dfdx 0.13.0

Ergonomic auto differentiation in Rust, with pytorch like apis.
//! Intro to dfdx::nn

use dfdx::{
    shapes::{Const, Rank1, Rank2},
    tensor::{AsArray, AutoDevice, SampleTensor, Tensor, ZerosTensor},

fn main() {
    let dev = AutoDevice::default();

    // `nn::builders` exposes many different neural network types, like the Linear layer!
    type Model = Linear<4, 2>;

    // you can use DeviceBuildExt::build_module to construct an initialized model.
    // the type of this is actually one of the structures under `nn::modules`.
    let mut m = dev.build_module::<Model, f32>();

    // `ResetParams::reset_params` also allows you to re-randomize the weights

    // Modules act on tensors using either:
    // 1. `Module::forward`, which does not mutate the module
    let _: Tensor<Rank1<2>, f32, _> = m.forward(dev.zeros::<Rank1<4>>());

    // 2. `ModuleMut::forward_mut()`, which may mutate the module
    let _: Tensor<Rank1<2>, f32, _> = m.forward_mut(dev.zeros::<Rank1<4>>());

    // most of them can also act on many different shapes of tensors
    // here we see that Linear can also accept batches of inputs
    // Note: the Rank2 with a batch size of 10 in the input AND the output
    let _: Tensor<Rank2<10, 2>, f32, _> = m.forward(dev.zeros::<Rank2<10, 4>>());

    // Even dynamic size is supported;
    let batch_size = 3;
    let _: Tensor<(usize, Const<2>), f32, _> = m.forward(dev.zeros_like(&(batch_size, Const)));

    // you can also combine multiple modules with tuples
    type Mlp = (Linear<4, 2>, ReLU, Linear<2, 1>);
    let mlp = Mlp::build_on_device(&dev);

    // and of course forward passes the input through each module sequentially:
    let x: Tensor<Rank1<4>, f32, _> = dev.sample_normal();
    let a = mlp.forward(x.clone());
    let b = mlp.2.forward(mlp.1.forward(mlp.0.forward(x)));
    assert_eq!(a.array(), b.array());

    // There are actually two ways to specify nn types, depending on whether
    // you want device/dtype agnostic types, or not.

    // For device agnostic structure, you can use the `nn::builders` api
        use dfdx::nn::builders::*;
        type Model = (Linear<5, 2>, ReLU, Tanh, Linear<2, 3>);
        let _ = dev.build_module::<Model, f32>();

    // The other way is to specify modules with device & dtype generics
    // using `nn::modules`. The structures in modules are actually
    // what the nn::builders turn into!
        use dfdx::nn::modules::*;
        type Model<E, D> = (Linear<5, 2, E, D>, ReLU, Tanh, Linear<2, 3, E, D>);
        let _: Model<f32, _> = BuildModule::build(&dev);