dfdx 0.9.0

Ergonomic auto differentiation in Rust, with pytorch like apis.
#![cfg_attr(feature = "nightly", feature(generic_const_exprs))]

//! Ergonomics & safety focused deep learning in Rust. Main features include:
//! 1. Const generic tensor library with tensors up to 4d!
//! 2. A large library of tensor operations (matrix multiplication, arithmetic, activation functions, etc).
//! 3. Safe & easy to use neural network building blocks.
//! 4. Standard deep learning optimizers such as Sgd and Adam.
//! 5. Reverse mode auto differentiation implementation.
//! 6. Serialization to/from `.npy` and `.npz` for transferring models to/from python.
//! # A quick tutorial
//! 1. [crate::tensor::Tensor]s can be created with normal rust arrays. See [crate::tensor].
//! ```rust
//! # use dfdx::prelude::*;
//! let x = Tensor2D::new([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]]);
//! let y: Tensor2D<2, 3> = Tensor2D::ones();
//! ```
//! 2. Neural networks are built with types. Tuples are sequential models. See [crate::nn].
//! ```rust
//! # use dfdx::prelude::*;
//! type Mlp = (
//!     Linear<5, 3>,
//!     ReLU,
//!     Linear<3, 2>,
//! );
//! ```
//! 3. Instantiate models with [Default], and randomize with [crate::nn::ResetParams]
//! ```rust
//! # use dfdx::prelude::*;
//! # let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
//! let mut mlp: Linear<5, 2> = Default::default();
//! mlp.reset_params(&mut rng);
//! ```
//! 4. Pass data through networks with [crate::nn::Module]
//! ```rust
//! # use dfdx::prelude::*;
//! let mut mlp: Linear<5, 2> = Default::default();
//! let x = Tensor1D::zeros(); // rust figures out that x must be a `Tensor1D<5>` bc its given to mlp.forward()!
//! let y = mlp.forward(x); // rust will auto figure out that `y` is `Tensor1D<2>`!
//! ```
//! 5. Trace gradients using [crate::tensor::trace()]
//! ```rust
//! # use dfdx::prelude::*;
//! # let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
//! # let model: Linear<10, 5> = Default::default();
//! # let y_true: Tensor1D<5> = Tensor1D::randn(&mut rng).softmax();
//! // tensors default to not having a tape
//! let x: Tensor1D<10, NoneTape> = Tensor1D::zeros();
//! // `.trace()` clones `x` and inserts a gradient tape.
//! let x_t: Tensor1D<10, OwnedTape> = x.trace();
//! // The tape from the input is moved through the network during .forward().
//! let y: Tensor1D<5, NoneTape> = model.forward(x);
//! let y_t: Tensor1D<5, OwnedTape> = model.forward(x_t);
//! ```
//! 6. Compute gradients with [crate::tensor_ops::backward()]. See [crate::tensor_ops].
//! ```rust
//! # use dfdx::prelude::*;
//! # let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
//! # let model: Linear<10, 5> = Default::default();
//! # let y_true: Tensor1D<5> = Tensor1D::randn(&mut rng).softmax();
//! # let y: Tensor1D<5, OwnedTape> = model.forward(Tensor1D::zeros().trace());
//! // compute cross entropy loss
//! let loss: Tensor0D<OwnedTape> = cross_entropy_with_logits_loss(y, &y_true);
//! // call `backward()` to compute gradients. The tensor *must* have `OwnedTape`!
//! let gradients: Gradients = loss.backward();
//! ```
//! 7. Use an optimizer from [crate::optim] to optimize your network!
//! ```rust
//! # use dfdx::prelude::*;
//! # let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
//! # let mut model: Linear<10, 5> = Default::default();
//! # let x: Tensor1D<10> = Tensor1D::zeros();
//! # let y_true: Tensor1D<5> = Tensor1D::randn(&mut rng).softmax();
//! # let y: Tensor1D<5, OwnedTape> = model.forward(x.trace());
//! # let loss = cross_entropy_with_logits_loss(y, &y_true);
//! # let gradients: Gradients = loss.backward();
//! // Use stochastic gradient descent (Sgd), with a learning rate of 1e-2, and 0.9 momentum.
//! let mut opt = Sgd::new(SgdConfig {
//!     lr: 1e-2,
//!     momentum: Some(Momentum::Classic(0.9))
//! });
//! // pass the gradients & the model into the optimizer's update method
//! opt.update(&mut model, gradients);
//! ```

pub mod arrays;
pub mod data;
pub mod devices;
pub mod gradients;
pub mod losses;
pub mod nn;
pub mod numpy;
pub mod optim;
pub mod tensor;
pub mod tensor_ops;
pub mod unique_id;

