dfw 0.3.0

Docker firewall framework, in Rust

DFW - Docker Firewall Framework in Rust

dfw is conceptually based on the Docker Firewall Framework, dfwfw. Its goal is to make firewall administration with Docker simpler, but also more extensive by trying to replace the Docker built-in firewall handling by direct interaction with iptables.

This is accomplished by a flexible configuration which defines how the firewall should be built up. While DFW is running, Docker container events will be monitored and the rules rebuilt when necessary.

See DFWFW's README for more insight. Most of what you will read there will be applicable to DFW.


The general configuration happens across six categories:

  • defaults

    This category defines global, default values to be used by DFW and the other categories.

  • container_to_container

    This controls the communication between containers and across Docker networks.

  • container_to_wider_world

    This controls if and how containers may access the wider world, i.e. what they can communicate across the OUTPUT chain on the host.

  • container_to_host

    To restrict or allow access to the host, this section is used.

  • wider_world_to_container

    This controls how the wider world, i.e. whatever comes in through the INPUT chain on the host, can communicate with a container or a Docker network.

  • container_dnat

    This category allows you to define specific rules for destination network address translation, even or especially across Docker networks.

One category which DFWFW covers that is not (yet) implemented in DFW is container_internals, that is configuring iptables rules within containers.

See the [examples][examples] (TODO), and the configuration types for a detailed description of every configuration section.

Supported Docker versions

At least Docker 1.13.0 is required.

DFW has been successfully tested under the following Docker versions:

  • 1.13.0

  • 1.13.1

  • 17.03.0-ce

  • 17.03.1-ce

  • 17.04.0-ce

  • 17.05.0-ce


While you can use Cargo to install dfw as a binary, using the Docker image is the preferred way to go, especially if you don't want to install Rust and Cargo on your host:

$ docker pull pitkley/dfw:0.2
$ docker run -d \
      --name=dfw \
      -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
      -v /path/to/your/config:/config \
      --net host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
      pitkley/dfw --config-path /config

This will download a lightweight image, coming in at under 6 MB, and subsequently run it using your configuration.

Motivation for this reimplementation

I have reimplemented DFWFW in Rust for two reasons:

  1. DFWFW had lost compatibility with the Docker API starting with release 17.04.0-ce, although this has been fixed in the meantime.

  2. The main reason for this reimplementation was that I found a real-life project to tackle with Rust. This project allowed me to delve into quite a few different aspects and facets of Rust and especially its eco-system, amongst others:

  • clap, for parsing of command line arguments

  • chan, for easy messaging and coordination between threads

  • error-chain, for simplified application wide error handling

  • Serde, for deserialization of the TOML configuration

  • slog, for structured logging

    Disregarding the obvious hair-pulling moments regarding ownership, borrowing and lifetimes, my experience with Rust and its brillant eco-system has been an absolute pleasure.


DFW is licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in DFW by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.