pub fn binary_map<T: Tensor<Dtype = f32>, F, Dfdx, Dfdy>(
    lhs: &T::NoTape,
    rhs: T,
    f: F,
    dfdx: Dfdx,
    dfdy: Dfdy
) -> T where
    F: FnMut(&f32, &f32) -> f32 + Copy,
    Dfdx: FnMut(&f32, &f32) -> f32 + Copy,
    Dfdy: FnMut(&f32, &f32) -> f32 + Copy
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Applies a binary function f, it’s partial wrt. x dfdx, and its partial wrt. y dfdy to a pair of Tensors lhs and `rhs.

This is primarily used to implement add(), sub(), mul(), and div().