm", 1)]
        // sample precicion of 12 not supported
        #[should_panic(expected = "Unsupported(SamplePrecision(12))")]
        #[case("pydicom/JPEG-lossy.dcm", 1)]
        // works fine
        #[case("pydicom/color3d_jpeg_baseline.dcm", 120)]
        // works fine
        #[case("pydicom/JPEG-LL.dcm", 1)]
        #[case("pydicom/JPGLosslessP14SV1_1s_1f_8b.dcm", 1)]
        #[case("pydicom/SC_rgb_jpeg_gdcm.dcm", 1)]
        #[case("pydicom/SC_rgb_jpeg_lossy_gdcm.dcm", 1)]

        fn test_parse_jpeg_encoded_dicom_pixel_data(#[case] value: &str, #[case] frames: u32) {
            let test_file = dicom_test_files::path(value).unwrap();
            println!("Parsing pixel data for {}", test_file.display());
            let obj = open_file(test_file).unwrap();
            let pixel_data = obj.decode_pixel_data().unwrap();
            assert_eq!(pixel_data.number_of_frames(), frames);

            let output_dir = Path::new(

            for i in 0..pixel_data.number_of_frames().min(MAX_TEST_FRAMES) {
                let image = pixel_data.to_dynamic_image(i).unwrap();
                let image_path = output_dir.join(format!(