/// Contains all public exports.
pub mod prelude {
    pub use crate::arrays::*;
    pub use crate::data::*;
    pub use crate::devices::*;
    pub use crate::gradients::*;
    pub use crate::losses::*;
    pub use crate::nn::*;
    pub use crate::optim::*;
    pub use crate::tensor::*;
    pub use crate::tensor_ops::*;
    pub use crate::unique_id::*;

    pub use crate::{Assert, ConstTrue};

    feature = "mkl-static-seq",
    feature = "mkl-static-iomp",
    feature = "mkl-dynamic-seq",
    feature = "mkl-dynamic-iomp"
/// The library used for BLAS. Configure with crate features.
pub const BLAS_LIB: &str = "matrix-multiply";

#[cfg(feature = "mkl-static-seq")]
/// The library used for BLAS. Configure with crate features.
pub const BLAS_LIB: &str = "mkl-static-seq";

#[cfg(feature = "mkl-static-iomp")]
/// The library used for BLAS. Configure with crate features.
pub const BLAS_LIB: &str = "mkl-static-iomp";

#[cfg(feature = "mkl-dynamic-seq")]
/// The library used for BLAS. Configure with crate features.
pub const BLAS_LIB: &str = "mkl-dynamic-seq";

#[cfg(feature = "mkl-dynamic-iomp")]
/// The library used for BLAS. Configure with crate features.
pub const BLAS_LIB: &str = "mkl-dynamic-iomp";

/// Sets a CPU `sse` flag to flush denormal floating point numbers to zero. The opposite of this is [keep_denormals()].
/// Some resources:
/// 1. [Effects of Flush-To-Zero mode](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0473/c/neon-and-vfp-programming/the-effects-of-using-flush-to-zero-mode?lang=en)
/// 2. [When to use Flush-To-Zero mode](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0473/c/neon-and-vfp-programming/when-to-use-flush-to-zero-mode?lang=en)
pub fn flush_denormals_to_zero() {
    #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86", target_feature = "sse"))]
        use std::arch::x86::{_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON, _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE};

    #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_feature = "sse"))]
        use std::arch::x86_64::{_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON, _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE};

/// Sets a CPU flag to keep denormal floating point numbers. The opposite of this is [flush_denormals_to_zero()].
/// Some resources:
/// 1. [Effects of Flush-To-Zero mode](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0473/c/neon-and-vfp-programming/the-effects-of-using-flush-to-zero-mode?lang=en)
/// 2. [When to use Flush-To-Zero mode](https://developer.arm.com/documentation/dui0473/c/neon-and-vfp-programming/when-to-use-flush-to-zero-mode?lang=en)
pub fn keep_denormals() {
    #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86", target_feature = "sse"))]
        use std::arch::x86::{_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF, _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE};

    #[cfg(all(target_arch = "x86_64", target_feature = "sse"))]
        use std::arch::x86_64::{_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_OFF, _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE};

pub(crate) mod tests {
    const TOLERANCE: f32 = 1e-6;

    pub trait AssertClose {
        fn assert_close(&self, rhs: &Self, tolerance: f32);

    impl<const M: usize> AssertClose for [f32; M] {
        fn assert_close(&self, rhs: &Self, tolerance: f32) {
            if !self
                .all(|(a, b)| (a - b).abs() <= tolerance)
                panic!("lhs: {:?} != rhs: {:?}", self, rhs);

    impl<T: AssertClose, const M: usize> AssertClose for [T; M] {
        fn assert_close(&self, rhs: &Self, tolerance: f32) {
            for (lhs_i, rhs_i) in self.iter().zip(rhs.iter()) {
                lhs_i.assert_close(rhs_i, tolerance);

    pub fn assert_close<T: AssertClose>(a: &T, b: &T) {
        a.assert_close(b, TOLERANCE);

/// Used to assert things about const generics
pub struct Assert<const C: bool>;
pub trait ConstTrue {}
impl ConstTrue for Assert<true> {}