Module dfdx::nn

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High level neural network building blocks such as Linear, activations, and tuples as Modules. Also includes .save() & .load() for all Modules.

Mutable vs Immutable forwards

Module provides two versions of forwards:

  1. Module::forward_mut() which receives &mut self.
  2. Module::forward() which receives &self.

This has nothing to do with whether gradients are being tracked or not. It only controls whether the module itself can be modified. Both OwnedTape and NoneTape can still be passed to both, and all modules should conform to this expected behavior.

In general, Module::forward_mut() should be used during training, and Module::forward() during evaluation/testing/inference/validation.

Here is a list of existing modules that have different behavior in these two functions:


All modules implement Default, and this initializes all parameters to 0.0. The intention is then to call ResetParams::reset_params(), which randomizes the parameters:

let mut model: Linear<5, 2> = Default::default(); // set all params to 0
model.reset_params(&mut rng); // randomize weights

Sequential models

Tuple’s implement Module, so you can string multiple module’s together.

Here’s a single layer MLP:

type Mlp = (Linear<5, 3>, ReLU, Linear<3, 2>);

Here’s a more complex feedforward network that takes vectors of 5 elements and maps them to 2 elements.

type ComplexNetwork = (
    DropoutOneIn<2>, // 1. dropout 50% of input
    Linear<5, 3>,    // 2. pass into a linear layer
    LayerNorm1D<3>,  // 3. normalize elements
    ReLU,            // 4. activate with relu
    Residual<(       // 5. residual connection that adds input to the result of it's sub layers
        Linear<3, 3>,// 5.a. Apply linear layer
        ReLU,        // 5.b. Apply Relu
    )>,              // 5.c. the input to the residual is added back in after the sub layers
    Linear<3, 2>,    // 6. Apply another linear layer

Saving and Loading

Call SaveToNpz::save() and LoadFromNpz::load() traits. All modules provided here implement it, including tuples. These all save to/from .npz files, which are basically zip files with multiple .npy files.

This is implemented to be fairly portable. For example you can load a simple MLP into pytorch like so:

import torch
import numpy as np
state_dict = {k: torch.from_numpy(v) for k, v in np.load("dfdx-model.npz").items()}


Unit struct that impls Module as calling abs() on input.

Requires Nightly Performs 2d convolutions on 3d and 4d images.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling cos() on input.

A Module that calls dropout() in Module::forward() with probability self.p.

A Module that calls dropout() in Module::forward() with probability 1.0 / N. Note that dropout() does not do anything for tensors with NoneTape.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling exp() on input.

Requires Nightly Flattens 3d tensors to 1d, and 4d tensors to 2d.

A residual connection R around F: F(x) + R(x), as introduced in Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.

Implements layer normalization as described in Layer Normalization.

A linear transformation of the form weight * x + bias, where weight is a matrix, x is a vector or matrix, and bias is a vector.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling ln() on input.

Requires Nightly A multi-head attention layer.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling relu() on input.

Repeats T N times. This requires that T’s input is the same as it’s output.

A residual connection around F: F(x) + x, as introduced in Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling sigmoid() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling sin() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling softmax() on input.“

Splits input into multiple heads. T should be a tuple, where every element of the tuple accepts the same input type.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling sqrt() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling square() on input.

Unit struct that impls Module as calling tanh() on input.

Requires Nightly A transformer decoder.

Requires Nightly A transformer decoder block. Different than the normal transformer block as this self attention accepts an additional sequence from the encoder.


Error that can happen while loading data from a .npz zip archive.


Something that can be loaded from a .npz file (which is a zip file).

A unit of a neural network. Acts on the generic Input and produces Module::Output.

Something that can reset it’s parameters.

Something that can be saved to a .npz (which is a .zip).


Reads data from a file already in a zip archive named filename.

Writes data to a new file in a zip archive named filename.

Type Definitions

Requires Nightly A transformer encoder.

Requires Nightly A single transformer encoder block